Hi My name is Zachary Warren Williams I graduated from University of California at Santa cruz in Digital Media and Film and also graduated from teh IB program at SDHS in San Diego, CA. i live in San Diego ina treehouse in my parents backyard
Im 29 years old and I am a steemit addict (Ex Opiate Addict but over a year and a half clean on methadone and I consider that clean as I get drug tested and have been ONLY on methadone with Nothing else (cannabis and thc isnt on the drug tests and hasnt been for years now ). I am so addicted androoid and ios devices, HDTVs, laptops, the internet and now blockchain that i KNOW I have Obsessiive Crypto Currency Disorder OCCD that CUTS INTO your sleep and can hurt your back and wrists!
I am at the the point where I cant sleep and have been up over 24 hours steemiting article after article...not because I am trying to make quick money, no i just cant stop writing! here I am writing MORE by editing what i already wrote, I cant help myself! Im adding this whole paragraph and now Ill have to reak tehe text p and add MORE images! Honestly I really just can't stop typing! I'm going so fast that I'm spilling typos all over the screen and have to constantlu go back and correct them but I want to postthe edits quick before the post gets burried!
DOnt worry about me though, I can shut it all off and sleep for a few days if I need, Or Ill turn off the laptop and just watch some youtube on autoplay of old ww2 documentaries that i fall asleep to or Disocvery Wings from 19988 (maybe its because that was the peak of american military power at the end of teh coldwar, or because it was when I was born, or it wwas because it was when the 90s were just gettigs tarted and internet wa sabout to c oe out, I dunno maybe we all like the 80s asthetic because it reminds us of Nowadays, a time of great untapped potential where digital coputers are changing ow we do everything. I know I was addicted to social media and apps for social media (like Instagram which lets you post to tumblr facebook twtter flikr all at once, I wish it would post to steemit) but also to crypto currency and so steemit is just like digital CRACK for me! I ALWAYS loved games where i could ACCUMULATE stuff without any penalties! Liek Zelda or even World of Warcraft! I always didnt like games like Majoras Mask where you could run out of them and loose all the stuff u accumulate! The good example of this accumiulation fetish is with the pokemon and items in original gameboy Pokemon, i feel like steemit is like playing original pokemon red or blue and the idea of Accumulative wealth just makes me so excited! Like as if the world is FINALLY one big video game that you can play to acquire points! We finally have those scifi Space Credits!
This is the type of system ive been waiting for since I was a a young kid! I would walk around with my gameboy and pray that one day there woould be a wireless modem for my gameboy to allow me to play pokemon games over the internet...now that is jst a gievn and all ninteno DS handhelds not only have wifi and webbrowsers but all video cameras front and back facing! (Is there an Altcoin Mining Ninteno DS gameboy game!?!?!Why not!! I know they have bitcoin altcoin miners for xbox and ps4!
I feel like now that i am getting paid a few cents to a few bucks to maybe rarely 10 bucks per post, then it is my responsibility to post everyday or every hour IF i have interesting news to share, because I have gone SO LONG without a job or any income, that this has become all too important and too real! I feel like I have to post every MINUTE now! And since I realized I NEVER did an introduction post, and I see newbie accounts getting $20 to $100 for just their introduction post, I realized I MUST do this too before I am on the site for a whole nother month! But I believe Im still new enough to warrent an introduction! I want to be involved in this community and I feel like I basically accidentally followed in the footsteps of @craig-grant who tried to warn us all to just go alll in on steempower to earn the most rewards here, and steemit can jst generate income better than ay other system out there! I now have 3TH mining contract for LIFE (while profitable) and I wanna be like @Craig-grant who gets daily mining payouts from all his mining contract referals from genesis mining! He ust be getting SO much BTC and DASH everyday! Well, At least I was able to get a MUCH better deal which so now sold out at pool.bitcoin.com for $300 for 2TH lifetime (while profitable) I am gonna get bitcoin for LIFE!
I feel liek we are all playing Hungry Hungry hippos with these crypto currencies! We are all trying to get as MUCh as we alll can while at the SAME time we are trying to play it off cool so noone jumps into these altcoins liek ripple and steller too soon before we can get our next paychecks and buy MORE steller ripple nextcoin etc while its STILL cheap! Steem too! This is my new obsession! I want to do this everyday! i was walking around yesterday just stopped in teh middle of the street (no traffic) just re arranging my poloniex! I was selling less performing coins and buying more of the higher performing coins! And as I rearranged my polonix balances, I was able to make $200 right there while walking aroound with my smartphone on poloniex! AMAZNg that we even have an INFRASTRUCTURE to even ALLOW me to trade on polonix ovr the mobile internet on a smartphone!
I also love growing cactus, cannabis, Pyschotria Viridis (ayahuasca DMT plant related to Coffee) Acacia Maidenii (plant with most DMT in dried leaves 2%) and Piper Arboritum( Plant with both Kava Kava Kavalactones AND safrol Oil precursor to MDA) I love growing entheogenic (pyschedelic or pyschoactive) plants and am blessed to live in a legal and medical canabis state where I can grow as many plants as I need which happens to be alot ! More than i can grow!
Ive been "Ackza" on the internet since 1999! My 2002 ackza.deviantart.com is still up! My youtube channel is from 2006 and I even havea working yahoo.com email address i just recently opened, wow Ive been online for a LONG time! I remember going on dialup to download files off KAZAA and before that I remember in 1994 using windows 3.1 and AOL and netscape to chat on these chatrooms, which was very high tech for back then! peopel were just starting the whole online dating thing!
I also am now addicted to STEEMIT and I feel its a perfect match with growing weed! Both Mining Cryptourrency and growing weed takeup alot of electricity (unless you grow like me with $2 a year led and cfl lightbulbs! ) but both are a great way to just produce wealth from almost nothing! And weed is deflationary its circulated once, smoked, and then its gone and new weed must be produced! Bitcoins are mi ned and then used forever! Bitcoins cannot be destroyed in the normal sense or smoked like how Cannabis can be smoked!But both represent the golden opportunity and alost magical ability to just "grow" money!
Now back to steemit! Its liek a THIRD thing Im doing to make money! Ive got my Weed growing, ive ggt my Poloniex going with alll y altcoins (mostly ripple and steller ) and then I have lots of sia coin and bytecoin and potcoin and nxtcoin and burst and bitshares but NOW i am just sitting on them! And so I am just in love with steemit! I was lucky to get in at 20 cents per steem but NOT lucky enough to have not powered down when I had my first $100 with steem at under 20 cents! I should have kept those first 300 or so steempower I had, but during hardfork I got mad at my total lack of any rewards for weeks, and then powered down and cashed out my stee to polonix for BTC but NOW i see that I could already be at $1000 if I didnt do that!
Now that we have a 7 day reward period, I am totally obsessed! Im a steemit junkie and yes I have an addictive personality! I feel that I MUST post every idea I have that I feel can be fleshed outwith text and images and that i must post as MANy times as i can without getting burnt out or running out of content! I feel I can still keep the quality up with the quantity but i am slipping due to lack of sleep and i apologize for the typos and lack of images, im editing now to correct this!
(more images of the backyard I live in )
When I started I was only getting a few cents per post, and then I quickly goottthe atention of a stemit whale @thejohasfiles and he proceeded to upvote my more higher wuality posts! Popping them up from a few centrist $5 to $10 And this guy has over 1 MILLION doollar sin his account or 1.3 MILLIOn steem power! At this point I realized what teh "rewards poool" meant and was tiold how the new money everyday comes from the STEEM that is MINED from Witness/Nodes and they get to keep a litt; steem but most goes to the rewards pool which is split up according to who has recieved the most upvotes froom the most people with highest steempower! You can get 200 upvotes but get $0 in steem off that post IF all those upvotes were given by steemit users with $0 in steempower! People with $0 in their wallets with 0 steempower have 0 influence on rewards and curation points!
Anyway I am 29 years old, born and raised in San Diego, Ive traveled through Austria, Germany, Italy(venice and Milan, i fel into the venice canals and ruined my shoes and pants LOL thousands of years of dirty nasty water smelled and looked GROSS! , Switzerland, Luxemborg, Belgium and UK at age 16 with a foreign exchange program and I also got to visit Peru Ecuador Columbia in 2011 and 2014 for 3 months each and will post my videos about the perfect paradise on earth secret hidden valley town of VilcaBamba, Loja, Ecuador,
I plan on driving uber or Lyft (singed up for both) just waiting for my Paperwork and BG check to finish! And once I am able to drive y friends prius everyday and earn money for us both, ill be able to sttart powering up AND my increase in steempower will help everyone i am following too!
(Bamboo in teh backyard Its actually for sale and pieces already cut its Lumber bamboo! $1 SBD per 10 to 20 foot pole! Thats a fraction of my craigsist price of $10 per 20 fooot poll but I usualy give people an extra one free! But some peopel charge ALOT for lumber bamboo! But we donated ours to the San Diego Zooo for the Pandas to eat ccu our grew so fast!
I also plan on utilizing crypto currency and tons of old but working andrid amartphones (with solar powered batter y backs to recharge them where they dont have electricity) and they will come with access to an account where they can go and request a daily food allowance in bitcoins or ripple or steller that will allow people to get a basic FOOD income (700 million still chronically undernourished in 2017!) that we can pay for with MINING bitcoisn and handing them out to the worlds poor! if someone handed out tons of cheap ripple and steller at a few cents each and waited for them to mature that also could help solve global poverty!
(Image of the backyard I live in )
And a smartphone with some prepaid data connection could allow the worlds poor to connect to websites liek Steemit on their free android obama home, it could be the bitcoin killer app for developing nations where people cant afford a 30 to 40 cent minr transaction fee!
So anyway I must go back to talking about myself, but I am too tired now! i have been typing and typing and I realize I must start making VIDEOS to save time and energy and I will work ona spiffy intro and ill make my videos steemit centric! So each video will have me talking about how cool steem is like @craig-grant does! In my videos I will be offering in San Diego to buy peoples steem for US dollars CASH to make it easy for people to cash out without using BTC! And non locally i can have people send me a netspend reload card to send me cash I can take out of an ATM, and then Ill send them teh steem, as a way for you to bu steem with out BTC just with cash!
Ok time for some sleep! I hope to come back and see alot of my new friends in the comments! I can't wait for the San Diego, CA steemit meetup!
Oh and please if you wanna start mining altcoins on your hardware, and get some soon to be very valuable Bytecoins Ethereum Etherem Classic or monero register with Minergate and download the program for windows mac or linux using my link here! Then just installl and login with same username on multiple macines!
https://minergate.com/a/d582a3e158500d130a38afed 100 percent free to mine only using your computer or android tablets cpu or gpu to generate altcoins!
(More pis of my treehouse and the canopy of trees above it )
OH and if anyone wants to help me vuild the website I bought and have 1and1 webspace to work with, localbitcoins.co, its gonna be a clone of localbitcoins but for all altcoins, maybe no escrow just a siimple ad system for city by ciity, a local and onlien section, coice to offer a vareity of altcoins to buy or sell for cash or patpal or bank deposit etc, its gonan be aUGE if we can build it NOW and ESPECIALLy if we focus ona section for Steemit users to be able to buy ro sell STEEM or SBD DIRECTLy for cash either online or in person! imagine how muc better steemiters would feel if they knew they didnt have to exchange STEEM for BTC in order to cas it out for US dolars! I also want to allow people to send me their steem and I convert to bitcoin on my poloniex and then send it to my bitpay debit carda dn then ask what they want to buya nd I can buy them stuff either in real life or online! It will be like a Steem to Debitcard Sevice that I can run with people sending me steem and I take a small five to ten percent fee liek a bitcoin atm would charge anyway and then just let them spend money on MY btc debit card , theyll tell me what they want i order it ships to them or wahteer they want! If anyoen wants to hep just email me [email protected] or call me ALSO call or text IF you nee dto sell STEEM for cash or buy it for cash! Or bank deposiit, netsoend card, etc anyway to send me cas if not in person works too! jst oay for the fees if you cant meet in person wit cash! six one nine 302 0398 Call or text anytime! (usa phone number btw) Zack W Williams
Here is my plan to end hunger with altcoins
and my plan to give 1000 african people in poverty 1 steller lumen which I bought for $40 for all 1000 at 4 cents and now at five cents its already made money...and soon theyll be $1 each then $10 each and then $100 each at which point i will disperse them to 1000 different africans and later other impoverished people in the developing world . I forgot to even ASK for others to join me, but I thought it was a given...I hope others can be not greedy enough to set aside altcoins NOT just for "charity" but to DIRECTLY send to poor people in other countries now that we actually directly contact them through the internet! I CANT DO THIS ALONE And I am poor myself! I cant afford to be giving away thousands of my own dollars even if they did only cost $40! SOMEONE ELSE should be paying for this program ...Im suprise and upset that NOONE else has pledged anotyer mealy $fifty bucks to buy 1000 more steller to be given to 1000 more africans! come on people! we are getting FREE money on this website! you all cant set aside like a tiny bit to help poor people in the developing world ??? People are STARVING to death and were all here having a BLAST making money off posting shit and I dont see many of us actually giving back at all! Please show me if you have but this stuff just makes me mad and you SHOULD feel guilty if I am the one who is gonna sacrifice THOUSANDS of dollars of MY profit when I MYSELF am in poverty and have NO money AT all for this or myself! I cant pay rent i cant buy food! yeah i saved up a few thousand bucks in the last few weeks but that was all from my own smart choices and I shouldnt be the one donating money like this, steemit whales should!
Come on, why is this not on the front page It deserve to be NUMBER ONE it deserves to have THOUSANDS of dollars as ALL of the steem from it will go towards buying more steller and ripple or just bitcoin for poor people who cant even buy enoug FOD for themselves! 700 MILLION people go to bed hungry everynight and here we are selfishly making money not including anyone in the developing world besides a few lucky minority....how can we expand t his platform to the developing world?? cant we make a fund to buy smartpones cheap android ones for poor people in te deve;oping world so they can regster and post on steemit and make money for themselves?!?!?!
Way to go Zac!
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I followed yound will upvote your posts
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Steem on!
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Keep on Trucking Zack. I'm feeling the Steemit desire to get in the action.
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Zack ! It's nice to hear your story.
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followed and upvoted your recent posts!
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hey ackza im kind of addicted too and planning to go fulltime here on steemit because I have a lot of time as an Unemploy person. I have been out like for around 4 month but I got back a few days ago now that I have internet service again. Im not doing pretty well on freelancing anymore so I think I will move my skills to here on steemit, well glad to have you back here on steem. by the way I will follow you that way I wont miss anything about you. success my friend.
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Yes i am gonna be just liek craig grant, youll watch meturn $1,000 into $100,000 then $1 million like @thejohasfiles ima be makin re and more, now that i have a few tousand i can finally make the leap to $10,000 on the next biig moon ump...i wish i coulda started with $10,000 i wish my family wouddla just elieved in me an let me borrow a TINY bit of money compared to what I would amade! I could have had $100,000 or more by now if i had just been given $10,000 TWO weeks ago! I could have paid someone back DUBEL AND keep $60,000 profit! but NOOOOO NOONE wante dto listen to me NOONE wanted to believe in me Now i had to do it ALL myself when i could have easily MADE soeone money who HAD the money, but no whatever i have to MISS OUt and my oarents misse dout too! they keep sayin they will buy itcoin and now its $2000 and i told them to buy it at $1000 back two weeks ago and my dad kepts aing "Oh its too high ill buy itwhen it goes down" yeah its NOT GOING down it PISSES ME OFF peopel jst think this isnt rea money..ITS FUCKIN REAL MONEY
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yea I know the feeling, I havent share this just with two of my friends and one of my sisters, my sister believe me and shes happy from me but she dosent have time to learn she is a single mom and implaning to help her giving her at least a hundred to her that way she can start whit something not like me that I start from scratch cero nada. I still strugling here at steemit I still need to learn a lot, I need to get better firts that way I can help others and they believe me when I have some proof than Im caching money from Steemit. and they will see is TRUE, HUGE! and REAL!!
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i also started from scratch and even had y rewards shut off from glitch in the hard fork, so i was set bac for weks, but i kept posting and rewards came back, i have ovr $500 Steempower here now, and its totaly worth it to keep ur steem locked up as steempower cuz now i just spend my curatuon rewards on poloiex to buy more altcoins, but most of it is now steempowre and u make more in steempower, and yeah ill give u some upvtes and send u a little sbd when i get some, just u have to pst QUALITY posts, nvr post just a video or an image unless its fuckin good ...u gotta put detail and real efort! or dont be suprised if u dont amke much! Peopel here learn the hard leson that there not as popular or cool as they thought they were! u have to fight for peoples attention with hard work and also commenting on whales osts! and always comment and upvote the most succcesful posts u wiil get a cut of t hem! but try to ad value u have to add value an always leave an animated GIF! PEopel have made hudnreds off just one gif!

Always use sexy gifs too, stuff that might get u banned on facebook or reddit for being too sexy, well here we dont have to worry we can post straight pornif we want but a little but slaps wont hurt
and for the ladies

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Very detailed story. I am wishing you success in driving for Lyft. Is it still hard to find work in SD? I know it can be. I have friends bugging me to come home to SD and work for them. So i guess it isnt hard if you know someone. When i come back I do plan on checking out your farm. Anyways, it is very nice to hear the story and ill keep on voting your posts up like I have been.
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no it seems that everyone has a job here now and even the homless seem to be making money now. And everyone can just drve Lyft or Uber if they really cant find a job! There are still plenty of demand for rideshare drivers which just amazes me! Its because when people chooe theri own hours, they tend to work less...oly a few end up choosing to work OVER the 8 hour normal workshit (whicb is what il be doing! Ill b driving the 14 hour MAX EVERYDAY so i can buy as much steempower and ripple and steller as possible! I havent had any money in SO long, so having money now makes me feel like i am finally back in teh game and will be able to actually save alot faster than it nroally took thanks to crypto currency boom! And its not a bubble, we need these crypto currencies every single ccoin to replace our wortess brone paper fiat moneey sytstem!
Wird how it feels when you knwo youll syart making mojey on teh regular, if i can finally drive for lyft and uber soon then Ill be able to chill and have what I need but I will save it ALL in crypto because I jst want that hundred grand or that million dolalrs i can TASTE it! I am just trying to do lyft and uber because I wiill get paid more than any Job I could fin very easily, and any job that I would be good at would entail be working for someone who would jst be yusing me for their own project when I ave to just work on my OWN project! I am ust not a worker drone but I know those types who wiill be happy with a set paycheck and cant worry about how much mojy the company makes etc...
and yeah when u come here ill give you soem succlents and some canabis cuttinsg or seeds sibce its legal here now ! We shoudl starta Legal Canabis state Steemit Canabis club were we trade proucts and straisn and seeds etc (in reality youll just al be gfetting shit from my local california dispsnearies here in socal we have the best weed cu we get same strains as norcal and oregon....and we may not have the volume of the LA dispensaries wich are MASSIVE but we still have volume and its lowering crime, the bad gang neigbrohoods are all cleaned up and the black gangmembvers now just run their own dispensary (24 hr late night one ) and they have crazy secriity tho and justw alka round with their guns cuz they know if they didnt pepel wiuuld just coke and ROB thir asses! but not anywhere theyre all armed to theteeth!
Man i am frustrated tho! the asshoel who stoole $2 worth of BTC froo me for a pivx trade goen bad is TILL outthere posting onsteemit! @taspingo and you can see the post where he offered to send me five bucks in oivx for fibe bucks in btc i sent him 1 dollar to test his trust and he just disapeared....now ithat $1 in btc woudl be worth almost $2! its the rnciiple that he ripped me off in front pf everyone and then he has the nerve to contiinue posting here and earning?!!
ALSO i am mad about these people calling my new @steemitescrow account "a scam run by alow 57 sore copy paste account WTF i am NOT a copy paste account! I havea COOUPLE posts where I use alot of quoted text, but I toook writing classes in school, ive written college papeers, you are allowed to fucking use as MUCh of a quote as you want AS LONG as its quoted! It can take up teh whole fucking page if you want it to! And i cite everything WITh quote marks and ony sue tem when the story cant eb explained anybetter and then i ALWAYS add NE images AND my OWN commentary and go OFF for PARAGRAPHS now!!!!! i dnt like these people calling me "copy paste' JUST BCAUSthey see I have MULTIPLE stories a day NOEN OF WHICH are stooen! I wrte ALL of em!
YOU KWNOW AHTA im NOT gonna care what they think!
This olacce is decetralzied and noone can BAN me! TAHTS what i REALLLY love about it...but yea im just frustrated, so many ppl tryin to sccrew me over inclduing my owwn cousin, I did abunch of work for him and he owes me money and shit, asking me to help him with with school, offers to pay me, and then never does...same with this mario guy whose money ii QUADRUPLED from $1000 to $4000 all in liek a week after he promised that if i could jst double his money hed split the profut with me...gues how uch he paid me out of his $4000 I made out of his $11000 by opening him a poloniex, transfering coins to it for him, MAKINg tehtrades for him, and he justs at thre, made $4000 from $1000...and paid me ZERO ...u knwo what he said 'I ggotta make sure this isnt a SCAM first! Poloniex could be your website and your just trying to scam me"
can you believe that? THats what he actually said...what a piece of shit this mario guy is right? he called me because i have an ad on craigslist that STATES if you want my FREE fianncial advice and coaching you MUST pay me a small portion of themoney youmake ONLY IF you make money! I think thats EXTREMELY fair...and can you BELIEVE this guy actually deided that he was gonna give his friends money, gave each of his kids $100 each in bitcoin to start them out, but for me? the guy who turned his $1000 into $34000 by actualy setting up and trasnfering money from a btc atm FOR him into his polniex FOR him i spent HOURS then showing him how to use it...and he just sat teherw atching teh money go up, sold it at $4000, and ddnt give me shit, its still making em mad because i NEED that money right now to invest n rppel steller and steem or i WILL MISS OUT you know!? Sice Uber and LYFt are taking WEEKS to finish my backgroudn check which is all clean anyway, I am MISSING OUT on THE ONLY CHANCE ILL EVER HAVE to become wealthY! Ive alreeady turned $300 into $2300 and spent $450 of that on a pool.bitcoin.coom 3TH btc mining contract for LIFE (while profitable) and i have a liek $40 in peerplays $40 in mobilego $20 in Zappple and im ookin for more ICOs!
look i am just mad that I could have een where craig grant is at now, he went froom like $3,000 to $10,000 to $1000,000 when I only went from $300 to $2300 9 fold increase but WTF why couldnt my fparents just have taken out a fuckin home loan and gotten me $10,000 to invest with? I would have paid tem back DOOUBEL in a fuckin matter of WEEKS! I would have already pai them back y now in ONE week!!!! wouldnt taht just amke you mad??? Like theyre always askinge m for rent or theratening to kick me out, and tgen they DONt care about aking money off crypto currencies?? so rhey care about menot having money but when i have the one cance to make money for fere they dont et me take it...even tho they HAVE acces to $10,000 and they COULD have helped me with a loan and i would have doubled in for them and still kep 0 grand i would have turned 10,000 into 1000,00 and taht a FACT beause I made 9 times my initial amount! God its just fckin frustrating BUt i KNOW that ill still be able to make EVEN MORE gains!!!!!!
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Sounds Good. There are a lot of scams out there regarding Crypto. I have been duped for more than that and i was pissed. About to trash the site that did it but decided it would be been a waste of time.
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But evven with all my recent frustration (which seems to all revolve around people being extremely greedy with money thatthey either owe me or said they would pay me for work done a WHILE ago!)
OU guys make me feel better!
I feel liek i have a TEAM of supporters!
And I feel it paid off to ask if anyoen wanted to talk because I USUALY can be in a REAL good mood , like my ood is good enough to share woth others....y happiness is contagious! ill cheer up even sucidal people withdrawling off heroine!
but yeah playing therapist really seemd to earn em some freinds!
this is the only website where i can be my crazy self And THRIVE
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Lets hope that support sticks around. If the attitude change here then ill be very disappointed.
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Nice to have you on board! Follow me at https://steemit.com/@bitgeek
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Get some sleep, man! :-)
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great post.
I feel you with the poloniex thing. You can hustle now online(legit) and make some extra bucks just by walking on the street with your phone.
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Whoa! Now that is some in-depth introduction. How bout doing vlog? It is very popular here! Welcome!
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