5 Common Interview Mistakes That Everyone Does

in interviewmistakes •  4 years ago  (edited)


The job searching process is not easy. As a candidate you have to impress the recruiter with your professional resume and set of skills. It's very exciting for us when we get an interview call from the employer. However, there are some common mistakes that everyone does during their interview process. Here we discuss 5 common interview mistakes, blunders an applicant does once in a lifetime.

Arriving Late

Perhaps the most common and deadly blunder is arriving late at the interview. Your first impression should be excellent in front of your employer and running late could ruin it. It shows your lack of management skills, passion for the job, and respect for the company. Try to make it 5 minutes early or even more, to strengthen your nerves.

Dull or UnProfessional Appearance

A recruiter expects the applicant to be prepared both mentally and physically. Your appearance plays a crucial role in building your image in a recruiter's mind. Don't lose it by appearing in the un-professional, casual or dull clothing. Don't forget your clothing varies on the position you are applying for. Don't get too cocky when applying for a blue-collar job.

Not Bringing the Resume

Hiring managers would like their candidates to be fully prepared. You should have a copy of your resume for the person you have an interview with. Sure, they can find your professional profile on LinkedIn and you have already sent your resume on e-mail. Still, it is good to have one or two copies of your resume during the interview.

Don't Know About the Company

It's very shameful if you don't know anything about the company, which you are hoping to get on board with. Employers want to know why you need this job, why you want to work at this company, and why you want to leave your old job. If you don't know why you want to work for the company then it's totally disrespectful to the organization. Do your research about the organization, gather some information which you can deliver to the recruiter's questions about the company.

Lack of Energy

Don't let the hiring manager think you are not paying attention or showing low response. It's a big interview killer. Give every answer with complete energy and calmness. Show your enthusiasm towards the job but don't be too overconfident. Lack of energy also includes lack of eye-contact, shivering, stuttering, sitting weirdly, and slow response to the question.

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