Here I Am

in intro •  7 years ago 

After finally finding my account approved, i'm somehow lost as to what my first post should be. I don't have a lot of experience creating digital content; i've always been a pen and paper minimalist. I actually despise most of what i've seen on other social media platforms. I could never understand the virality of ignorance.
I found Steemit through a crypto podcast that I listen to everyday. The selling point for me was the emphasis on quality. I believe if there is anywhere for me to have my work appreciated, this could be it. I hope to meet others who see the world the way that I do.
I like to express myself through the timeless beauty of poetry. As I share my words with you, I will also tell the story of how I became the person I am today. I have been through the darkness, and ultimately found the light. Ive been to places that most of you will never see. Ive been under the rock at my bottom.
I don't want to be judged by anyone before I have the chance to show who I truly am, so I will drop my skeletons one bone at a time. I hope that by sharing my story, and the feelings that i've held for so long, I will find freedom. I also hope to show the mistakes that i've made along the way, so that maybe one of you can avoid the misery i've endured.
I won't keep you much longer today. I only wanted to make my entrance and set the scene for what's to come. I'll leave you with a few words and hopefully you will return to hear more.

    Awake I am,
     the light has found me.
        Night must find another fool.
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