The world's largest social networking site recently has been struggling with big image problems. They concern the promotion of communist values and national and patriotic censorship. In spite of this, Facebook has grown to power and has just praised the achievement of as many as 2 billion regular users.
In order for the service to grow faster and to conquer the world community, it is necessary to allow access to the great treasure of knowledge, which is undoubtedly the global network, the next billion people who inhabit the entire planet, who can not use it.
That is why Facebook is developing its unusual drones called Aquila. These machines, equipped with solar panels, will be able to float in the air for months and allow access to the Internet in the most distant corners of the Earth.
According to Marek Zuckerberg's plan, the 42-meter wingspan that surpasses Boeing 737 is expected to offer access to a network of up to 100 kilometers. Light weight carbon fiber construction makes it weighs just 400 kilograms; Solar powered drive, which can cycle for up to 28 kilometers over three months.
The last dron test lasted 46 minutes. During its course, the machine rose to 3 kilometers, and its climb speed was about 54 meters per minute. Facebook has tested the range of communication and the new engine speed control system.
Recall that the first flight of Aquila ended with a catastrophe. Now the builders have made many modifications and all indications are that the machine will soon be able to take regular flights.