Why Intention Is Important in Reiki

Why Intention Is Important in Reiki
Believe and receive is a term that many reiki practitioners say to clients. Why is it so important? It is important to set an intention for your healing. Here are a few ways that new clients can set their intention for healing.

Think of yourself in a completely healthy state and set that as your intention. The mind believes what we chose to tell it. The intention of health is a very powerful thing. I intend to be completely healthy for example.

I like to suggest using affirmations to help achieve this such as I am healthy, I am well, I am whole and I am complete. It is hard to feel ill when you tell yourself this every day. I am enough for everything and I deserve to be well. Our words have power.

Use an image of yourself when you were feeling healthier, get that picture in your mind and say to yourself. I am healing to this state of health. There is nothing wrong with intending to be well, it is the way we should be.

At the end of these choices make sure you are open to receiving a healing. If you do or don't believe you can get healthy again you are right. We receive healing and open up to the reiki healing forces. Be well and see me if you need a healing.

Laura charges just $20 for a 30 minute healing

She can be reached at


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