Hey there. My name is Simon. I work for a company called Jaxx. A few of you may have heard of it as we are involved in the blockchain/wallet space.
I'm actually not here to talk about that today.
In my former life before working at a blockchain-related startup, I spent a lot of time as a film/TV critic and podcaster. I had to stop doing it as my time restrictions simply became too great - anyone who's ever had to plan, record, host, edit, publish, and promote a podcast before knows my pain. It was a lot of fun for about seven years, but I had to hang it all up when the real world beckoned.
That said, I have noticed that the vast majority of Steem content - at least among what's trending - seems to be at least tangentially Steem-related. This makes sense, as it's still a relatively small community looking after itself and excited for its future. I have noticed that in the few cases where people are posting about non-Steem-related stuff, a lot of it seems to be repurposed content from existing sites and blog posts.
So I thought it might be fun to write some original film/TV/pop-culture related content exclusive to Steem. (Obviously I can't stop it from being reproduced elsewhere so "exclusive" is used loosely.) I'll probably just go ahead and try out my first review/column idea for kicks to see if it gets any traction, because why not? I get to exercise some old muscles and maybe there's an outside chance someone enjoys it.
That said, if anyone thinks this is a dreadful idea, they're welcome to let me know! OH, and also feel free to let me know if a whole whack of people beat me to the punch on this and I am just not seeing it.
Cheers, and happy Steem-ing.