in international •  2 years ago 


International mother's day is celebrated and observed on the second Sunday in the month of may. The day is celebrated and observed to commemorate the efforts of mothers and honour their value in our lives and in our society. Mother's day is celebrated in different countries across the world on different days. Many countries observe this day in the month of may.


Mother's day is celebrated in many countries. Here's the origin story, plus some mother's day traditions from Ethiopia to Israel. It is never too late to show our gratitude to our mothers. From raising us as kids to sticking by us when we are moody teenagers and being the occasional shoulder to cry on - they have always had our backs. Unlike holidays with a set date, Mother's day has more to do with a specific day of the week: it falls on the second Sunday in may each year.
The popularity of the day can be gauged from the fact that more phone calls are made on Mother's Day than any other day of the year.

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