A First timer's confusion.

in introduce •  8 years ago 

Hello there.
My name is Joel from Ghana, Africa. An accountant by profession. This platform seems very much interactive and rewarding, but seems a bit too confusing for first timers. First and foremost where is that "comment" icon. 🤷‍♀️. Been scrolling up and down my screen for several minutes just comment on people's posts. Or I'm I missing something. How do you upload a profile picture from your gallery. Shouldn't be trouble doing that. Aside these roadblocks really hope to have loads of fun, learn and meet amazing people. Peace ✌️

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Hello! Welcome to Steemit!

To upload a photo, go to your settings and you will need to provide a link to your selected profile picture.

You will need to upload a photo of yours to a hosting site, such as google.com/photos. This is free and easy to set up and use!

Then just link your profile picture in your profile settings and you're all good to go!

Have fun Steeming!

Thanks fam. I figured out the commenting part too ✌️