Hello Everyone!

in introduceyourself •  8 years ago 

I created my steemit account yesterday, but held off on writing the “introduce yourself” portion until I felt a bit more comfortable. I went ahead and posted a couple of things I've already written, first, just to see if anyone was interested, and I browsed much content looking for things that appealed to me. Which I did find!

Anyway, to the introduction...

I love to write about the things for which I have passion. I suppose if I were to sum up what my passion has been for the last four years, I would say it is independence. For this reason, I have focused my studies on certain topics. Such as; sustainable energy and construction, regenerative agriculture/permaculture, herbal medicine, food preservation, and pretty much anything that can enable one to be in control of their basic necessities.

I would like to contribute to the culture growing on steemit and become a voice for the above-mentioned, as well as eyes and ears, for them and many others. Thank you for reading!

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Hi, and a warm welcome to Steemit.
Perhaps you can post a picture of yourself holding a card with your name date and Steemit name on there, as is per usual on Steemit these days.
You will notice a bigger response if you do this.
It is not a rule, but Steemit members tend embrace those who we can see are "real" people.
Just a friendly bit of advice.
Look forward to seeing what you post.

Thanks for the welcome and advice! I'm getting there; to profile picture comfort, if you will. I'm weary of sharing personal information online, and I'm still learning about cryptocurrency and block-chains. When I feel safer, the pictures will come. In the meantime, links to useful info about any of that are welcome! Hopefully my writing is enough to get me by until then.

The whole idea of Blockchain technology is that nothing is hidden and thus everyone has equal power. Bernie Sanders is on here and everyone can see exactly how much he owns, what he votes on, an so on, just as he can see the same for everyone else.
Steemit is not like any other platform on the web and it is a mistake to treat it as such. No one is asking for your personal bank details, or email address etc, the photo of you is just to see you are a real person. It is an act of trust I guess.
You do not have to, there is no rule, and it is not to "comfort" the community, no one cares about that. Its just nice to put a face to a name, right?
I only say it as friendly advice to help you get going.
Check it out yourself, look at those who posted their photo and see the response they got.
Ssomeone helped me when I started and we have a pass it forward thing on here on Steemit.
Anyways, Im sure you will discover things out yourself.
Good luck to you,.

I understand, and thank you again. I'm sure I will, and it doesn't seem like much to ask for when so many other sites require much more. I wasn't speaking for the comfort level of anyone else, though, I was referring only to my own. This is due, I'm sure, to a lack of knowledge about the inner-workings of a block chain. I only just started yesterday, but I'm a quick study so I'll catch up!

OK, I slightly misunderstood you.
You will be fine.
Honestly people on here are the friendliest and most intelligent folk I have had the honor to get to know.
If you are knew to block chain and crypto, then you are about to have your mind blown. Once you understand it there is no going back.
You will like you have just woken up to the real world ha ha lol!

Steemit is unique, the first of its kind in the world. No one wants anything from you, except the real you. That is what is so great about it.

There is a guy on here, I forget his name just now, and he said something that is the best advice you can ever have.
He said this: "When I tried to stop making money on Steemit, I started making money on Steemit" lol!
This is so true, and the reason why is because people on here are not fools and can spot it a mile away if you are trying to be clever.
In a world of fake news and scams, honesty is refreshing right?

I will put "follow" so that you come in my feed. If you have any questions then just ask, if I dont know then I will know someone who does, or just ask someone else, people are happy to help.

By the way - One rule: you cant write more than three times on a post, that means I will not be able to respond again on this particular post.
You can respond, but I will not be able to respond back.
But I can respond direct to your wallet account. Steemit notifies you if someone sends a post to there.
Good luck again and welcome @abrienne

I like the quote from "guy on here" haha. That's exactly the kind of attitude I was hoping to find! I've been watching videos and learning the proper etiquette. The idea of having to sort of "earn your keep," appeals to me. Thank you for your friendly advice and encouragement. I will follow you as well.