I finally introduce myself. It took me time to do so :)steemCreated with Sketch.

in introducemyself •  8 years ago  (edited)

Hello my fellow Steemians!

It’s been quite a while since I registered but I haven’t introduced myself yet. High time to do so, don’t you think? I am in my mid-twenties and I live in a beautiful city of Prague, the capital of the Czech republic. If you have a way here, please let me know! I can most definitely give you some suggestions what to do and where to go or even join you if I have spare time.


By the way here you have one of my favourite views on Prague:
(a free photo by pixabay.com)

Anyway, besides of Steemit I spent my time with my friends. I love to travel, I read a lot and I am really keen on poetry. As I worked at a theatre for several years, I adore good plays and gifted actors. I play bass rather than pc games, I juggle (or try to) and currently I am thinking about buying a monocycle. Something like this:

Now-a-days we are working on establishing the Czech community here on Steemit. You can easily find us under tag #cesky, some of the posts are in English or bilingual. We would appreciate your support and votes if you find something interesting there!

BTW the pictures aren’t of me actually. I read an article by Felicia Czochanski who complains that people judge her because she is pretty and I borrowed them. They attracted you, didn’t they? A post by a beautiful girl gets more publicity than other posts of similar content and quality. So…I am a guy, though. 

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Good to put a face to the fish! ;)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Tak konec clanku je dobrej :D Zrovna jsem na tim dneska premyslel jak je tady spousta clanku typu "Travel with me" od holek a lidi na to klikaj a upvotujou jenom podle fotek....

Kromě Čechů a jedné čestné zahraniční výjimky ovšem článek nikdo nedočetl, jak vyplývá z hlasů i komentářů :)

Good looking

While it's true attractive people attract others to view posts, the purpose of this type of post is to show others you are a real person. I'm nothing special and my introduction did fairly well. It's more important here that you're authentic.

Here's mine. Authenticity matters.

P. S. Welcome!

Yep, I am a real person and everything written there is 100% true. I even admitted that the pictures aren't mine. There was no need to do so and nobody would notice.

I just wantet to point out that a lot of Steemians don't read what is actually written in the article. Just like you. You upvoted this post even before reading and then you took your vote away. Why don't you upvote something after reading it?

On Steemit the order votes come in matter when calculating curator rewards. If I think a post will do well I vote first then read especially if it's new. You are correct that your post has the makings of doing well. From what I've seen attractive women do well in introductory posts. But, most introductory posts do well if they are authentic. One thing that is part of good etiquette on these posts is to include a photo of yourself with a dated piece of paper to prove your account is not going to be a bot account.

tldr; Be authentic, clickbait is for buzz feed.

I did not attached a photo of myself but I did admit it. Everything written in the post is true I didn't make anything up. The post is authentic.

And we both see how it works, you saw an attractive women and upvoted the post hoping for curator reward. Thats what people here do. How shall we create a worthy content if that what matters are pictures?

Btw is tldr your regular argument? I won't waste my time replying then.

I think we are having a breakdown in communication here. I'm using authentic in the meaning of genuine. I know you wrote that post and that the content of it are real. Adding fake photos is disingenuous even though you said they weren't you. As far as the tldr that was summing up my post not yours. I'm not trying to be argumentative just helpful and sorry if my messages have been conveyed wrong.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Well, I am sorry for the misreading, English is not my mother tongue.

Anyway, pictures lure people here to upvote without reading anything. That was what I wanted to point out. Chceck the comments of the others here. I guess all of them voted but none of them read, otherwise they would reacted in a similar way you did.

People usually mind the curating reward and vote for posts that should be popular instead for post that are actually valuable.

In such conditions the content doesn't really matter and Steemit loses its drive. It's more Facebookish, not what Steemit was intended to be.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I agree there are some definite issues with the way their curator rewards work. Also it's obvious I am the only one that read your post. You should try one with a selfie holding a sign that says "Hello Steemit! I'm Godfish! (date of day posted). You might just be surprised! I know about 70% of the people that replied to me probably didn't read it on my post but the people with lots of voting power do for sure! Again welcome, I'm also trying to learn the ropes here!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I have never made a selfie and I am not about to begin with it for a couple of bucks :) thank you for the suggestion anyway, I am sure it would work.

This post met my expectations regarding the (not)reading, that was its purpose. Plus the text was ment for my Czech mates mainly, to whom I dedicated even the first introduce myself post that was in Czech only. They deserve to know me better whilst Steemit mainly don't give a minute or two to finish reading.

Anyway, as this post was true, my offer to take you or anybody else around in Prague is still on. I will probably have bought the monocycle by the time you arrive :)


Thank you :)

skvělý článek a nádherné fotky (před dočtením posledního odstavce jsem se k té první několikrát vrátil a spojoval tvář s příspěvky na fóru Arboletu a objednával okružní jízdu Prahou :)))...svoboda a anonymita internetu je skvělá.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Asi sis všimnul, že o sobě píšu v mužském rodě, ať tady nebo na Arboletu :) Ale lidé tu často nečtou a vhodně zvolený obrázek může vydělat. Ne že bych nabádal v podvodům, však jsem se sám přiznal. Ale polovina hlasujících se až k přiznání nedočetla.

Haha dobrá Psychologie lidí... hned tady dole ten ind se nechal dobře nachytat... škoda že jeho steem Power je slabý jinak by sis tím vydělal dost dobře ;)

Skoro všichni se nechali nachytat. A kdybych se nepřiznal, měl bych pravděpodobně hlasů násobně víc :) škoda, že jsem tak poctivej :)

už vím, proč jsem tě pod jiným článkem přirovnal k "protřelé štice" ;-). i když tady to byl spíš prohnaný úhoř :-D

better late than never welcomeeeee =)

Thank you, @venela :)

You welcome , by the way check out y new post :) HAVE A GOOD DAY


welcome to the jungle... lol
Looking forward to see your posts...

Hi, welcome to steemit. I am following you! I hope you enjoy here!!!

welcom dear friend....im following

Welcome to Steemit! Looking forward to seeing more from you!

Wow godfish you are so beautiful. You are the first girl who replied to my posts and who talk to me. :-)

:-) ... read whole post

Lol yeah i didn't read the last paragraph. It's true story.