What are ways to access the Internet?

in internet •  7 years ago 

What are ways to access the Internet:

  • ISP - Regional or National.
  • OSP (AOL - America Online and MSN – Microsoft Network for example).
  • Wireless Internet Service Provider.

How does data travel on the Internet using a telephone line connection?

  • Internet Backbone - Major carriers of network traffic on the Internet.

What is a domain name?

Text version of an IP address
Number that uniquely identifies each computer or device connected to Internet

Services found on the Internet:

  • E-mail.
  • Web.
  • File transfer.
  • Chat.
  • Message board.
  • Instant messaging.

What is the World Wide Web (WWW)?

What is a Web browser?

  • Program that allows you to view Web pages.

How do you establish connection and start the Web browser?

What is a home page?

  • The first page that a Web site presents.
  • Often provides connections to other Web pages.

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