Big hello from MrBullet131, here to promote #dementiafraud

in introduce •  7 years ago 

He is a motorcycle fanatic who had his own business Bullets Bike Shop worked to race hence the 131 after the nickname and he loved his mum. He lost his mum through dehydration brought on by a negligent care home and Risperidone which carries a warning not to give to elderly with Dementia.

This is what I worked hard for I rode really well as I was unaware of my mothers condition, she was already diagnosed in February of this very year I was unaware until February the following year 2015 where I was 5mph slower but felt like I was faster, I couldn't concentrate because I put my mum into respite so we could have a break and while at the Isle of Mann the home called me advising mum had been assaulted after that I couldn't focus I'm lucky I didn't make a mistake, the Island is not the place to do that.

its 37 mins worth sit back and enjoy the ride I was 46yr old when I did this it was my 3rd visit to the island on a 10yr old bike :D

I is MrBullet and I am going to tell about my ongoing story over the next however long it takes about the corruption and asset stripping of vulnerable adults suffering with dementia who have their own assets carried out by the UK Government Social Services departments.

I am the founder of #dementiafraud click and follow the links in Twitter, if you live in the UK what happened to my mother and I can and possible will happen to you or someone you know (that's if it hasn't already) Protect your assets NOW.

Pleasure advising you all hopefully I can find supporters and we can collectively make change to this hideous crime by the Government, my mum God rest her soul was 87yr when she was dehydrated and killed on the Liverpool Care Pathway, she was put on this when the Council realised they were not going to get her assets and would have been held liable should they have turned up for the financial hearing that they brought to the Court of protection they did this even though mum was being funded on section 117 aftercare.

It was my mums generation that rebuilt this country after the 2nd world war and look what they did to her she was just considered a drain on resources. A harassment campaign has now been launched against me for preventing their plan, this has resulted in the loss of my livelihood and a malicious prosecution brought about by an unlawful access into my private data and disclosure of data to a private 3rd party, These people are evil.

I'm a brand new member and have already posted but in the trending #dementiafraud I'll figure it out soon enough

Take care guys


P.S I realised I could provide the links to my groups etc I'm a motorcycle mechanic learning new PC skills atm :D

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