We mentioned earlier that intentional events usually occur as crises. We'll explain why. In the meantime, it is important to understand that if you are going through something bad at the moment, it is because you are undergoing a process that is due to the attraction of your optimal future. In fact, the fact that you are experiencing a crisis is in some sense good news - the crisis, or intentional event, signals to you that you can still correct the route and return to your optimal path. Or as Marilyn Monroe puts it: "Sometimes, when things look like they're collapsing, they may actually fall into place." It is very possible that if you do nothing about it, the crisis will go away on its own, and this will be a clear indication that the last path to your optimal future has been blocked and in fact the best future that can continue from your current situation will become your optimal path. Moreover, just as bigger stars have greater gravity, the more talented you are, the more likely you are to experience more meaningful intentional events. This is because as a talented person waiting for you an amazingly optimal future. The intentional event is just a suggestion from your optimal future that directs your talents in the right direction.
Despite the above, sometimes an intentional event actually appears as something positive. Of course it's wonderful and you have to take advantage of the opportunity that comes your way. But: Positive intentional events are usually less than two-way, they are more a matter of more fine tuning of your situation. Sometimes they are even an obstacle, as we shall see in the example below. Negative intentional events - crises - are more drastic and are designed to uproot you from your current situation in order to plant you in a much better place. Somewhere beyond what you already know.
What is important to remember is that intentional events only affect "I have" and not "I". In other words, I have a body, family, assets, social life, etc., and all of them are vulnerable. But "I" above all this. Damage to my property is not a violation of "me," since I am the same whether I have $ 100 or have $ 1000. But, although a crisis can only affect "I have," its goal is that the "I" will improve. This is because this improved "I" is the "I" you are required to be in your optimal future. Although during the crisis you may lose parts of "I have", but when your "I" will improve by proper management of the intentional event then you will be able to regain everything you lost, and much more. This is actually the purpose of the event / crisis.
Example: Suppose you have a particular job. Although the salary is not particularly high, it is enough to pay the bills. Suppose your optimal future is to have a successful business in front of yourself (and maybe you feel it yourself only have the courage to leave your job and start something new). And now comes the day that the business you work in has encountered difficulties and you are fired. This is an intentional event, a crisis. The situation is quite difficult because another job in your field is not in sight. In fact the only option is to try to start your own business. You may find that out of the "no choice" of the situation you have somehow found a way to set up and run this business. And now you realize that you've been able to do it for a long time, except you did not have the courage. Until the clouds of the dismissal crisis have spread, you've found yourself in a much better position - you're a successful business owner and happy with your success.
Now let's look at the opposite case - the business in which you work reaches the goals that his landlord has placed. The landlord is satisfied with your performance and raises your salary by 10 percent. Definitely nice because now you are earning more money for the same amount of work. But - the result of raising your salary is to deepen your attachment to your existing workplace, so the chance of setting up a thriving business yourself is significantly reduced.
This is why negative intent events are actually better for you than positive events. Positive events do not usually make your self improve and manifest, they only improve your "I" and lull your "I". Negative events force your "I" to show up and improve.
But in order for events of intent - crises - to turn your "I" into what it should be, you have to know how to deal with the crisis. We will learn about this later. But take this rule into your own hands: You can know in retrospect whether you have dealt correctly with the crisis by answering yourself to the following two questions:
A. In the test of results, is my situation far better than the situation before the crisis?
B. Did my "I" develop further in the wake of the crisis?
If the answer to these two questions is "yes" then you have conducted the event correctly.
Summary: Next time (or maybe even now) that you are experiencing an intentional event - a crisis - remember: this is a signpost that tells you that your situation can be much better, that you should change direction. Your "I" must evolve and improve. With the tools that you will receive later in this book you can ride the wave that has risen under your feet towards your optimal future. Instead of drowning under it.