What are Interdimensional Beings?

in interdimensional •  4 years ago 

"An extradimensional being (also intra-dimensional[1] and other-dimensional[1]) is a type of hypothetical entity in a dimension beyond our own. Such beings are common in science fiction, fantasy and supernatural fiction."

"Even mainstream science is fairly convinced that there are dimensions other than the three we inhabit. And if these other dimensions exist, who or what (if anything) inhabits them?"

"The definition for interdimensional beings or interdimensional intelligence is usually described as a theoretical or ‘real’ entity that exists in a dimension beyond our own.

Despite the fact that such beings are believed to exist only in science fiction, fantasy and the supernatural, there are numerous Ufologists who refer to them as real beings."

"The interdimensional hypothesis was proposed by a number of Ufologists like Jacques Vallée who suggests that unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and related events (such as alien sightings) imply visits from beings from other “realities” or “dimensions” that coexist separately with ours. Some have referred to these beings as visitors from another universe.

In other words, Vallée and other authors suggest that aliens are real but exist not in our dimension, but in another reality, that coexists with our own."

"interdimensional beings, which can appear as orbs, angels or aliens. They are not encumbered by the physical laws of our reality and reveal themselves, at their own great risk."

"Many people think of interdimensional beings as beings that can move between dimensions, and they exist in a dimension outside of our own. They never comprehend the idea that we are capable of being interdimensional beings ourselves."

"interdimensional beings is not accepted in the mainstream scientific community as indisputable fact, and has a very unsettled, indeterminate quality to it:"

Are We Beseiged With Interdimensional Beings?

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