Hello there, I am very excited to be here.
My name is Dr. Witold Lapinski (short: Wito).
I am biologist, photographer, adventurer and tree climber with a passion for tropical habitats, especially rainforests. Moreover, you will find here some out-of-the-box thoughts and information.
I was living for three years in Costa Rica, I travelled to French Guiana, Nicaragua, Panama, Mexico and Ecuador. Besides that I am planning to do a long trip to the Amazon basin as soon as the world wide Corona plandemic ceases, about which I surely will post here also.
Currently I have a channel on YouTube called NaturaVista, here is the trailer to the channel:
I’d like to switch to a platform that does not censor the content. Do you have an idea where to post my future videos better than on YouTube?
Many thanks to @SpencerCoffman for the great info about how to write an intro post on Steemit
Have a great time and doNOTstay@home,