I Got The Opportunity To Interview Steemit's Most Enlightened Individual: Here's What Happened

in interview •  7 years ago  (edited)

@son-of-satire: So, @the-oracool, would you like to introduce yourself and tell us why you felt the need to contact me for an interview?

@the-oracool: What I would like to do is inconsequential. It is what I must do that matters.

@son-of-satire: WTF does that mean?

@the-oracool: Well, my child, @the-oracool's arrival to the Steemit platform was not inspired by desire.

@son-of-satire: So what was it that you brought here then?

@the-oracool: Survival.

@son-of-satire: Oh.. Are you ill? Sorry.

@the-oracool: No. Sickness is for those who do not understand the connection between mind and body.

@son-of-satire: That's a bit condescending don't you think?

@the-oracool: Perceiving the words of others as condescending is arrogant.

@son-of-satire: No. It's not.

@the-oracool: No. It's not.

@son-of-satire: I just said that...

@the-oracool: No. You said it's not. I said it's not that it's not.

@son-of-satire: What?????

@the-oracool: Scott. Stop thinking so hard. Clarity comes to those who are free from thought.

@son-of-satire: How do you know my name? I did not tell you that.

@the-oracool: My child, I am The Oracool. There is nothing I don't know.

@son-of-satire: Google then?

@the-oracool: Here you go.


@son-of-satire: That is not what I meant.

@the-oracool: You should have been clearer then. Ambiguity leads to chaos.

@son-of-satire: Bit of a stretch, mate. But, before you confuse me with your explanation, tell the community why you are here, and what that has to do with survival.

@the-oracool: Just take a look at the world. Morality is on the decline. Apathy is on the rise. Healthcare is keeping people sick, religion is suppressing the people's spirituality, law enforcement serves criminals and education systems are crippling the youth's desire to learn. If man continues along this path, they will permanently sever their connection with God, with one another, and even with their selves.

@son-of-satire: Yeah, man. I see that shit too. But, what does that have to do with you and Steemit?

@the-oracool: For decades, the world has seen a steady increase in the amount of people who are awake to the peril that humanity is facing. However, in recent years, advanced mechanisms have been put into place. These tools are being utlised as a means of lulling those newly awakened humans back into a state of hypnosis. I am here, on Steemit, where the majority of those awakened human beings have begun to congregate, so that I might serve as a tool to keep them awake.

@son-of-satire: How do you propose to do this?

@the-oracool: It's very simple, my child. I am here to impart wisdom upon those who are in desperate need of it. My purpose is to answer those questions that no one else can, and whist I may have already helped many Steemians up to this point, I now must spread awareness of my blog in order to help a larger amount of people.

@son-of-satire: Can you give us some examples of this alleged wisdom?

@the-oracool: Yes. I can.

@son-of-satire: .....

@the-oracool: .....?

@son-of-satire: Will you?

@the-oracool: Certainly.

@stevescoins asks;
"How many more boobs will be bounced off my head before I pass on to the The Great Void?"

Worry not, my friend. Many a breast will cradle your cranium in the years to come. However, I must advise you that it is ungentlemanly to refer to the next stop on the female body as "the great void."

@dreemit asks;
"Does a blade of grass have sentience?"
"How big can a boob get before it bursts?"

The first is the most human of questions. Sentience is a man-made concept born of arrogance and a lack of understanding. You(humans) define intelligence by sentience. If a species is without awareness or understanding, then it is also without intelligence. This is a simple-minded approach to the science of life.
What do we know of sentient beings? They are forever alluded by peace, crippled by an inability to make sense of things. Drowned in sorrows of circumstance and desires for insignificant and often meaningless achievements. A sentient existence is an existence of torment, of wanting more and having less, and of fear. Fear of life and its inadequacies. Fear of death and its inevitability.

Now turn to the plant, the tree, or the blade of grass. Their song is the song of nature. An immutable, harmonic bond unites them with a world they needn't fear nor revere. They simply are. Life for a blade of glass is one of absolute serenity, free from worry or strife. doubt or disdain, insecurity or indignation. Where human after human squanders their life in search of a purpose, the blade of grass has transcended far beyond the need to understand its purpose, arriving at a point of acceptance that is not hindered by a desire to comprehend its place on the Earth. Life for a blade of glass, is peace.
Now I ask you-- Which is the more intelligent life form?
Think on this the next time you use the word sentience as though it is a supreme gift. I think you humans might benefit from a lesson in humility. I am probably the best person to give this lesson too. As I am the most humble person in the world, and the best teacher that has ever lived.

In regards to how large a breast can get before it bursts, the answer is exactly 47.246833 inches in circumference.

@onceuponatime asks;
"Are there an infinity of infinities, or is there just one? (or none?)"

A most profound question-- by human standards, that is. The answer you seek is, one. There is but one infinity in this universe. I know you are thinking it must be my infinite wisdom, as I have demonstrated through my answers to the community so far, but you would be wrong. Even a mind as omnipotent as the one I possess has its limits.

The one and only infinity in this world is that of the very force that constructed and continues to power the world that surrounds us. This force has been attributed with many names by those who fail to comprehend its profundity. Some refer to it as consciousness. Some as life. Others, as God.

What you humans fail to grasp, is that these are all one in the same. It's rather humorous, because you know the answers already, yet you choose to ignore them. Mainstream science has concluded that it is consciousness that creates the existence of the universe. Religion has talked of God creating the universe for age after age. And we all know from our own experience that without life, there is no universe for us to be a part of.

By viewing these findings from each individual perspective-- with an open mind, you will come to the realisation that they are all the same thing. There is an infinite source of lifeblood that serves as a battery for this world we share, and this, my child, is the only infinity in existence.

All other so-called infinities are either intentional deceptions or fallacious answers to questions that are misunderstood or too difficult to solve. Even numbers are not infinite. Your erroneous base 10 number system was arrogantly conceived to accommodate the simple minds of man, allowing them to count on their ten digits of the hands.

A closer, humble evaluation of the universe, where numbers are not related to one particular species, will reveal the correct base number system. With this new understanding of the natural mathematics of the universe, you will find that the most renowned of infinities, Pi can be calculated to a single digit.

This could be the truth of the universe, or it could be poppycock. I just indulged in a cannabis inhalation session, and my powers of foresight and wisdom can be a tad off when I'm under the influence.

Satisfied? If not, my latest post is here.

@son-of-satire: I think that's plenty.

@the-oracool: It's okay. I understand. Much like one can overdose on the euphoric heroin, too much of my greatness in one sitting can be a bit much for some.

@son-of-satire: Yes, that's totally what I meant. So which types of Steemians will benefit most from asking you questions?

@the-oracool: If you like to exercise your mind by indulging in abstract thought patterns, understand that laughter is a far more efficient medicine than any pharmaceutical drug, or if you simply want to boost recognition of your own blog by being featured on mine, then you should ask me a question.

@son-of-satire: How would someone go about doing that?

@the-oracool: One can request a dose of wisdom simply by leaving a question on any of my posts. Alternatively, for those who seek to remain anonymous, questions can be submitted to https://ask.fm/the_oracool, where they will be deleted and then answered at steemit.com/@the-oracool on a later post.

@son-of-satire: What sort of questions are permitted?

@the-oracool: Don't be a pussy, Scott. Permissions are for computers and smartphone apps. You are a person. You need permission to do what you want to do from no one.

@son-of-satire: Well thanks for that.. But you still didn't answer the question.

@the-oracool: Yes I did. Anything goes.

@son-of-satire: Well thanks for stopping by. Is there anything else you would like to add.

@the-oracool: Yes. Attention is worthy of reward. To those who have lasted this long, I am offering a 10 STEEM bounty to whomever can provide the best explanation as to why perceiving other's words as condescending is arrogant.

@son-of-satire: Can I enter?

@the-oracool: That would be cheating.

@son-of-satire: Fair point.

@the-oracool: The bounty will be paid when this post ends and all comments have been reviewed. I will choose the winner myself.

@son-of-satire: Okay, well thank you once again. To any who liked what @the-oracool had to say, remember to follow him and ask a question.

Resteem to inform your followers of The Oracool's presence here on Steemit.

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If I think that someone's words are condescending then it must mean that I already think I know what they think, and if I think that I already know what another individual thinks, then my attitude could be seen as being arrogant.
Aside from that, the word condescend is really two words, con meaning together, or with, and descend meaning to go low, to drop to a lower level. When one truly is condescending in their speech, then they tend to bring everybody down.

Winner! Well, if Iwere judging it definitely would be ;)

I tried to reply to this, but looks like I replied to myself. I crack myself up so much!

I've definitely done that LOL!

Oh you shoulda seen it though, one of the funniest things I ever said to myself. lol

haha I'm not trying to win, I just wanted to make sure everyone understood what the word 'condescending meant, and I'm naturally the best at explaining things to people. (Joking! Trying to be both arrogant and condescending in one sentence!)

ahahahahah very interesting indeed. I am quite liking your posts and am grateful I chose to follow you.
I think I will be sharing some of your stuff in my posts to bring more exposure.

Well thanks a lot for that in advance. I took quite some time off, but am back now with some newfound inspiration, so hopefully will keep getting posts up every day from now on.

Yea I remember ur name from back in the day but it seemed like u were off for a while. Great to have u back with your very intelligent humor!
I will be in touch!

I feel honoured. Lol. Thanks again for that share in your post. Have a great day, mate.

I did it cause you deserve it. Keep up the good work.

con-descending: patronizing (toward someone); to talking down (to someone). Etymologically comes frol Old French "condescendre". Note that in modern French, condescendre does not have always a negative connotation, it means "to yield complacently to the feelings, to the will of some one".

ar-rogant: having excessive pride in oneself, often with contempt or disrespect for others. Etymologically, it meant "claiming for oneself".

So, perceiving the words of others as condescending, means that you want to put them down, most of the time because you are feeling as inferior to them.
It is arrogant, because you want to elevate yourself above their perceived level, you would like to "claim these words for yourselves".

(And I am not going to the fake etymology of con.descendre in French: con [=cunt] descendre [=going down])

Interesting banter, I was entertained by the read.

LOL This is too funny, following @the-oracool now.

He says thanks.

interesting. i enjoyed the read @son-of-satire

I am.. We are glad.

@the-oracool in response to your question regarding the perception of someone's words as condescension being arrogant, & STOP SMOKING THAT DOPE, YA HEAR ME (Apocalypse Now)

HAHAHAHA this is the best thing I have read on Steemit.

BTW oracool, think you made a mistake, didnt think you would be able to make a mistake.

"Life for a blade of glass is one of absolute serenity" think you meant blade of grass here. Your welcome, my child.

Where is the resteem button?

oracool, i like how you think, we would make a good team you and i. Please if you would, read my introductory post. I see a bright future for us.

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