Blaming the son for sins of the father - Where is the forgiveness?

in intersectional •  3 years ago 


I've kinda been binging Douglas Murray recently. He's definitely way to the Right of where I stand; but, fuck me if he doesn't make some good points.

The fundamental ethical failure of intersectional thinking and critical race theory are twofold - they blame the son for the sins of the father; and, they lack any criteria for forgiveness.

Blaming anybody for the sins of the father is basically the most regressive idea that we still popularly hold in modern culture. It's the ejection of individualism and autonomy. It's the idea that you should be able to harm an innocent person out of anger if you can't get your hands on the actual assailant.

Forgiveness, on the other hand, seems to be to be paramount in any ethical system. Christianity is (supposed to be) built around a concept of forgiveness for almost everything. Jesus forgave the people who nailed him to the cross. I'm not saying that your moral philosophy needs to go that far to be valid; but, if your philosophy lacks a criteria for forgiveness, your philosophy is immoral.

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