Speaking of Pho, people immediately think of Pho Hanoi by Pho of this land is not only delicious, has a special flavor but also extremely diverse in terms of species. Beside Pho water,Pho stir fried ... Pho is a delicious food contributing to enrich the cuisine is inherently famous.
How to make rice noodle very simple and easy to do at home.
Raw materials for Pho Cuan
Noodle : about 1kg
Fresh vermicelli: 400 g
Beef: 400 g
Onion: 1 bulb
Cooking oil
Fish sauce, pepper, chilli, vinegar, ginger, sugar, lemon, garlic.
Coriander, bean sprout, marjoram, lettuce, basil
How to make pho book detail:
Step 1: Pick fresh vegetables and remove the leaves and wash them, soak in a bowl of water with thin salt. Then remove them, drain.
Ginger, garlic peeled and then chopped.
The onion is peeled and then washed.
Beef washed and sliced, when buying meat should choose the meat thistle finished meat for meat will spice up and when eating meat will soften. Then marinate the meat with ginger, spices and a little oil to about 15-20p for the meat to soak and add the traditional spice flavor.
Step 2: Put the pan on the cooking oil to cook non-aromatic garlic and pour the beef into stir fry with the hands until cooked to the plate. To stir fried beef while stir fry you should pay attention to fast meat hand and fire to prevent meat from being out.
Step 3: Spread a piece of rice noodle on a plate or tray, lettuce, a little bit of vermicelli, beef strips all over the surface, some raw vegetables and then gently twist the meat to not fall off and Noodle pieces are not torn. When the noodle cake should leave the ball out so that pho book looks more beautiful.
Roll to the end of the meat and cake, when folded you can leave the noodles rolled or cut into pieces to eat, when the dots are mixed with sauce.
Step 4: Sauce is also an important part of the dish. You mix the sauce with the following proportions: 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 tablespoon delicious, 1 tablespoon vinegar or lemon juice, about 5 tablespoons filtered water. During the sauce phase you need to taste regularly to balance the spices for just eating. Stir the mixture in a bowl of dipping sauce, add a little chopped garlic and a few slices of chili into the sauce. The sauce will be sour, spicy, salty, sweet spicy and spicy pepper.
With this simple Pho Cuan, you have a good meal in the morning or the weekend feel bored rice. This dish contains low fat content so you can eat comfortably, eat easily and are good for digestion.
Pho is easy to make do not waste too much material as well as time to cook food, but create a happy atmosphere when the whole family is sitting noodle soup on the weekend.