Well hello there

in intro •  8 years ago  (edited)

So here I am. Blinking in the light, somewhat bewildered and with that smell of the newborn.

I am a writer - these days - from Queensland, Australia some considerable time ago, and def out of warranty.

Presuming you and me become familiar, I have a request ... please have my ashes scattered here:

Ahem - I tried to insert a pic here, but did I mention I am as new as a snowflake's tears? No idea if said pic is in and locked, but in case it isn't, it depicts a rather wonderful library. I did mention that I'm a writer didn't I?

So what can you expect to see from me? Well I have an eclectic collection of stories that for one reason or ten others, never got published. So I plan to copy and paste those for starters. Lazy? Yes a bit, but mainly as a way to start contributing while I find my feet in here. I trust you old hands understand.

Enough babble from me. I never know what to say in these online dating ... umm intro thingies.

So cheers from Nick

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