Let me show you something interesting.
See, one of the ... mind fucks, of the ex CIA people "in charge" of manipulating and controlling me and my family, has been to befriend my children and mislead them. Right alongside bribes and blackmail surrounding my husband. This was after I had a devastating PSTD breakdown and became ... handicapped, for awhile. That was five years ago. Before that my safety net was very effective at keeping my children protected and buffered. I think "they" might have planned to institutionalize me, and I KNOW that some of them hoped I would simply kill myself, or die. But I am still here, hanging in there like always.
So anyway. I'm aware that my children are special, all of them. My two boys would take up an entire chapter each, of my story, and explaining Revelations 12 and all the times THAT 'scenario' and set of life circumstances has tried to play out, with some devastating past life consequences to us. There should not be a question of paternity, I was a faithful and committed wife and mother. BUT. I'm aware that there has been ... interference. Or what? Divine Intervention? Genetic and paranormal "meddling?" Midi-chlorians?!? I remember looking back and resolving issues from both sons' conceptions, finding some very interesting things going on in alternate dimensions close by. So I have my theories about this, just as it was a question for Mary's life regarding the Immaculate Conception of Jesus. But in truth, at this point I still can't totally explain it.
In any case, I am aware that my sons are probably not "only" my husband's children.
Back to the mind fuck by certain members of the ... psy ops community. Surrounding and manipulating us for years. I'm aware that one of these agents befriended my youngest son and pulled him aside, telling him some bogus story about how 'he is my son's true father.' Yeah, right. This was over a year ago. This son became a United States Marine last August, and in fact, the Florida Dome and the one that went up around the southern US for protection against Hurricane Irma (aka the Georgia Dome) are connected. To him. He's a Star!! But he's no longer in Colorado, exploring his chosen career path. Daughter is in college not too far away. Its just the three of us now at home together - husband, oldest son/middle child, and me.
So recently this same agent and his people have continued blackmailing my husband and manipulating my oldest son. I am aware that these people have lost their legal authority to operate, since May 2017 and yet they persist. I believe that one of the ways this manipulation has taken hold is, this same agent gave this same bullshit story to my oldest son, about being his "real" father too. So I've been looking at this... just one of the many issues to untangle, finding and healing my way to freedom and not just for me.
New and surprising information always seems to surface the longer I keep going with this healing and 'intercession' that is really, me keeping my own life and the things I care about as safe as possible. Expanding outward from there, in terms of helping as much as I can on all levels, and I've done a LOT.
So thinking about my oldest son and his secondary paternity, things have come up.
The first thing that caught my attention. I saw a video on Vladimir Putin where he explains the story of his name... maybe I can find it again, if so I will post it. But he says that the official naming documents were filled out right after he was born as Vladimir Vladimirovich and a short time later his parents began calling him Mikhail (Russian Michael), and it stuck. Only it was too late to change the paperwork to reflect that name. But this is the name he goes by with close family and friends.
HUGE coincidence...
Well, we had the exact same thing happen with our son! Also, this child was born at home, a rare thing in this day and age. But I had a homebirth with our first child and it was a success. I also liked the idea of knowing how safe it was in terms of keeping out negative forces and interference. Pregnancy is not a disease!! So we moved to Montana from Colorado in 1997, and I didn't know it but I was pregnant with our second baby, our oldest son. Being far from home and familiar things, we found ourselves in dire financial straits at first and could not afford our midwife. We had been through it once, and my husband had (coincidentally - all things serve a purpose I think) been present for and assisted a homebirth for one of his friends. He of course assisted our midwife for the birth of our daughter and she showed him those critical moves of turning the baby just slightly to shift the baby's shoulders for a smooth landing on the way out. So he knew what to do. We found ourselves expecting our second child with plans to handle this birth at home on our own, barring some kind of unexpected emergency.
Everything went great. It was a long labor, of 16 hours. But we planned and prepared well, and everything turned out fine. Better than fine. Our first son came into the world in 1998. It was one of those rare life experiences you wind up being proud of for having faced so bravely and having it work out right. My husband was eager to get his birth certificate filed right away. But by the second day, we had started calling our new baby something different than his given name and it stuck, but it was too late to change the birth certificate. Also, my son's middle name is Michael. That was intentional, I named him after Michael the Archangel.
P.s. The majority of the time I am posting things like this for my friends out there, the ones that are trying to cut through the old CIA net that is blocking us. Direct contact has always been a problem. In recent days there's been more scary shenanigans happening in my household. These ex CIA goons have passed my husband drugs, to use against me. Possible kidnapping plans? There have been so many false people surrounding us, that I have finally come to the conclusion that the only way for "THIS" to happen (CONTACT) is for me to be approached openly. I've come to feel that secret plots that try to lure me away without official and appropriate channelling, are not to be trusted.
I'm just not sure if the people I want to see this (photo comparison) KNOW. I think they may suspect but are missing confirmation or contact with me that could put so many questions to rest. Due to the fact that this bogus agent and his friends are lying to and manipulating my son (make that sons) about this entire issue. I'm well aware of plots within plots on all fronts. You might just take a wild guess about just WHO this child really is. er, was. When I was Mary. And who he is now.
Hell yes. I am asking for help, asking for intervention. And prayers. I've also gotten clues in recent days that husband and son are 'working with' people who want to either help or control me, but my husband and son have been telling these people that they have been passing along messages to me, and they have not. I believe there is a question out there, these hopefully good people asking if I would accept their help. My answer is yes. My tarot cards (all I have sometimes other than raw telepathic ability and discernment) tell me that my husband and son are lying to these people, saying they've asked me and I have said no, that I reject this contact. I am not totally clear on what the pay off is, but this is simply not the case.
So. Quiz. Any idea just who this first photo belongs to? I found it looking for information on the internet.
All of the rest are photos of my son. He's a little older and wiser now but not by much. ha ha.
Anybody else notice the resemblance??????
This last photo was taken in Salida, Colorado in 2005, I think. Close. Me and my oldest son. But this photograph I believe was staged... part of a 'family photo session,' perhaps for the purpose of sharing with investors or psy ops or whoever else was involved in serious manipulation and monitoring of our lives. Salida, Colorado is another story, all by itself. The things that happened there. I was told by an inside source that this area had become at some point, Area 52. Salida is located at the northern tip of the mysterious San Luis Valley. I witnessed and participated in a pole shift which I believe was technically located on Mars through dimensional portals on Earth.
Namaste and Blessings,
LR 4/14/2018
Edit 3/10/2019
Part II
Found this very favorite photo of my son and I was thinking this is a good place for it. I want to say more about him and I'm looking for doorways. But I'm pretty cautious here. Where I'm willing to share details of my life and be open about it, I'm way more careful with my children's publicity. He's much older now than in this photograph ... I would never have shared it then. Under any circumstances.
Very sweet kid this one. I think it shows. When he was growing up his favorite color was green and I would see it around him a lot. Green as in, the color of the heart chakra. The stress on his face was from dealing with the public school system. We tried it out that year after homeschooling mostly from the start. I so hated being right, with my issues over the system. Sigh. I didn't give up though ... I was a volunteer for an after school extracurricular program that explored the larger world (we lived in a very small town in the Colorado Mountains). I also interviewed for and got a place on the local school board.
I've been throwing out pieces of information without full explanation at times. I am seeding doorways for myself in the future unravelling of my story - it is a lot to share all at once. I think of this son as connected to Rigel, the star that is the left knee of the Orion Constellation. All of the 144 Thousand have a 'special' star, that is somehow their own or shared with a very small group of people or entities and almost all stars are binary except for just a few.
It was during my pregnancy with this guy when I recovered a LOT of Mary memories. The first one came right after I found out I was pregnant and it was reliving Mary's death. We had just moved to Kalispell, Montana from Denver, Colorado (somehow it turned out to be during the exact week of a Harmonic Convergence in July of 1997) to prepare for what we thought was coming... an end times of sorts. Our limited income was small. Most of our plans for creating income fell through soon after we arrived and then we found out we were expecting another baby. We just so barely made ends meet. I started seeing a midwife but had to give her up because we couldn't afford to pay for her services. It wasn't as scary as it sounds though. His big sister was born at home and she was still just a toddler. My husband had been present and well trained by our midwife, from his own participation in her birth. My interest in herbal medicine and good nutrition was a great resource, and we had an emergency plan in place to go to a hospital if we needed to. But we set about planning another homebirth with just the three of us. And first baby son made four.
Back to Rigel, in Orion. I've recently been kidding around with him and gave him the name Orion Pax from the Transformers movies although I don't really know much about the Transformers just that I've seen at least one or two of the movies over the years. When he was born, I watched his little light body, in the shape and layout of the stars of Orion, run around the room, watching himself come into this world! With regards to Mary. I have to say that I really didn't put it all together for a lot of years. Everything that happened was so intense. Our life circumstances considering survival and becoming a new family, and then, along side all of it I was CONSTANTLY triggered into a psychic state of powerful visions and emotional movement. I had absolutely no idea that someone would have considered these experiences schitzophrenic. That came a lot later. But I've had to constantly look back to process and make sense of things that happened and put it all into perspective.
I had a visitation by Archangel Gabriel at the start of the pregnancy. He manifested as a cone of light that was visible, not an internal vision and I did NOT understand what that visitation was about for the longest time! For one thing, I wasn't raised in the Catholic Church and I didn't know many details of Mary's life. Although now Gabriel's visit seems so obvious. Montana was extremely powerful that way, for paranormal manifestations... I had so many such experiences during the time we lived there. Lots of cool stories to tell and write about. Right alongside Gabriel, I was interacting somehow with the entire Galactic Federation as well as disarming earthchanges. Only I saw the angel side. Not ships but clouds and angels. Ha ha. No really.
- So What the Heck Are Midi-Chlorians?
I believe my son is who Q has referred to as "Flynn" - its code.
March 27: 'Free Flynn'
March 17: 'FLYNN'
March 7: 'The FATHER is who?'
Looking ... can't find it at this moment but Q posted many times ...'who knows where the bodies are buried?' - the answer is my son, coded as Flynn. Not his real name.
HA! Found it - the video where Vladimir Putin speaks about his naming. The strange coincidence between him and my son.
'Vladimir Putin's Christian Faith - in his own words.'