
in introduce •  7 years ago 

Hi everyone, my name is moonlighnon,

     I'm an Australian and startup entrepreneur. So some of my posts will be about the goal of being financially independent. Some of the helpful information that I'll be sharing, will be a lot of stuff that is never taught, (as general knowledge). So the first amount of information is about reducing expenses, (where you can), and only buying the things that you really need. This way, you spend less time, looking after stuff and spend your time, on more important things. 

Next post coming tomorrow.

Kind Regards,

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Hi all,

 here's my post for today. A good way to help to reduce expenses, is to not buy products that break and fall apart, a while after you buy them. It's a waste of time and energy, having to find the thing again and having to go and get it, online or offline. So many manufacturers are making products that break, or fall apart or that you can't fix, or etc. (Of which is frustrating and also more money flies out of your pocket, and into someone else's). So a very good website, is called, "buy it once", and the book that's connected with the website is called, "A life less throw away". Here's the website link.  https://buymeonce.com/

The book's listed here too. There's also http://buyitoncebuyitforlife.com/

Also here's a great website for repairing your belongings

So, in a sense, purchasing products this way, will stop the wastefulness that retailers and manufacturers (generally), are wanting to get even more so.

Thankyou for reading and more tomorrow,


Hi again,
my post for today. Another great book is by Jack Bosch, and it's called "Forever Cash". He teaches how to get off the "earn to spend rat wheel", and how one can learn how to apply strategies and to become financially independent. It's a brilliant book, and if you go to the website https://www.forevercash.com/
You can have the book mailed to you. I wish that the stuff in the book, was taught in schools, colleges and universities,etc.

I hope that helps for today.

More tomorrow,


Hi for today,

    time is a currency that is more valuable than money itself. Use if wisely.

More tomorrow,


Always be mindful, before buying something, that will I still like it when the enjoyment of buying something wears off. It may just be another thing, that you have to spend time, energy and extra money looking after.

Time is more valuable than money, sadly, so many people don't realise it.