Meeting Spirt Guides & Interdimensional Beings

in interdimensional •  7 years ago 

lol cool ive actually begun 2 partially encounter interdimensional beings more . mostly only in my dreamspace . i would more here but i dont have anyone im friends with that will take me seriously still and its kinda discouring as i want 2 feel loved even if it means sort of telling half or boring this 2 pepole in person. like i know fucking all things exist though we all are infinte. and can create anything we dream of now!

many many others on ur world have encountered them moreso lately also i remeber my mom once even saw ball lighting which personally i feel is mostly like either a spirt being or spaceship scout craft. as i have seen such things myself there pretty cool! its not anything 2 be afraid of we all have equal power nothing is controlling us unless we agree that it is!

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interesting stuff!