The Marriage of Iron and Rye is the name given to the coalition of interests between industry and agriculture that supported the adoption of protectionism in Imperial Germany by the Tariff of 1879.
The Bülow tariff of 1902, which came into being amid intense political struggles, merely provided the legal foundation for German trade policy up until the First World War.
Political Cleavages and Changing Exposure to Trade
Author(s): Ronald Rogowski
Who were called Junkers?
Junker, (German: “country squire”), member of the landowning aristocracy of Prussia and eastern Germany, which, under the German Empire (1871–1918) and the Weimar Republic (1919–33), exercised substantial political power.
Iron & Rye
A Look into the Marriage of Politics and Economics
Who won the Austro Prussian conflict of 1866?
Seven Weeks' War. Seven Weeks' War, also called Austro-Prussian War, (1866), war between Prussia on the one side and Austria, Bavaria, Saxony, Hanover, and certain minor German states on the other. It ended in a Prussian victory, which meant the exclusion of Austria from Germany.
Germany before 1800 was heavily rural, with some urban trade centers. In the 19th century it began a stage of rapid economic growth and modernisation, led by heavy industry. By 1900 it had the largest economy in Europe, a factor that played a major role in its entry into World War I and World War II. Devastated by World War II, West Germany became an "economic miracle" in the 1950s and 1960s with the Wirtschaftswunder, triggered by a newly modernized economy under the strict guidance of Germany's then Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and his Minister of Economics Ludwig Erhard and aided by the Marshall Plan, among other factors. Currently it is the largest individual economy in the EU with GDP of roughly 3 trillion USD.
What is a Prussian Junker?
The Junkers (/ˈjʊŋkər/ YUUNG-kər; German: [ˈjʊŋkɐ]) were members of the landed nobility in Prussia. They owned great estates that were maintained and worked by peasants with few rights.
What is the Liberty sandwich again Popeye?
A sandwich made with a patty of ground meat usually in a roll or bun. [Short for Hamburger steak, after Hamburg.] Word History: The German word Hamburger, literally meaning "from the city of Hamburg," begins to appear on American menus in the late 1800s during a period of heavy German immigration.
Simpson's rule Consumer Problem with Hicksian demand
'Liberty Cabbage', and Anti-German Sentiment: Because of this perceived conflict of loyalties, the Wilson administration was convinced that it had to mobilize public opinion in support of the war. To influence public opinion, the federal government embarked on its first ever domestic propaganda campaign.
Liberty Lunch was a live-music venue at 405 W. 2nd Street in Austin, Texas. It was rumored to have been called Liberty Lunch in the 1940s as an eatery, perhaps reflecting the World War II Liberty Bonds and patriotic sentiment.
What did Wilson do to reform tariffs?
Tariff Reform. Wilson's tariff reform was largely achieved through the passage of the Underwood Tariff Act of 1913. This act lowered tariffs for the first time since the American Civil War, despite the protectionist lobby. ... The 1913 Act established the lowest rates since the Walker Tariff of 1857.
What is a junker in the Russian revolution?
Junker mutiny. Junkers of Vladimir Academy in 1916. The cadets opposed the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks. The Junker mutiny (Russian: Юнкерский мятеж) was a counterrevolutionary mutiny of military school cadets in Petrograd against the Bolsheviks in October 1917.
The German Coalition of xenophobic landowning oligarchy protectionist and capitalism was a prescription for fascism, just as the Smoot-Hawley tariffs emasculated the president's ability to conduct international commercial relations. - A Splendid Exchange: How Trade Shaped the World - William J. Bernstein
Karl Marx Quote: “In a word, the free trade system hastens the social revolution. It is in this revolutionary sense alone, gentlemen, that I vote in favor of free trade.”
He sings the bravura aria of his part hesitantly, reluctantly and unwillingly, as though apologizing for being compelled by circumstance to "act the lion" - US President Abraham Lincoln
In September 1922, the Fordney–McCumber Tariff bill (named after Joseph Fordney, the chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, and Porter McCumber, the chair of the Senate Finance Committee) was signed by President Warren Harding.
Why was the fordney McCumber tariff important?
After World War I, U.S. government officials imposed the Fordney-McCumber Tariff of 1922. This measure placed extremely high taxes on foreign imports and was designed to protect U.S. manufacturers and farmers.
What was the impact of 1920's tariffs on world trade?
What is the Ricardian model?
Ricardian Model Assumptions. The modern version of the Ricardian Model assumes that there are two countries, producing two goods, using one factor of production, usually labor. The model is a general equilibrium model in which all markets (i.e., goods and factors) are perfectly competitive.
Who passed Underwood Tariff?
In 1913 Wilson supported the Underwood Tariff Act, cutting or eliminating tariff rates. The legislation, sponsored by Representative Oscar Underwood (1862–1929), passed both houses of Congress.
What is the Smoot Hawley tariff and what was its effect?
Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, formally United States Tariff Act of 1930, also called Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act, U.S. legislation (June 17, 1930) that raised import duties to protect American businesses and farmers, adding considerable strain to the international economic climate of the Great Depression.
Reciprocal Tariff Act of 1934. President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act (RTAA) into law in 1934. RTAA gave the president power to negotiate bilateral, reciprocal trade agreements with other countries. ... At the same time, countries in Europe enacted protectionist policies.
What is autarky in international trade?
Usually the term is applied to political states or their economic systems. Autarky exists whenever an entity can survive or continue its activities without external assistance or international trade. If a self-sufficient economy also refuses all trade with the outside world then it is called a closed economy.
Anger and Anarchy on Wall Street
In the early 20th century, resentment at the concentration of wealth took a violent turn
What was happening in Italy in the 1940s?
1940 - Italy enters Second World War on German side. Italian forces occupy British Somaliland in East Africa. 1943 - Sicily invaded by Allies. ... 1945 - Mussolini, who had been rescued from prison by Germans, is captured and executed by Italian partisans.
What was Roosevelt's quarantine speech?
The Quarantine Speech was given by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt on October 5, 1937 in Chicago (on the occasion of the dedication of the bridge between north and south outer Lake Shore Drive), calling for an international "quarantine" against the "epidemic of world lawlessness" by aggressive nations
Fascist economic policy. Benito Mussolini came to power in 1922 under a parliamentary coalition until the National Fascist Party seized control and ushered in a one-party dictatorship by early 1925.
The dangerous new age of global autarky
The significance of the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act of 1934 for the present GATT/WTO system lies in a very few central ideas.
Cordell Hull, The Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act, and the WTO:
An Essay on the Concept of Rights in International Trade
by Kenneth W. Dam
Given this information, doing business as Serenity Sells, I have a proposition.
A Racial Race for Redemption
How much is the King Ranch in Texas worth?
If the Waggoner is worth $725 million, the King is worth $1.1 billion, Grunnah estimates. Uechtritz says, “Any broker can sell something for a price.” He's driving off the Waggoner ranch now, heading for yet another steak.
My proposition is to raise the bar, MU, statistic as well Missouri University with a commodity pool operation with the Hjedding model:
Deseret Ranches
Deseret Ranches (/ˌdɛzəˈrɛt/ (About this sound listen)) refers to the ranching operations of Corporation of the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Central Florida. The Ranches include several organizations including Deseret Ranches of Florida, Deseret Cattle and Citrus, Taylor Creek Management, East Central Florida Services, Agreserves, and Farmland Reserve. Located 50 miles (80 km) southeast of the Orlando International Airport and 19 miles (31 km) west of Cape Canaveral, Florida. Currently, Deseret Ranches is the largest cow-calf ranch in the United States.
How's about a nondenominational cause for the prince of peace?
Correlating Energy cooperatives with a Hjedding model has further considerations:
Ravenous for Meat, China Faces a Climate Quandary
with Commodity Pool Operations identifying:
For the Bishop in the heart of the state named after 'friends', takes King Ranch with
The children's' prison parents labor-pool development
applied as a Racial Redemption Race
For social justice concerning:
Who is the patron saint of lost things?
Saint Anthony
Praying to Saint Anthony when something is lost is a Catholic tradition: Tony, Tony, look around. That prayer and the more "polite" version (Dear St. Anthony please come around something is lost and it cannot be found.)
Moccasin Game as prayer of forgiveness
Racial tensions breed bitter spirits. Tony Tony, look around for our community compassion for a racial race for equality and a liberty lunch to be found. Thanks Tony for helping us discover our humanity, our good will to address racial tensions in a healthy manner that St. Martin may help inspire as a race for humans to discover our social justice. Thank you Archbishop of Austin, Texas for blessings and development direction shepherding the least among us with a commodity pool operation via King's ranch for the Texas Able program, WIOA, ushered in from a race . I am doing my best I am able to contact city, county, state and federal departments and networking with others to develop this as a project narrative with an objective mission launching a 501 c (4) Welfare charter to work with state and federal government programs as the Texas Able program and Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act.
Can you checkmate with one bishop?
It is not possible to checkmate with only a king and a bishop. You would need another piece, like a knight, or your other bishop.
Law of the instrument
Abraham Maslow. Maslow's hammer, popularly phrased as "if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail" and variants thereof, is from Abraham Maslow's The Psychology of Science, published in 1966. The concept is attributed both to Maslow and to Abraham Kaplan, although the hammer and nail line may not be original to either of them. It has in fact been attributed "to everyone from Buddha to Bernard Baruch". Mark Twain has sometimes been credited with it, though it cannot be found in Twain's published writings. Under the name of "Baruch's Observation", it has also been attributed to the stock market speculator and author Bernard M. Baruch.
Sharlyn Lauby has drawn the following lesson from the law: "We need choose the tools we work with carefully." Some tools are adaptable, while others should be employed "only for their intended purpose".
Among the Biggest Grifters in American History': Wilbur Ross Accused of Stealing More Than $120 Million
"Wilbur Ross is a cartoon stereotype of a Wall Street fat cat with no interest in anyone but himself. He has shady ties to Russia and China, serious business conflicts, and a history of cheating people out of their homes."
Jake Johnson, staff writer
One who lacks the mental capacity to know he is being used. A fool. A cretin. Characterized by low intelligence and/or self-steem.