-0.15 people are getting HIV virus every second. 1 person in about 7 seconds.
25,000 people have orgasms every second.
about 0.98 weddings per second.
4.3 babies per second, 1.7 of them born in poverty.
Besides, every baby born is 0.93 Muslim, 1.28 Christian, 0.64 Hindu.1.8 people die every second. 0.3 of them starve to 0.04 traffic accidents.
486 WhatsApp messages are sent every second.
every second 10450 coca cola (guarrrrkkkkk)
929 barrels of oil per second
75 mc donald's hamburgers are consumed every second.
41.14 tons of garbage is produced in America only 0.91 tonnes of food now.
At the moment 0.97 aircraft is getting up.
bil gates earns $ 250 every second.
a Vietnamese nike worker earns $ 0.000024 while nike earns $ 600 every second.
the military spending in the world for every second is $ 1,771,520, while the donation to charities is $ 52286.
-The universe is expanding 14.8 kilometers per second. When 30 stars disappear, 4000 are born.
-There are 0.08 earthquakes and 16.000.000 liters of water are evaporating from earth.
- In 1 second, the bee flies 270 times and the fastest snail can go 1,3 cm.
-34 trees are cut in rain forests.
3160 tons of water is spilling from the Niagara waterfall.
3.17 dogs per second are killed by people and 0.000000386 people are killed by sharks.