The introduction of me at Steemit

in introduce •  7 years ago  (edited)

hello how are you ....
on this occasion I would like to introduce myself to my friends who have been in this platform and I want to share with my friends also about what I know, honestly I am very happy to be able to join here and can know the same friends I have never known before. By joining me here I really hope to be able to each other berpartivasi and can change me to go forward again.

And get to know with friends who can help me in studying the science of steemit more deeply, with the support and help of friends all in this steemit I am very much grateful, And I really hope that with the information from my friends can learn a lot of knowledge, as a science that I can never in another place.
I live in his precisely aceh I live in pantonlabu, north aceh, and my second child of four siblings. Pantonlabu it is one of the small town but one of the places that many visited by many people. because there can be said one of the places of money playback. And if you play around here, there is a souvenir that you can bring home later that is banana sale.
And I have a hoby that maybe many friends who love it, which must be men. Because the game is very worldwide, saipa who do not know the same game of football, a game that is admired all over the world.
I have an enormous aspiration in living this life. The main goal is yes I want to live happily, both in the world and in the hereafter.

Hopefully with my joining in steemit can give a new color for all friends.
As the saying goes, do not know then no love, So if we love someone, we must know first. Is it right.
My vision and mission is that I can be someone who can be useful and useful to others.
Honestly I follow this program so that I can later become a reliable writer later, and from this steemit I can learn to write interesting stories that can be liked by the public at large.
So my friends if any of my writing here that is not correct in placement, please understand because I just became a beginner in writing. For friends who read this article from me, if there are wrong words should be commented / given suggestions, so I know where the words I wrote is wrong, and I will try to fix it again.
And here we can share, not just to our close-friends, even we can share with friends far away, we may never go there.
Maybe this is the only thing I can discuss in my introduction this time, if there is a broken needle not stored in the heart, and if there are wrong words do not be stored in the heart.
Greetings know from me to make friends in steemit. I live in his precisely aceh I live in pantonlabu, north aceh, and my second child of four siblings. Pantonlabu it is one of the small town but one of the places that many visited by many people. because there can be said one of the places of money playback. And if you play around here, there is a souvenir that you can bring home later that is banana sale.

And I have a hoby that maybe many friends who love it, which must be men. Because the game is very worldwide, saipa who do not know the same game of football, a game that is admired all over the world.
I have an enormous aspiration in living this life. The main goal is yes I want to live happily, both in the world and in the hereafter.
Hopefully with my joining in steemit can give a new color for all friends.
As the saying goes, do not know then no love, So if we love someone, we must know first. Is it right.
My vision and mission is that I can be someone who can be useful and useful to others.
Honestly I follow this program so that I can later become a reliable writer later, and from this steemit I can learn to write interesting stories that can be liked by the public at large.

So my friends if any of my writing here that is not correct in placement, please understand because I just became a beginner in writing. For friends who read this article from me, if there are wrong words should be commented / given suggestions, so I know where the words I wrote is wrong, and I will try to fix it again.
And here we can share, not just to our close-friends, even we can share with friends far away, we may never go there.
Maybe this is the only thing I can discuss in my introduction this time, if there is a broken needle not stored in the heart, and if there are wrong words do not be stored in the heart.
Greetings know from me to make friends in steemit.

Pengenalan saya di steemit

hello Apa kabar sahabat steemian...
pada kesempatan ini saya ingin memperkenalkan diri kepada teman-teman yang sudah berkecimpung di platform ini. saya ingin berbagi bersama teman-teman juga tentang apa yang saya ketahui, jujur saya sangat senang sekali bisa bergabung disini dan bisa mengenal sama teman yang belum pernah saya kenal sebelumnya. Dengan bergabungnya saya di sini saya sangat berharap untuk bisa saling berpartivasi dan bisa merubah saya untuk lebih maju lagi dan bisa mengenal dengan teman-teman yang bisa membantu saya dalam mempelajari ilmu steemit lebih dalam lagi, dengan dukungan dan bantuan teman-teman semua yang ada di steemit ini saya sangat berterima kasih banyak atas partisivasinya . Dan saya sangat berharap dengan adanya informasi dari teman-teman saya dapat mempelajari banyak ilmu,sebagai mana ilmu yang tidak pernah saya dapat di tempat-tempat yang lainnya.

Saya tinggal di aceh tepat nya saya tinggal di pantonlabu, aceh utara, dan saya anak kedua dari empat bersaudara. Pantonlabu itu adalah salah satu kota kecil tapi salah satu tempat yang banyak dikunjungi oleh orang banyak. karna disana bisa dikatakan salah satu tempat pemutaran uang. Dan jika kalian main-main kesini, ada oleh-oleh yang bisa kalian bawa pulang nantinya yaitu pisang sale.
Dan saya mempunyai hoby yang mungkin teman-teman banyak yang menyukainya, yang pastinya kaum laki-laki. Karna permainan itu sangat mendunia sekali, saipa yang tidak kenal sama permainan sepak bola., permainan yang dikagumi diseluruh penjuru dunia.

Saya mempunyai cita-cita yang sangat besar dalam menjalani kehidupan ini.tujuan utamanya ya pastilah saya ingin hidup bahagia, baik di dunia dan diakhirat nanti.
Semoga dengan bergabungnya saya di steemit bisa memberi warna baru bagi teman –teman semua.
Seperti kata pepatah, tak kenal maka tak sayang, Jadi kalau kita sayang sama seseorang, kita harus mengenalnya terlebih dahulu. Betul tidak.

Visi dan misi saya adalah agar saya bisa menjadi seseorang yang bisa bermamfaat dan berguna untuk orang lain.
Jujur saya mengikuti program ini agar saya nantinya bisa menjadi penulis yang andal nantinya, dan dari steemit ini saya bisa belajar menulis cerita yang menarik yang bisa di sukai oleh masyarakat luas pada umumnya.
Jadi teman-teman kalau ada tulisan saya di sini yang belum benar dalam penempatannya, harap dimaklumi karna saya baru saja menjadi seseorang pemula dalam menulis. Bagi teman teman yang membaca artikel dari saya ini, jika ada kata-kata yang salah boleh dikomentar / dikasih saran, agar saya tau dimana kata-kata yang saya tulis ini salah, dan saya akan mencoba untuk memperbaikinya lagi.

disini kita bisa berbagi, bukan hanya kepada tema-teman dekat kita, bahkan kita bisa berbagi kepada teman-teman yang jauh disana, yang mungkin kita tidak pernah bisa pergi kesana.
Mungkin hanya ini saja yang dapat saya bahas dalam perkenalan saya kali ini, jika ada jarum yang patah jangan disimpan di dalam hati, dan jika ada kata-kata yang salah jangan disimpan didalam hati.
Salam kenal dari saya buat teman-teman yang ada di steemit.

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welcome to steemit,
untuk pemula di steemit harus tetap semangat, gagal coba lagi, yakinlah proses tidak mengkianati hasil

Welcome to Steemit! Enjoy the ride as much as you can!

Thank you for your orders

Welcome to steemit 😊

ok thanks
you are welcome

I stoped reading at the picture asking to be followed, don't do that, give me a reason to, asking is kinda lame.
Of course, welcome to Steemit :)

Thanks for the advice, I am just learning and still novice

Don't sweet it :D you should read the FAQ, there's some really good info there, best of luck! <2+1

ok thanks brother for the input, i really appreciate it.
suksek also for you

ok thanks brother for the input, i really appreciate it.
suksek also for you

What is suksek? also wich lenguage :p