Day #1 How To Start A Day (Road To Entrepreneur)

in internet •  6 years ago 

Okay So you trying to be an entrepreneur by reading articles and watching video on social media. So i want to say that go take some rest and wash your face. It's not as easy so you think. First of all, many so called entrepreneur or motivational speaker on Instagram , YouTube or Facebook etc are fake. And One More thing , I'm also not  entrepreneur. 

You can't become Entrepreneur in a month or a year by watching a video. Or may be you will be  a lucky and  become within a year but practically it requires lot of hardwork ; many years of patience; and mind full of ideas etc. bla bla bla.


And all i want to tell that lets try together and i'm not telling you we can 100% achieve it. But lets give it a try .

 First thing we need to do is to change our habits. 

1. Wake up early 

2. Say no to phone during first hour of the day

3. Hydrate yourself 

4. Meditate /workout / exercise atleast for 30 min.

5. Go outside in the morning 

Go follow your dreams and do what ever it takes

6. No phone during last hour of the day.

7. Get proper rest or sleep of 6-7 hours .


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