My IIM Shillong's interview
Location: Delhi
1st round was C.D... a firm had to decide between cutting cost through import of machinery and laying off the same time focusing on CSR
The whole c.d was very civilized.. everyone spoke and added their was a good experience
2nd round : P.I
I was the first one in my panel to be interviewed
(They rang the bell and i entered and wished them)
P1: how was your day so far?
Me: kind of good...a bit of nervous though
P1: is this your first interview?
Me: no i am done with my IMI's interview
P1: okay so....its been 2 years since you graduated.. so will you be comfortable if i delve into academics?
Me: yeah sure.... I'll try to answer
P1: what is break even point?
Me: told(very easy)
P1: (took up a bottle) if i increase its price, how will it be affecting break even point?
Me: told
P1: suppose i want to open a would i be analyzing whether its worth to invest money there?
Me: told them about pay back period...npv...irr etc
P1: explain these techniques
Me: told them
P1: which one is better between npv and irr and why?
Me: told
P1: is it like a particular technique is suitable for a particular business?
Me: (could not remember it so simply said i can't recall it at this moment)
P1: how is exchange rate determined?
Me: told
P1: demand and supply of foreign exchange?
Me: told
P1:Current exchange rate?
Me: told
P1:looks at P2 and asks him to continue
P2: so lets start with g.k
Me:(i knew I'll fuck up this time) .. okay sir
P2: why do we have lok sabha and rajya sabha?
Me:(fuck! Could not recall anything) told him about lok sabha... Said sorry regarding rajya sabha as i am not very much into polity etc)
P2: come on its not politics...its related to civics
Me: yeak sir almost same... I don't much about it
P2: okay tell me who leads rajya sabha
Me:(come on dude i just said i am not into these things) said sorry sir i don't know
P2: okay... Which newspaper do you read? Are you interested in politics etc?
Me: sir i prefer inshorts app... Yeah now a days i am following u.p's politics
P2: what else
Me: India's diplomatic relations with other countries
P2: what are your views regarding Iranian p.m's visit to India
Me: had a healthy discussion with him
P2: what do you do in free time?
Me: best out of waste kind of thing
P2: like?
Me: hand made cards etc(was carrying one)..if you want i am carrying one right now
P1 n P2 started first explain us what type of cards you make
Me: told
P2: take out the card(he seemed to be impressed)
P2: your card much will you be charging for this?
Me: 200rs(explained with the help of archies cards pricing strategy)
(Both seemed satisfied)
Okay Suyash we're done... Take a candy
I thanked them and left