Introduce Yourself

in introducemyself •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hi! Trying out Steemit since i started to create my own blog site I am a simple guy who loves to eat and cook. I started to learn cooking at the age of 7. I was inspired by my Lola (Grandmother). I grew up with her as both my parents are working that time. I always watched her cook our meals and ask her question regarding the preparation.

My first time trying to cook was back when i was 8. I tried to bake a brownie, of course i was not yet aware about google and i think YouTube doesn’t exist that time. I did a DIY version of a brownie. I used a Llanera (Molder), ingredients would be Milo (Chocolate Powder Drink), Milk, Sugar and Water. I placed it in an Oven Toaster. Pretty excited as i saw the top formed and to my surprise top was crusty and below was still liquid consistency. Eversince i always take on the challenge of creating new dishes.

I ventured into a small food business last year. We offer Packed Lunches or Food Trays. One of my client was Meralco Energy. The reason I started this Food Blog is to share my Passion with food.


A little bit more about me:

College Course: Computer Science and Food Service
College Schools Attended: Centro Escolar University and O.B. Montessori
Favorite Food: Spicy Noodles and Fried Chicken
Hobbies: Cooking, Sports, Watching Movies and Video Games
Favorite Movie: Liar Liar
Pets: Dog (Pug named Paris)
What do you do for work: Sales Manager
Origin of the Name: Kahit Saan Food Stop – When I was in School and people ask, Where should we eat (Saan tayo kakain)? The usual response is Where ever (Kahit Saan). So ever since the goal is to have a restaurant named Kahit Saan Food Stop

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Welcome @ivan010223 ! Let's follow/upvote each other's post :D Kababayan :D
