Who AM i. I am the I am- STEEMIT introductions

in introduce •  9 years ago 

I recently attempted to explain myself.

These are excerpts ...

I revere life and somehow that means i get involved in all sorts of shit.
I also wanna remain on the artistic roll call in case I get further urges
I dont know why i want to spill my guts to whoever is here on STEEMIT but I try and follow my whims.

Anyway, how can one take a wrong turn in eternity?
Conditions apply)

Sometimes i tell myself i am the tool of something else.
No, not ASIO, Mossad, MI6 or CHiPs

I like to see what IT wants to do

I am the centre of the universe, and yet... I´m NOT the centre of the universe... and yet...
all of us are special and yet, none of us are special, and yet.. . .

I´could write a book that´d make me sound mildly interesting to some ...
I´m a middleclass Aussie woken up to the slavery.

My mind is freeing itself, that is my greatest luxury.
I am always just dribbling through life like the tortoise.

I have dropped out of a psychology degree and a natural medicine degree. I´ve studied enough to be awake and nothing so much that I have compartmentalised myself.
(Been successful)

I´ve done many jobs. Gone in and out of performing careers as a musician and comedian, talk show host. I kind of financially failed at all of them, even still I don´t regret the experience.
I satisfied some whims.
I have always massaged for bread and butter and it has been a great career where I have worked in many countries.
I have little to show for all my different careers/experience.
Its inside.

It is precisely my hopelessness and ineptitude that allows me to phaff around in all this good stuff.
The nature of the cave, the birth certificate bond, the governments listed on Dunn and Bradstreet, Cryptocurrency, the illegitimate governments, the mind control, the false flags, the social engineering.

When you have a job with government or an important corporate career, or even a large fan base that you are afraid to lose... you might limit yourself, so you keep everyone loving you.
You can lose your job for "having some opinions"/speaking truth.

If you believe aspects of 9/11 required assistance of elements of government, you get called a domestic terrorist.
So add that to the resume

This harms us all ultimately so a free mind is my highest ideal, especially in this MK world we are all victims of.
Until we can see through their tricks.

All my old comedy compadres have 2 million dollar TV "careers".
Money must be nice but it might get tiresome feeling mentally yoked all your best days.
The saddest thing is we yoke ourselves

I find when you follow truth at all costs you get quirky benefits you would never have expected.

My mind started to expand about 2002 after discovering The 1996 Port Arthur Massacre in Australia was likely a false flag black psychological event -perpetrated by shadow aspects of internationalists in goverment, for the long term plan to DISARM the POPULACE--- predating far off plans for introducing martial law and fascist tyranny.
Sounded ridiculous to me in 2002.
NOW COMING TO PASS 15 years later, as predicted by retired cop Andrew mcGregor in 2002! .


I was already an anarchist in philosophy but after this I moved into action and gave up complying with my government in Australia.

(We could add another 50 international false flags to the list today)
Over the years I got so mad about all the people killed in the false flags and resulting ongoing wars.

I get mad they think we´re so dumb

i had to get off my plantation in 2010.
The space of the world, living among an international transient community, and Mexicos´ heat, unfortunately, only made my unruly balls swell.

I have always had the hope of an activist. I used to get trampled by police horses to stop uranium mines.
These days I prefer to create new ways, create new thought but I still have a soft spot for the underdogs.

Anarchy really is about love and respect at the core.

I have been sucked in, disappointed and ripped off in time energy and cash by many gatekeepers, cointel pro, misinfo/disinfo government agents, charlatans, trolls, shills and counting..,
but not too bad, and only when i need sharpening.

There are a LOT of them out there... it IS nearly "everyone whos anyone"..

Anyway I´m not into interventions, they out themselves the uncharismatic bores.

At times i have been drawn close to some self important people but it didnt hurt me , I got away when i realised they were compromised.
Some good always came out of it

I did this comedy show about all this stuff to about 14 people in 2009

No one cared, no one came, and no one talked, and I found out only about nine Aussies in a million knew what I was on about, and about half of those came to the show every night, so happy to meet some other ´conspiritards´, we formed a little bond unto this day of fun friends who try to get me to bitcoin.
The least I owe them now is to get them STEEMING

I am contrary.
Not to have a pissing competition but in my heart i like to shine on all things like the sun

i dont want anyone to give up their free will and i dont want my limits to be enforced on others.
I know everything recycles.

I think we could have quite a bit to share STEEMERS, theyre such big jigsaws and you come at a time in my life I have been studying furiously and not giving any output.

I think I currently know less than I´ve ever known in my adult life.
Since the magic young years where you´re equal with beetles.
It bothers me not
i am happier. I feel like a clean kanvas and that feels good.

Im not always sad and defeated.
I wouldnt take away those times either.
Im sure they will all come round many more times.

i am consciousness. I am essence. I am spirit. My body is a vehicle for my eternal spirit to have experience.
Whether you take it from the sun gods, the mushrooms, the ayahuasca, or the Chinese.

Our consciousness is the one consciousness, so we are all aspects of each other, reflected, exhalted and suppressed.
There is no other.

In the eastern tradition on record for 5000+years, and the western tradition too really- (it just got hijacked and turned upside down lately by the satanist scientific medical establishment) every one is spirit first.
Then when that spirit gathers energy in motion it creates an emotional resonant body, then, if that is really wilful, it creates the physical body with which to develop itself.

We are some kind of mirror while we´re worlds apart..within our delusionary skin limits

The current topsy turvy purely material physical"$cience" tells us-
"first the sperm meets the egg, and they bind to start to grow a body, and then when the body and brain is fully formed the brain and chemicals create these illusory things called emotions, and, if you´re a complete poofter and whinnying in your boots like a scared baby without your Mummy your tragic emotional need makes you create this bullshit called god and spirit and shit"

Truth exists and we all find it in time, together, and alone.
Many things, places, people, experiences, thoughts and feelings assist.

The others are reflections of facets of ourselves unseen, unremembered, subconscious, unconscious, often. Every one of us is shedding masses of our matter and gaining masses of matter every moment, so it is immeasurable what part of us is us, and what part of us is them.

Some old molecules of some cremated bastard have just been breathed in and some old molecules of a saintly school teacher have just been farted out.

That is the sense in which I say we are all the one

People who have body part transplants often take on personality traits of the dead donor, without knowing them. Who can say what and how much of someone or something can effect us.

Life is mysterious. I am not at fault for all the world, but I do accept it as an extension of myself.
All the good and all the bad.
It all has to be.

On my deathbed if I am so lucky to be conscious I will never wish to take away mine or anyone elses bad. It is precious palate cleansing.

I accept all the beauty as mine and all the ugliness. Or I wouldnt even be able to see it.
The rapists and murderers no different from the lovers and teachers.
Some I dont want to hang out with but i see theyre just perfect.

Sometimes you might know a rapist and a murderer but you only know their good side, someone else gets the shit. Sometimes you might know someone as a bad person, but you might not be there at the time to witness the kindness in their heart.

We cannot serve two masters. We are either led by our conscience or we must be governed.

When you know this thing inside you, is you, is watching you, is all there ever is.....
You behave.
Thats all I say.
Thats how you can tell a good one from a bad one

A good one is watching himself. Or Herself.
A bad one thinks, if no one is watching, *no one is watching

I have been sucked in, disappointed and ripped off in time energy and cash by many gatekeepers and counting.., but not too bad, and only when i need sharpening. and yep... it IS nearly everyone. and more flopping out daily I m afraid but that is just natural crowning so no need for any interventions, they out themselves the uncharismatic bores

I did this comedy show about all this stuff to about 14 people in 2009 in Melbourne and I was so green and I thought it would be funny to be one step ahead of the kids and call myself "illuminati shill" because, back then I was all, " get them talking about the shoooow... any publicity is good publicity... etc" well, no one cared, and no one came, and no one talked, and I found out only about 9 Aussies in a million knew what the term shill means, and about half of those came to the show, every night, and so happy to meet some other ´conspiritards´, formed a little bond of friendship unto this day of fun friends who try to get me to bitcoin. I have those sad gigs on tape in a box and as much as they hurt me to think about, I bet one day I will think theyre funny again.

That shit made me get off the comedy horse for a while and just follow urges for mclearning all day again.
So I left Aus for 3 month trip to pyramids in Tikal, guatamala in 2010, and when I hit Mexico she was like a magnet.
I got a job teaching yoga to pay my tent rent on a beach so I could read all day for years. I started a pie shop. I´m fucking lazy, introverted and ignorant so after months here I hadn´t picked up yet that ¨pies" in spanish is ´feet.¨ Everyone loved my feet
Mexico has been my base for 6 years from where i have travelled a bit to some interesting times, I went to study with an Aya Shaman in peru, I went to Bosnian "pyramids", i worked for David Icke in London the cunt, I lay´d in some magic box in the grand pyramid of Giza..., i gave myself to the good of all when i left Australia and told the all to use me and i have actually really started to have fun, AND LIVE and be led to and thru some interesting things and people none of whom i regret.
Which leads me to you. Whats your story sunssshine ?

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oops does anyone know how to delete a post por favor?

There should be an "edit" button at the bottom of the article and you can just remove all the data. You should be able to edit anytime up until payout. You can only "delete" if there have been no votes and no comments. The "delete" button is likely in the same place when these conditions are met.

hhmmm i press that little edit button and i just get a reply box underneath
Thanks for the info @enki

My story: Left Germany 10 years ago, in MX ever since (not on the beach though), waiting for the western world to break down since 08/09.

me too, its not getting any better thats for sure