Adam Kokesh is on Steemit

in introduceyourself •  9 years ago 

Hey Steemit community! Thanks to all of you who have been such great promoters of the community here, I've been lurking for a while and am ready to jump in with both feet! So ... here's my introduction post!

I went from being a Marine to an anti-war activist to a to an anti-government (pro-ethics) activist, and here I am as an author, even though in high school I was voted, "least likely to ever finish a book."

All the money I make here will go back into promoting my book, which I give away for free here:

I look forward to your support and comments here and I hope we can grow this community until government ceases to exist and beyond!

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  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Welcome, Adam! It's great to have you #pickingupsteem. :)

The guy who got you to join Bitshares 8 months ago


As a point of interest, Steem was created by largely the same team as made Bitshares.

Thanks! Great to see you here!

Welcome @adamkokesh and correct in @modprobe and bitshare founders are same as steemit.

Kokesh is a FBI/Russian double agent. Don't kiss his traitorous ass. Whistleblower Donald Marshall ousted him. I don't care if this comment gets flagged. I speak TRUTH

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

oh hey @adamkokesh
Here you are!
Glad you made it Adam
I'm the guy that sent you The Emperor Wears No Clothes back in 2011 or so.
Been following you since you had the radio show out of Albuquerque.
Watched you grow.
I remember the night you read the Toasty Johnny diary entry.
I wept along with you. Serious Adam, you made me feel it.
Much respect Sir.
Suggestion: consider posting the text to that dairy entry.
So others will come to know you as I do, peace brother.

Thanks for the tip. I'll think about that. Haven't told that horrific story for a long time now.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Sorry I should even feel I have the Right to ask.
I regret doing so, but man that dealt me a blow I wasn't expecting.
The night you shared it, was a night I literally will never forget.
I made me feel vindicated for even paying attention to that little radio show, and after the Winter Soldier 2 clips Amy Goodman showed. You have moved me.
Can't overstate that Sir. Much love.

Kokesh is a FBI/Russian double agent. Don't kiss his traitorous ass. Whistleblower Donald Marshall ousted him. I don't care if this comment gets flagged. I speak TRUTH

Let's say that you are correct and he is a double agent. So he is a double agent that promotes Freedom and free thoughts...your problem with this would be what, exactly?

If you want to listen to a wolf in sheep's clothing so be it. I'm just here sounding the alarm that he's not what he makes himself out to be.

Dude I know Adam personally. He may have some faults... Dont we all? Double agent that is a good laugh! Wat are you doing to promote free thought, liberty and You have a right to your life and your consciousness? Oh trolling?

Welcome to Steemit Adam! I am glad to see Barry Cooper welcomed you already. This is a great PR video for Steemit, #Kokesh2020 and I really liked the comment Nathan Hourt made on YouTube, " requires those accounts as an anti-shill measure, since they give free Steem Power to anyone who registers through their site. I'll be happy to register Steem accounts for anyone who wants one, without needing a facebook or reddit account. Email me at nat dot hourt at gmail with the username you want and I'll set it up for you." Great way to get "Steeming"!

I was at one of the Utah State Marbles Championships, Adam did real good.

Hahahahahaha! I don't remember that.

Or did I dream it? {:^\

Hey Adam. What was it like producing a show for RT? I'd love to read a whole post about it actually.

Remember when you got into some email conversations with someone from beyond bitcoin asking you to consider making your own coin? Well ironically I was considering ways to make it for you using the #bitshares platform (the first blockchain I know of with separations of power built in, btw).

And bitshares was made by the same guy who made steem. :)

Regardless, if you receive an email from beyondbitcoin you will know it is @officialfuzzy dropping you a line. Glad to see you are noticing us!

Welcome @adamkokesh !
Awesome intro video :) Looking forward to see more of your content.

Adam is one of my very favorite spreaders of the ideas I believe in. Go Adam!

Welcome to Steemit Adam! Excited to have you join us, now I can actually tag you when I mention you in my posts. I think you're in 1,2, 3 at least now :-) See ya in a week!

Awesome! Thanks

Great to see you here old friend. Steemit is lucky to have you!

I concur!
Great to see you here on Steemit, the community will be benefited by it!
I with you the best, will follow you here and hope to see you again soon!

Alright, Quinn Eaker! Glad to see you here.

Thanks for giving me some extra motivation!

Adam, you belong here.

Have you found any bugs yet?

Welcome Adam....been watching your videos for a long time. I appreciate your activism and homesteading. Thanks for being an evolving example of living free.

It's about time you got on here, I was wondering when you'd show up.

Along with Stefan Molyneux and Mark Passio, Adam has been one of the greatest unmet mentors in my life. It's awesome to see you here man!

I have met him:

Here!! Here!!!

I'm Adam very grateful for introducing me to Mark Passio, cause i consider Mark the number 1 greatest unmet mentor in my life and i found out about him thanks to Adam interviewing him on his show.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Right on man. That is the EXACT same way I found out about Mark.

Totally! Same team here :)

Thanks! It's a great honor to be referred to as a mentor.

Welcome! I've been looking for you here.

Me too, What took u so long Adam ? !! Welcome 2 u, noW need alex jones !! ; - )

nah, we don't need Jones.... :^P

Hi Adam! Very glad to see you here. Thank you for this.

I just saw a copy of "Freedom" on my way out of the Quill here in Manchester last night, and I wondered when you'd be hopping on Steemit. I just joined about a month ago and talked about my move to NH for the Free State Project. I'm loving this new platform and I'm glad to see you here! Cheers @adamkokesh! I'm looking forward to your event in October :)

Hello, @randyclemens, from Keene!

Look forward to seeing you @adamkokesh when FREEDOM! rolls into The Shire!

State Free Project(s), all the way! KOKESH 2020!

hey @adamkokesh !
nice to meet you and welcome to steemit 8]

Welcome @adamkokesh! Happy to see you here. You and Stefan Molyneux introduced me to the principles of liberty 3 years ago. I think you did a great job with the book Freedom as it is compact and gets to the heart of libertarian philosophy quickly. I wouldn't call you a rip off artist (I know you were joking) for putting the "ideas [in the libertarian manifestos you've read] together in the way that creates the most effective conversion tool possible." Ahaha, you're not the only one! I do and others do as well. Let's not reinvent the wheel but instead allow individuals to build on it, add their own refinements, and make it better. Such is the free market of ideas right? :) Looking forward to more of your content! Together, with other freedom lovers, we will:

Cheers! Much love and respect,
~The Phởlosopher

Adam, hit me up on my channel and let's brainstorm on a collaboration.

That is an excellent idea and makes me think about a bigger brainstorming session with just an example, you, Adam Kokesh, Larken Rose, Barry Cooper, Kenneth Webb, Shane Radliff and Kyle Rearden just to name a few. The possibilities are endless.


oops wrong link ;)

FREEDOM! for the WIN!

We love you Adam! Keep up the great work! :) Good to see you here!

Can't wait to campaign for you in Germany and Europe! Just a bit sad that I can`t call for your Presidency. But KOKESH for Non President of the USA 2020 is cool too ;-)

I could be not president of Europe too! Working on a tour of Europe for next spring. Going to be giving speeches in French, German, and Spanish.

Seriously? OMG! That so awesome! We can chat about it at Anarchapulco! Maybe we can help! Time to wake up the european Ron Paul sleepers over here 😀
I was there and helped organizing this:
Ron Paul Revolution European Style:

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

makes steemit account
goes on youtube
Sees this video
Kokesh 3 confirmed


I am glad you decided to start a steemit page. Welcome!

Adam, been following your stuff since AVTM on RT. Kokesh 2020! You should stop by the capital of the most statist state on your tour: Sacramento, CA. You could hold your event at the capitol building itself, would get a lot of attention. Could easily combine it with your SF trip ~90 minutes east.

<3 Adam Kokesh

Glad to see you here Adam! Wish you the best!

Glad to see you on here.

Oh my goodness! so happy to see you here, brother.

Welcome Adam! It's nice to get all the freedom people on here.

You played a big part in my path to anarchy.
In that sense it perhaps is a shame i haven't read your book yet.
But good that you're here.

It's great to see you here on Steemit, Adam.

I enjoyed reading your book, and sent a BTC donation.

Thanks! Those are the best kind!

Good to have you here!
Love your work!

Hello!! Followed you. Look forward to your pit stop in Omaha! Tootles

Hi Adam,
Enjoyed your post. I promote your book, "Freedom" on my blogs.
It's one of the best books on Freedom I've read and I've read many.
I don't remember encountering discussion on - why the US legal system choosing punishment is a very bad idea - in other books. Mostly they just focus on what a totally unworkable mess the unreadable, ununderstandable, contradictory, unaffordable legal process is.
Thanks for the intro to Steemit. It looks interesting.
Don Winfield for

Thanks for the great feedback! I plan to post an excerpt from that section soon.

Nice intro ;)

Adam kokesh....where do i know you from?

You don't.

I've heard your name before

I'm curious where I know you from lol

Awesome. Welcome to the community and look forward to following you here! BTW it just sounds cool to say we have a Presidential candidate on Steemit!

Upvoted. I enjoyed speaking with you at the National LP Convention. Will be reading your book soon, though most books I read now are technical.

Thanks for having the balls and brains to endorse McAfee. Too bad we got there too late, and too disorganized, to win him the vote. It would have been a night and day difference.


Welcome, Adam. Looking forward to more of your postings!

Can't wait to meet you on the book tour and so happy to see you here on Steemit! You're the man, Adam!

What took u so long??

Great to see you on here! Loads of opportunity here!

All I initially can say is... About damn time. Very glad you are here. Watching you debate people about Anarchism has been a very enjoyable thing. Very glad you are here. I think virtually every famous Anarchist I have followed over the years is now here on

Welcome Adam! Its about time you joined the Steemit community :) thank you for all the work you do! I know you give out your book for free, but I purchased a copy to hopefully give financial support. Will start reading shortly!

Much appreciated!

Great to see you again. Its fun here.

signed up! Ready to support freedom in any way possible! Keep up the fight! <3

Welcome , great to have you here. Best intro i've seen looking forward to seening more from you. Upvoted and followed

💋 @halo 💋


Thank you Adam... I am so grateful to be learning about the idea of universal non violence from your videos... Kokesh 2020

Followed, uploaded, and glad you're here. Looking forward to seeing more content and seeing you run in 2020!

What took you so long bro? I've been on here looking for you for two weeks. Lol Seriously, glad you made it. Late is better than never. I haven't been on fb or screwtube much so I missed ya. Again, welcome

Keep up the posts and your activism. thanks

I pick my nose

Dude that is just gross.... Just picking. Welcome to the steem train. Looking forward to your future posts!

Great to see you here adam I have been following you for a couple months now. The way you put things out, I just get it. Thank you for all you do!!! Freedom!!!
Adam Kokesh for not president 2020!

Awesome man! Glad you're here!

Welcome Adam, it's fantastic that you're here! You're one of the main catalysts in my journey from statist to anarchist, btw. Eternally grateful!

Welcome to the party, Adam! Love your book and referenced it in posts here already. My second post also included your NVC confrontation video, which is a favorite of mine. Thanks for all you're doing to empower human beings to live free.

Thanks for promoting my content! I'm honored.

Hey Adam, we never met but I remember Rob from AOCS talking about you. Nice to see you on Steemit. It's a small world. I think you'll feel right at home here. Welcome!

Hi Adam, You convinced me to join. I have also been creeping around and finally decided to make an account. I have followed you on youtube for years. Thanks for all the awesome content. Keep it up =)

Welcome, perfect entry video

Great to see you here. looking forward to all your posts.

Welcome @adamkokesh! Great to have you in the revolution!!

Welcome @adamkokesh. Quite a transition from marine to anti-goverment activist. Was it difficult admitting the truths that your discovered as you first started transitioning as a marine?

I am an abolitionist. The bomb throwing communist anarchists, and the Rhino Libertarians cannot corrupt the meaning of that description.

I am against all forms of slavery. That includes taking my time and labor and property for someone else's use.

Welcome Adam!

Awesome! Great to see you here Adam I knew it was only a matter if time :)

Wait a second... you pick your nose...?

I thought I was the only one <3

Welcome Adam! Good to see you here.

Welcome, @adamkokesh - great to see you here! :o)

Welcome to steemit, it's great to see yet another voice of liberty joining the community!

My understand was this was to be an uncensored platform. But wouldn't using YouTube circumvent that? Need to find a truly uncensored video platform. Oddly, I would have expected to have found one here.

Following.... Good luck man!

@adamkokesh you are good looking enough!!!

I'll never forget your dancing, or should I say your attempt to dance at the Jefferson Memorial. Glad to see you're still dancing.

Thanks for doing what youre doing and teaching and guiding others along the way

Welcome, Adam. Great to have you here. Look forward to following you!

Can't figure out how to "up-vote" on your page.

Thanks for the video and the invite. I need to learn how this works

Welcome brother! I look forward to seeing your posts! You might be interested in my latest encounter with freedom enforcement, so check it out here!

Glad to get your email about steemit!

Thank you for introducing me to Steemit! It looks like it has great potential!

-Sam Baker

What's your best defense when explaining how you're not a disinfo agent like Alex Jones?

My record.

Thanks for your broadcast and fund raiser years ago which inspired me to buy Bitcoin.
Keep up the great work and I hope to hear you speak again in DC or Fairfield Iowa.

Hey Adam! Up voted. Glad you made it on here. You were THE reason I went down the rabbit hole. If not for you, I never would have found Mark Passio, Larken Rose, or any other leading voices in the freedom movement. Let me know if you ever need weight training supplement advice. I use Steemit to review emerging supplements. Cheers!

You are so amazingly natural in front of the camera. A real pleasure to watch you talk.

Welcome to Steemit Adam!!

Welcome @adamkokesh! Really excited to have you apart of the growing community. The move towards a truly free society is only getting stronger as the years pass. Keep up the great work!

Well, here we are on steemit. Now what?

Adam -- Whistleblower Donald Marshall has ousted you as a FBI/Russian double agent. Are you willing to rebuttal that statement or will you choose to pretend like you never read this comment because I mentioned Donald Marshall?

Hey, Adam. I met you a few times. I was occupying McPherson Square. We have our ideological differences, to put it mildly... but welcome to Steemit!

I didn't know about this steemit platform until hearing you talk about it. So, because of you, I joined. It's pretty awesome. Thanks for sharing it.

Hell Adam - let's do this thing!!

I think this is a great opportunity to discuss freedom and explore a new style of communication. I am happy to see many of the positive responses even while I side-eye the "Joo" and "Russian spy" people. One more time for those in the back row, if he WAS a Joo Spy he's terrible at it because more people have come to freedom because of his work than have turned commie/globalist. So be happy that he's the worst Joo Spy you've ever seen get 50 million views on the Interwebz, k?

Thank you for spreading the word and not profiting from it. I appreciate the fact that you are doing so much for free. I will continue to promote all that you put out there!