Prior to division division, Allah Siddiqui, born January 2, 1929, was born on January 2, 1929, who later came to the top of the reputation of the film industry in Lehri. His parents migrated to India by moving to Karachi and moved to Karachi before the Stino typist As a result, he was selling hazri goods in Karachi in Karachi evening, and a comedy was hidden inside him. He was very skeptical to cast out his artists. The famous Pakistani comedy actress started his film career fifty. What did Lehri make with Black and White movies in the decade? In the first step in Islamia College, an act of "patient love" in a function called 'Priya Pyar', gave her art in a drama and gave her an audition for a good news mixed with radio in Pakistan, but could not give up with luck. The film "Anokha" was the first film to showcase her debut for the future in the early 1956, in which she had the opportunity to present her Khaddad Dad Abhishek on screen curtains. Heroin from India Sheila, who came to visit, was filming his career career for thirty years, and in an estimated manner he worked in 220 films in which N all but Urdu Punjabi films were movies. Ambassador Last Updated: 1964 to 1986, the award was awarded by the award-winning award, his final film "Dunkak", which was released in 1986.
At the time when the film became a part of the film of Nehru, Munawar used to speak Zafar, Nazar and Asif Jahra, all of whom were comedians, hard work was needed to celebrate a new comedian in the name of the nominated comedine. His distinctive style was to be recognized by them as always, a comedy of fans who laughed in a lot of pivotal positions in their resistance. The actors were the astonishing stars of the dark and humorous nature of the light. Many artists started their favorite journey-
It was the sole comedian of the Pak film industry, who won the award winning prize in the role of the government, and Pakistan awarded its Huskar-e-e-Azam Award for the service in 1996. Pagham, Kanshini, he is not in the world, the new Laili new judges, Today, tomorrow, New Style, Samma, and Beware, these were the movies that were honored with the honor of awarding a nomination award in the famous films of Man N. The night, judgment, joker Fire, you will get love, brave, maiden, and spring again, Afshana and Ram Rama are included during the film shooting in Bangkok, in the first half of 1985. Lutz air attack, the power of vision loss from the disease has gradually been forced on them aside from showbiz activities longest diseases has greatly weakened the music. They were patient patients as well as patient patients. He had to cut his leg in the patient's disease, September 13, 2012, after his long term, Holihi died after leaving five sons and two daughters in the backyard. The comedy actor of the comedy actress Lehri's Holiday Brotherhood on Thursday, September 5, was celebrated on Thursday. Lehri Pakistan was the capital of film industry, who would like to live in millions of people who liked their unique comedy acting, Lord Universe raise their rank and revealed millions of blessings.