in interesting •  9 years ago 

Some years ago, Ardi Rizal - the kid who lives in Sumatra, Indonesia - became known to the public that smoking 40 cigarettes a day. Video and photos of the baby raised such a fuss that the world community has asked the Indonesian government to act against the child smoking.

Read on to learn more about it!

He began to be treated from this destructive addiction.

Hardy was only 2 years old when he had this problem.

After treatment, he learned to speak cigarettes "no."

In the words of his mother, Diana, he began to declare people who offer him a cigarette, the following: "How I love Seto (one of his therapists). He is very upset if I start smoking again. "

A relationship was replaced by another.

He stopped smoking and he started dependent on excessive consumption of food. The boy quickly began to gain weight.

But ultimately, it coped with this dependence.

Thank you for you attantion! @elenadranovskaya

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Obsessive compulsive behavior is a disorder. Also, he was already a bit chunk as a baby/kid. It's not really that surprising.

This post is really interesting

I remember him, now I'm the smoker lol. Eitherway glad to see news about him haha.

Cool story! I upvoted. Sad he's gained so much weight. He's not addicted to smoking he's got an impulse control disorder.

Hardy was only 2 years old when he had this problem.

The only problem he ever had was his parents (or those raising him) for giving him cigarettes to smoke. A 2yr old or 5 yr old can do nothing if you just cut him his supply. Yeah, he may cry a bit but that's it. After a few days he'll be over it.

Why would his parents allow him to smoke? They must have supplied him unless he was an orphan maybe?

he doesnt look happy at all :/