An introduction to "A Better Life"

in intro •  9 years ago 

I've long been an idea person. And a person who contributes a lot of time (and sometimes money) to charity. I'm finally putting it all together. "A Better Life" references all the things I'm now doing to help others. I hope to share a lot of that here. I feel like we all have something to give. We all have knowledge of different things. If we get it out there, and we put it all together, our lives could be much easier than they are now! Below I describe some of what I'm actually doing. I've not posted links to my actual sites as I'm not trying to promote myself. But just share my journey. I hope our journeys cross and benefit eachother!

In my post-work hours, I have a blog and I write on quick tips and life hacks. It seems that many of my friends and family don't know about a lot of things that exist in our world. For example, did you know you don't have to iron to look good? You can use wrinkle releaser! How do people not know about this stuff? It's in every Target! Anyway, that's what I write about to help others make their lives easier.

And most recently I've created a teachable course to help lawyers get a competitive edge in their interviews. I'm loving that. I just launched and it's nice to see that people may be able to get that job over everyone else because of this class.

Along with that, I also am now offering one-on-one counseling sessions to law school applicants. What so many applicants don't realize is that they may be making their life worse by going to law school! I've been giving this advice to people informally for years. But now, I can save people nationwide! Maybe it's right for them....but maybe not! If I save one person, I know I've earned my trip to Heaven.

After becoming a lawyer and having kids, I had to take a break from saving the world. But I'm back! What are you doing to make the world a better place? Let's do it together and do it quick, 2016 needs some help!

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