Yesterday I made a post introduction myself, about the picture of my current activities in photography. For this post I want to introduce a friend who is also a cultural activist, and steemit newcomers like me. Currently I am with him engaged in cultural activism in the preservation, assessment, and revitalization of Mnangkabau culture, especially the tradition of "silek Minangkabau" (silat / martial arts).
Kemarin saya sudah membuat postingan perkenalan diri saya, mengenai gambaran aktifitas saya saat ini di fotografi. Untuk postingan kali ini saya ingin memperkenalkan seorang teman yang juga menjadi aktifis kebudayaan, dan pendatang baru steemit seperti saya. Saat ini saya bersama beliau bergerak di aktifias kebudayaan dalam pelestarian, pengkajian, serta revitalisasi kebudayaaan suku Mnangkabau, khususnya tradisi "silek Minangkabau" ( silat ).
He was named Edwardo Guci. Edwardo Guci ( @edguci ) was born in Bukittinggi, West Sumatra in May 1973. He started a martial arts journey at a local Kung-Fu school, when Bruce Lee's "fever" hit Indonesia. Then his father sent young Edwardo to his village on the shores of Lake Maninjau to receive some injury treatment from his uncle who happened to be deeply into Martial Arts Minangkabau Silek.
In 1989, his uncle asked young Edwardo about the extent to which he had learned Kung-Fu's martial arts. The young Edwardo felt confident and decided to show his ability to compete with his relatively old uncle.
Beliau bernama Edwardo Guci. Edwardo Guci lahir di Bukittinggi, Sumatera Barat pada Mei 1973. Dia memulai perjalanan seni bela diri di sekolah Kung-Fu lokal, saat "demam" Bruce Lee melanda Indonesia. Kemudian ayahnya mengirim Edwardo muda ke kampungnya di tepi Danau Maninjau untuk menerima beberapa pengobatan cedera dari pamannya yang kebetulan mendalami Seni Beladiri Minangkabau Silek Asli.
Pada tahun 1989, pamannya bertanya pada Edwardo muda tentang sejauh mana telah ia pelajari beladiri Kung-Fu. Edwardo mudapun merasa yakin dan memutuskan untuk menunjukkan kemampuannya bertanding dengan sang paman yang relatif tua usianya.
Every time he tried to attack his uncle could easily break it gently and drop Ed to the floor. Being a bit surprised and a little embarrassed that young Edwardo gave up.
Setiap kali ia mencoba menyerang maka dengan mudah pamannya mampu mematahkannya dengan lembut dan menjatuhkan Ed ke lantai. Menjadi agak terkejut dan sedikit malu yang Edwardo muda pun menyerah.
Since that incident, he began his quest to find everything he could learn about Minangkabau Martial Arts from its source. Beginning with learning Silek Balam's uncle's Silek style and continuing to meet and practice with many 'Tuo Silek'.
Sejak itu, ia mulai pencariannya untuk menemukan semua yang dia bisa pelajari tentang Seni Bela Diri Minangkabau dari sumbernya. Dimulai dengan belajar Aliran Silek pamannya yaitu Silek Balam dan dilanjutkan bertemu dan berlatih dengan banyak ‘Tuo Silek’.
More than two thirds of his life is devoted to Minangkabau cultural activities especially "silek".Just a few years back to Indonesia after several years around Europe to develop "sielk" silat Minang in Europe. Not only to develop silek, he also evaluated Minang silek activities in almost all Minang silek universities in Europe, and always hunted Minangkabau histories that are currently buried in the Dutch Tropen Museum.
Lebih dari dua pertiga umur dia diabdikan untuk aktivitas budaya Minangkabau khususnya “silek”.Baru beberapa tahun ini pulang lagi ke Indonesia setelah beberapa tahun mengelilingi eropa untuk mengembangkan “silek” silat Minang di Eropa. Tidak hanya mengembangkan silek, dia juga mengevaluasi aktivitas silek Minang hampir seluruh perguruan silek Minang di Eropa, dan selalu memburu sejarah-sejarah Minangkabau yang saat ini terpendam di Tropen Museum Belanda.
Erwardo Guci Video
The result of that long journey led Ed back to his hometown of West Sumatra. This return is due to the sadness of the great development of Minang Silek in the International World. The sadness is not unreasonable. Silek belongs to the curriculum of several universities in America. Silek became one of the obligatory martial arts in several other special forces of the country.
Hasil dari perjalanan panjang itu membuat Ed kembali ke kampung halaman di Sumatera Barat. Kepulangan ini disebabkan kesedihan betapa sangat berkembangnya silek Minang di Dunia Internasional. Kesedihan itu bukan tidak beralasan. Silek termasuk ke dalam kurikulum beberapa universitas di Amerika. Silek menjadi salah satu ilmu beladiri wajib di beberapa pasukan khusus negara lain.
edwardo guci video
The appreciation of the silver activists is so high. While in his own country, or his own hometown it is not so much as the achievement of silek activities like in the international world.
Penghargaan terhadap penggiat silek begitu tingginya. Sementara di negara sendiri, atau kampung halaman sendiri rasanya belum begitu sebesar capaian aktivitas silek seperti di dunia Internasional.
The sadness he realized with the return "Da Ed" back to the homeland. There is an intention to review again and find a solution to the lack of Silek development in its own region.
Upon arriving in Indonesia, Edwardo Guci started guerrilla from several regions in Indonesia to conduct researches. From his journey, brings up a desire and optimism to re-establish Silek Minang activity in West Sumatra.
It has been proved by the success of "Minangkabau Silek Tuo Summer Camp" The First and Second in West Sumatra.
Kesedihan itu diwujudkannya dengan kepulangan “Da Ed” ke Tanah Air kembali. Ada niat untuk mengkaji lagi dan mencari solusi atas kurangnya perkembangan Silek di daerah sendiri.
Setibanya di Indonesia, Edwardo Guci mulai bergerilya dari beberapa daerah di Indonesia guna melakukan penelitian-penelitian. Dari perjalanannya, memunculkan sebuah keinginan dan optimisme untuk menggeliatkan kembali aktifitas Silek Minang di Sumatera Barat.
It has been proved by the success of "Minangkabau Silek Tuo Summer Camp" The First and Second in West Sumatra. Currently, Edwardo Guci activities are mostly located in Padang Panjang City. There are several Spectacular Activity Plans that he deals with other silver activists. From here comes inspirational ideas and even activities related to the conservation of silk Minangkabau. The last success of Edwardo Guci together with the team in Padang long is to hold the "Alek Minangkabau Silek Retreat" event which was attended by several fighters from ten countries.
Hal tersebut telah ia buktikan dengan suksesnya acara ” Minangkabau Silek Tuo Summer Camp ” Yang Pertama dan Kedua di Sumatera Barat. Saat ini, aktivitas Edwardo Guci lebih banyak berada di Kota Padang Panjang. Ada beberapa Rencana Kegiatan Spektakuler yang beliau urus dengan penggiat- penggiat silek yang lain.
Dari sinilah lahir ide inspiratif bahkan kegiatan-kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan pelestarian silek Minangkabau. Terakhir kesuksesan Edwardo Guci ersama tim di kota Padang panjang adalah mengadakan acara " Alek Minangkabau Silek Retreat" yang di hadiri oleh beberapa pesilat dari sepuluh negara.
I am currently and edwardoguci one team in conservation efforts. This post in steemit also aims to find information about Minangkabau culture especially Minangkabau silek. If you have any knowledge about it, we are very happy to share and discuss.
Saat ini saya dan edwardo guci satu team dalam upaya pelestarian. Postingan ini di steemit pun bertujuan untuk mencari informasi tentang kebudayaa Minangkabau khususnya silek Minangkabau. Jika anda memiliki pengetahua tentang hal tersebut, kami sangat senang untuk berbagi dan berdiskusi.
edwardo on martial art illustrated magazine - march 2014
edwardo on martial art illustrated magazine - August 2011
edwardo on martial art illustrated magazine - August 2011
edwardo on martial art illustrated magazine - March 2010
edwardo guci = @edguci
official reference : - - martial arts illustrated Magazine
photo by @mevro
I have done silat in the United States under a great teacher for 11 years. Following and I'd love to know more!
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wah cool .... may i know who a great teacher is? and style of martial arts do you learn?
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And teacher is Stevan Plinck.
And I have done Indonesian and Filipino arts as well as arts across the world.
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oh great .. your basic silat and teacher seems from west java cimande. maybe next time you can try the kind of silat minangkabau from west sumatera. we always hold martial arts event in the presence of many participants from various countries who are initiated by edwardoguci @edguci . maybe one day you are interested in joining the event with your friends in the event "minangkabau silek retreat". we always try to create brotherhood.
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I would love to see what you do. I am loving Silat. My teacher retired from the 5th special forces group and is a great warrior. As well as training Silat since a child. And we have cimande and chikalong. Hard and soft. And then we have something else. Mining. Take space.
Followed your friend too. Met a guy from Germany that is Silat.
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@ganjafarmer yes .. great. salute for you and your teacher. our activities can you see by type "minangkabau silek retreat" on google and youtube
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I'll be looking! And shared your video with a friend. He liked it! Keep doing you! Maybe one day you will visit Oregon!
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great .... thanks a lot my friend. yes .. i will be consistent for cultural activities. thanks for sharing.
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Thank you @mevro to help to intoduce me 🙏🙏🙏
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you are welcome uda @edguci :D
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abis follow akun bg edguci dan bg mevro
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Following you!
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Thank you @ganjafarmer .i have follow you also.... Nice to meet you here
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da @edguci main steemit jugak? waah..:)
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salam @dimas-alfaruq
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salam juo da
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Makasih lagi @dimas-alfaruq 🙏🙏🙏
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biar kekinian da @dimas-alfaruq hahahah sekalian buat share informasi tentabg silek minangkabau
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iyo da hehee mantap bana
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hehehee jan lupo datang lagi nanti pas acara berikutnya da.. heheh
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Thanks! And you are welcome!
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mantap bg edwardo
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Siap Dave ..mantaap ..selamat main steemit om dave @ingatanvisual
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Mantap mantap. Semangat terus bg
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sip.. makasi fiz...
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