How I got shot in the head and lived - my Introduction

in introduce •  7 years ago 

  I'm new on Steem so this seems is as good as an intro as any as the story is not only real but quite amazing.

First off I am 48, from CA and trade crypto and stocks also and have sold a few companies.

 I was shot in the head when I was 18 and lived to tell about it.  

So I was out with my football team on a Wednesday night, I had borrowed my Mom's car, as we all do when we are 18, and 3 of my teammates were with me. We went to the neighboring town's bar because we were playing them the next day and liked to stir up trouble, and boy I had no idea what I was in for.  

So we show up at this bar which was serving $1 beers and we started drinking. After about 10 of these guys from the visiting team came over and it was on but we didn't end up fighting believe it or not. We agreed to play a mock football game in a stream next to the bar. It was an epic battle, especially in the rain and honestly most of us became friends after that.  So after we were done playing we all went back into the bar and continued to drink. When the bar closed I left with my 3 friends to go home and obviously I should not have been driving but at 18 one does not think of these things. It was raining and we took off.... 

I came to a stoplight that I thought was green but it was one of those lights on both sides so the other side was green coming at an angle towards me and I drove through my red light…like this: 


Then BAM!...a car came flying into me. crushed the front end of my car ( thank God it didn't hit further back or it would have severely injured me and my friends) and time slowed down, I still remember this like it was yesterday at 48 years old - 30 years ago. So we get all out, a few bumps and scrapes on us, and I proceeded to head over to the driver and say, "What the hell are you doing?" as I thought I was in the right ( when in fact I had blown the light). Now remember I am 18, drunk and captain of the football team at 225 pounds of muscle and a mean drunk he gets out and starts screaming at me, I am screaming at him. I look and see a woman in his passenger is raining...I am dizzy and drunk...not sure who threw the first punch honestly but we get into it and start fighting...he is short, maybe 185 and I am getting the better of him....he then says, and I quote, "Fu** this..hold on a second" and starts going to his car. I am like "what the heck is going on" thinking he gave up, but when I see him walk back to me from his car, I see he is pointing a gun at me and firing...  

 Let me say that again, next time I see him walk away from his car towards me, he is pointing and shooting a gun at me. Next thing I remember is ducking and running. I felt something nick my head and thought, "Holy sh** am I hit?". At this time my friends were screaming as was his wife as well..and it was raining hard...quite the surreal scene. So I hear the shots stop...I see one of my friends tackle him and he goes down, I run over but as I run I put my left hand to my head and realize I am pouring blood out of my head..I run over to him and kneel on his chest and pound him into the pavement...then I fall back feeling faint... 

I look up..I see rain, and I hear sirens friends holding my head and saying, "hang in there man!" and pass out. I then wake up in the hospital and find out I have 17 stitches in the back of my head, the bullet grazed me. Seems when I ducked in the rain, it just missed me, so I pulled a mini Matrix which is cool when I think about it now ( the rest isn't).  

As it happened, it turns out he was an of duty NYC cop and I was an 18 year old white kid going to a top college. The DA took one look at the case as whether to press charges on anyone and wiped the whole thing under the table, no harm no foul to anyone. And that my friends, is how I got shot in the head. I have the scar to prove it as well.  Trust me there is a lot more, I was a wild partier for 30 years, a serious hardcore partier making over $100k a month, in my 30's, no joke. And before that in my 20's I was also killing it in commodities as well. This story is from my early days…before it got real crazy...multiple tottaled cars, including a new Ferrari, dozens of bar room brawls, multiple run ins with the law...travelling to Mexico City, Brazil, Vegas and causing mass chaos..we have 30 more years of stories to tell – stay tuned – the stories only get more interesting, trust me.

Funny thing is now I like to read and garden but these stories need telling so you all can witness what it is like to make $100k a month, net, and burn through it at lightning speed like a demon on a Harley, with a blindfold on, screaming..  I really have a book in my head of my 9 lives and this is only the first one, actually more like 40 lives I have lived through, anyway see you soon. Thanks for reading and if anyone feels like sharing there near death experience, please do share.   SmokedSteem

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Hello @smokedsteem. Wow. What a story and stories you have. You asked. And I can relate to your experience of pouring blood. I once fell off a roof at a Denny's restaurant in the pouring rain late at night. For a flash second I thought I would hit and die. But, I landed in the dumpster. In a drugged stated I was happy as I got out. But, it was not right. There were people partying in the parking lot. I walked toward them and I saw two girls start screaming. I felt the thick liquid on my head and face. A friend took me to the emergency. I remember the shocked look on the nurses. I had split the left side of my skull open and half my face ripped. It was the side of the dumpster I hit and then rolled in.

As for the rest of your story, sure. Bring it on. I want to hear what you have to say. At this point in our lives we edit and re-edit working the narrative that gives us meaning. Are we happy where we are? Do we have regrets?

Thanks for the comment and crazy story you have also - I am happy, a few regrets but not many...

Did the bullet wound take out any muscle tissue or tendons at least?
Tell us about that.

Negative harpoon, it glanced off the right side of the back of my head, stitches only-


Cant wait to read more

Good story sir, but golly you sure sound like a real whippersnapper when you were a wee tot.

oh I was - more stories to come