The introduce of my self

in introducemyself •  7 years ago  (edited)

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb
Selamat siang sahabat steemit Indonesia dan sahabat steemit dimanapun kalian berada.

Pada kesempatan kali ini izinkan saya untuk bergabung dan memperkenalkan diri kepada sahabat steemit dimanapun kalian berada,. Perkenalkan nama saya SAIFUL, umur saya sekarang 26 tahun, saya berasal dari Pantonlabu, Aceh/Indonesia, saya bekerja disalah satu warung kopi dipantonlabu.

Karena ini pertama kali saya bergabung dengan sahabat steemit mohon dukungan serta masukan untuk saya.

Hidup steemit indonesia.


On this occasion allow me to join and introduce myself to steemit friends wherever you are,
Introduce my name SAIFUL, I am now 26 years old, I come from Pantonlabu, Aceh / Indonesia, I work in a coffee shop dipantonlabu.

Because this is the first time I joined a friend of steemit please support and input for me.

Thank you.
Living steemit Indonesia.

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Welcome my friend!
Greetings from Venezuela.

Thank you my friend 😀
Greetings from Indonesia.

Could you Look My posts you will love :)

Thank you my friend for your coment,
Greetings from Indonesia 😀

welcome to this steemit family ! i hope you enjoy here ! @arvindkumar #followtofollow #liketolike

Thank you my friend @arvindkumar
Greetings from me Indonesia 😎

hello @saiful0991 and welcome to steemit!

this is a great place with a great community .. glad to have you.

Hii @ricmark

Thanks my friend to join in this community, I feel like I have a wonderful new family. 😎

Selamat join di Steemit @saiful0991! Senang anda gabung.. sudah kami upvote ya.. 😏

Terima kasih banyak om @puncakbukit
Senang berkenalan dgn mu.

Welcome To steemit

Thank you my friend..
I like join to steemit..

Wellcome my friend to steemit 😎

Thank you my friend