Introduce Yourself Bruce A. Cosgrove M.Sc., mWGAW DTube

in introduceyourself •  7 years ago 

Hello all Steemians,

a.k.a “Alchemist” here to this awesome Steemit blockchain community by way of sharing some representative adventures and quests experienced during my travels to arrive @ Steemit land from whence the journey continues.



My infamous journey begins after the Fab 4 (Beatles) arrival in N. America in 1964

which stoked my music interest and talents being a British immigrant as such

and several years later, I made my 1st public appearance as lead guitarists

and band manager for the “Purple Satins” in the late ‘60’s playing high school dances and teen center gigs.

With a lot of ground covered

and stories and sidebars to tell from travelling

to land back in Vancouver, British Columbia in 2009

for the 3rd time since the 60's and appearing now as Founder

and Founder/Pres./C.F.O. of Alchemy Mining Group, Inc.,

a Nevada Jr. gold mining Benefit For Profit Corporation.


AMGI owns a 50% controlling equity and board interest in Alquimia y Explotación Minera San Juan Alquiexmi S.A., an Ecuador gold mining company with granted mineral rights on two gold mine concessions.

The Bella Rica Codigo: 15 concession has been developed and artisinally mined and producing gold since 2012 by our joint venture partner blasting a 1.3 Km main underground gold mine MINA SAN JUAN

main tunnel with 2 extensions and extracting and processing gold ore from 3 identified veins since 2012 producing gold AMGI is fueling
Alchemy Liquid Gold Coin© - A Cryptocurrency Blockchain Smart Futures Contract - Token Sales Events Q4 2018. We have created a digital currency **AlchemyLGCoin** © utility token which is live, listed and operates on the Waves - (DEX) decentralized exchange proof of stake, open market blockchain platform for Crowdfunding now.

100% token bonus.

Our AlchemyLGCoin © utility token is asset backed with 2,000 unique one-ounce (95% min. purity) Limited Edition collectible gold coins

crafted from gold ore extracted and processed responsibly from our Ecuador JV under ground hard rock gold mine and to be used as currency during our $USD 2.0 Million

We are raising a total of 10,937.50 ETH ($USD 4.375 Million) or select cryptocurrency equivalents listed and traded on Waves – (DEX) blockchain platform in 3 TSE's.

offering our AlchemyLGCoin© utility token digital currency which is listed & operates on the Waves – (DEX) open blockchain platform for Crowdfunding.

The capital will be used in part to fund the resumption and modernization of gold production @ our Ecuador joint venture underground gold mine MINA SAN JUAN which has been artisinally mined and producing gold since 2012 and; developmental funding for our “Green, Sustainable and Profitable” cyanide and mercury free gold ore processing and safe LASER drilling #greengoldmining community initiatives for the Bella Rica mining district

starting with our underground gold mine MINA SAN JUAN operations!


During our early stage token pre-sale with 100% token bonus, we are seeking investors and additional Team members to provide professional services including advisors, social media campaign manager, bounty and airdrop venues, IT support for our web site, bot development, smart contract coding, social media accounts manager and any other resources in support of our ICO which I’m confident these resources and talent exist on Steemit.

I look towards gaining insight, knowledge, meeting cool people, exploring the so many venues and being a part of the Steemit community and continuing to educate and contribute towards the well-being and healing of our oceans and aquatic life through awareness and the elimination of single use plastic with my #bansingleuseplastic, #chooseplasticalternatives campaign which I started on Reddit last year and my support of #TheOceanCleanup

Steemit is the only platform for me to launch our #greengoldmining campaign in support of our Mandate "Green, Sustainable and Profitable” cyanide and mercury free gold ore processing and safe LASER drilling #greengoldmining community initiatives beginning with our underground JV gold mine MINA SAN JUAN in Ecuador.

Welcome Steemers to my introduction and thanks for your time and so the journey continues.


The past 5 years has seen me prospecting

S. America virtually for the perfect Artisanal & Small Scale Gold Mining (“ASGM”) joint venture opportunity in a co-operative mining district where AMGI can deploy our “Green, Sustainable and Profitable” cyanide and mercury free gold ore processing and safe LASER drilling #greengoldmining community initiatives to encourage responsible development of Artisanal Small-scale Gold Mining operations with a clear commitment for present and future generations in the Bella Rica mining district.

Prior to this and after seven years of studying chemistry @ Simon Fraser University (“SFU”)

which quickly distanced me from my short-lived rock and roll guitar playing career was then followed by seven years in rechargeable Lithium battery research and marketing @ Moli Energy Ltd through 1987

Twelve years in Canadian public securities consulting and transactions saw me moving to the United States in 1999.

with my two buddies of 8 years Jenna

and Kayla

where I continued

consulting in public company (“PubCo”) transactions and advising private companies (“PrivCo”) as to US Security And Exchange Commission ("SEC")

regulatory public reporting requirements and filings.

Moving back to

in 2009 after a year stint in Arizona

where as Executive Producer, I caused to have adapted a novel titled DodgeCity 2004 to a $USD 19 Million INDIE feature screenplay by the same title

and a $USD 450 Thousand short trailer film then followed by an additional 9 years consulting in US securities transactions and in the mining sector which brings me to cryptocurrency financing and Steemit live today.


Sports - Travel - Arts

During those periods I was an avid downhill skier,

gym rat

avid runner

having run and completed the 1981 Vancouver marathon after logging 3 consecutive years @ 2,500 miles/year. My sports enthusiasm continued playing recreational tennis and competitive racquetball

for 15 years

rising to the B.C. provincial racquetball ranking of 10. I know what it feels like to burn the last mile.

Along with my sports I exploited my artistic canvas endeavors,

enjoying wines

and cooking

all while managing good travel time holidaying in interesting and warm climate countries including Mexico, Hawaii, Bahamas, Hong Kong, Europe, Bali, Costa Rica, Greece, Portugal, Spain and the Mediterranean. Still a music aficionado and recently marrying Alexandra

my beautiful sole mate on our 8 year anniversary “Infinity Union Wedding”

Business partner, Director of AMGI and co-founder Alchemy Liquid Gold Coin©, we are enjoying a fit and healthy west coast life style with our precious buddy “Prince George”

I look towards my trip to

along with

to meet with our


University - Science - Technology

I received both my Bachelors (B.Sc.) and Masters of Science Degrees (M.Sc.) in Chemistry from SFU where I authored and published my Master’s Thesis titled “AN EXAMINATION OF THE SCALED PARTICLE THEORY OF GAS SOLUBILITIES” in partial fulfillment for my M.Sc. Degree following 3 years of laboratory research and running algorithms in APL, Cobalt and Fortran 4.

I was credited with creating a theoretical noble (inert) gas by extrapolating the noble gases inter-molecular forces or hard-sphere diameters from Xenon to the smallest noble gas Helium leaving an unaccounted for hard-sphere diameter which I assigned the name “Hardon” which supported my research conclusions along with publishing 4 Scientific Papers during my graduate studies.

1980/87 saw me continuing as a Research Chemist with Moli Energy Limited ("Moli") Burnaby B.C. for 5 years then 2 years as Marketing Director where we researched, developed and commercialized the world’s 1st rechargeable Lithium battery@ a cost of $CDN 250 Million.

I was credited with securing the 1st developmental contract for Moli from the US Military for rechargeable battery packs as a replacement for inefficient lead acid batteries used in portable radios which in itself, presented many technical and design challenges.

Vancouver Public Company Consulting

15 years of Science in the past, the next decade finds me armed with my

and as acting Pres./CEO of several public companies (“PubCo”) listed on the now defunct Vancouver Stock Exchange (“VSE”)

for which I coordinated with a Team of specialists including lead brokers, accountants, attorney’s and corporate finance Reverse Merger transactions resulting in the public listing and financing of private company (“PrivCo”) assets on the VSE.

Transactions included the acquisition of PrivCo Spruce City Hydraulics, Inc. company shares and assets including a patented tree feller buncher technology which increased the efficiency and economics of harvesting trees and which is now common place technology to; sophisticated state-of-the-art CHIP technology applications.

Notables being Voice-It Solutions, Inc., 1998 acquisition of PrivCo MMI Maintenance Management Ltd.
real time remote sensing and diagnostics proprietary oil and gas pipelines hardware/software technology.

1998 as Pres./CEO of Luken Resources, Inc., I coordinated and facilitated a reverse merger transaction with Jim McCartney’s PrivCo McCarney Technologies, Inc. (MTI) acquiring their proprietary real time remote monitoring of vehicle on-board computers hardware/software technology contemporaneous with a name change to IVS Intelligent Vehicle Systems Inc.

The technology was being touted as the next “Microsoft” in the automotive industry

1999/2000 sidebar subsequent to my involvement, Jim got carried away with his financing endeavors and illegally raised $ CDN 26, 637,512 from 1,435 investors in seven Canadian provinces including British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan as well as the United States, Germany, England, Costa Rica, Belize, Bahamas and Turks and Caicos Islands according to the B.C. Securities Commission (“BCSEC”) and Alberta Securities Commission (“ASE”) without being a registered broker dealer or filing a prospectus. The money was never recovered sparing a few paltry fines and Jim is nowhere to be found.


The next decade saw me moving to S. California (“SoCal”) with my two buddies Jenna and Kayla

now armed with my US

focused on Public Relations and bridge loan financing's for under-capitalized private companies and public companies listed on the US

platform where more than 10,000 global and U.S. securities are listed and trade $USD 1.5 Billion/day and; reverse merger transactions.

We worked on dozens of Pr. campaigns and loan transactions including PubCo Miller Petroleum Inc. for several years raising capital for their Tennessee oil/gas concessions drilling programs.

We meet Provectus Biopharmaceuticals Inc. (“PVCT”) in 2004 and contracted with them for funding and Pr. PVCT is investigating new treatments for oncology and dermatology and has received Orphan Drug Designations from the FDA for the treatment of metastatic melanoma and hepatocellular carcinoma so I want to believe our funding program made the difference and PVCT is going strong today.


During the week, afternoon lunches and shopping with my friends in

was always entertaining.

Fairfax Sunday flea markets in

could always be bargains found.

Santa Monica

and Venice Beach Boardwalk

with outdoor patios and people entertainment. Shopping was always fun in the sun.

Travelling out of Los Angeles area

was a lot of weekend trips to

and the Pasadena Rose Bowl flea market

is awesome while historic Santa Barbara with the incredible ocean views and beaches

notwithstanding the amazing wineries

is a weekend

waiting to happen.

The culmination of my OTC Markets transactions being in 2004/2006 when I teamed up with Samson Investment Group, LLC.
to participate and facilitate the $USD 34,000,000 acquisition of Viansa Winery

and Italian marketplace

in Sonoma, California. Weekends in Napa Valley were so beautiful, wine-plenty

and peaceful.



After one year in the California desert

saw me and my Bud’s Kayla and Jenna move to Arizona

where I meet Stephan C. Shaver the author of an eclectic fictionalized western novel DodgeCity 2004 with a modern-day terrorist twist nothing like the title suggests. I formed Deacon Publishing and Film Production, LLC and acquired the film rights
to his novel and assumed the role as hands on Executive Producer and Managing Director.

Armed with our 2 Hr. 10 mins. 93 scenes full length screenplay by the same title and adapted by authors Jennifer Price and Stephen’s brother David H. James Ph.D. both of whom I am grateful for their excellent and diligent year-long collaboration, I went for the funding.

With an estimated INDIE budget of $USD 19.0 Million, Actors wish list completed we now needed that perfect eclectic Director which I sourced and Douglas A. Raine agreed to direct the film.

Douglas collaborated with the authors and me to script our calling card to raise capital and for the film festivals whence we scripted a 19 minutes 8 scene short screenplay 4-day shoot with full professional budget @ $USD 450K. I was also credited for my contribution to the short screenplay and received member certification

by The Writers Guild of America West (WGAW).

I promptly contacted the Arizona Department Of Commerce who were extremely helpful and kind and was informed that Deacon qualified and received a $USD 2.64 Million tax credit which I promptly sold 4 weeks later to Arizona Production Capital for $0.77 on the

subject to completion of the short screenplay being shot in Arizona with preparation underway.

2008/2009 weren’t good years for movie financings as the USA financial system had just collapsed and the financial ruin exploded into a global financial earthquake igniting

the rest of the world.

The Pension fund that I was in discussions to fund our movie production and company for equity had to bow out. Other opportunities were presenting themselves in Vancouver. Unfortunately my beautiful buddies Kayla and Jenna of 18 great years of love didn’t survive the desert to make the journey home.


Settling in beautiful Vancouver

Alexandra and I collaborated for 6 years consulting and advising private companies as to the SEC regulatory and OTC Markets public listing requirements, structuring and facilitating the sale of OTC public company shells and; the listing of private company assets via Reverse Mergers or a Direct Public Listing on the US OTC Markets platform.

Of notability was Datatecnics Ltd (UK) an Internet of Things (IoT) PrivCo reverse merger public listing transaction with PubCo Energy Finders Inc., a custodian shell which was a karma bomb

of a learning experience that continued for several years as the company was completely unprepared for the task at hand and with numerous operating subsidiaries all unorganized. Kudos to Alexandra for completing the OTC Markets/FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority) submission with 29 exhausting Exhibits.

Routine transactions included the sale of controlling equity interest in Smart Holdings Inc., (PubCo) with Anatolian Walnuts Production Company (Turkey), reverse merger transaction with a US poster company Icon Media Holdings, Inc. and USA Signal Corp, Inc PubCo with the filing of Icon Media Initial Company Information and Disclosure Statement and the OTC Markets/FINRA submissions to complete the reverse merger public listings .

Working as a consultant with the controlling principle and shareholder of SEC PubCo issuer TapSlide, Inc., I spent several years reviewing and evaluating winery opportunities for the client preparing Letters Of Intent for Addamo Estates Winery for $USD 5.25 Million, 8Th Street Vineyard, Carneros Appellation for $USD 1.225 Million Accepted, 1115 Cutting Wharf, Carneros Appellation for $USD 1.9 Million and other additional wine assets in Napa and Sonoma Valley, Ca.

Due to circumstances I had inherited equity and board control of TapSlide which I re-structured and re-organized the company as a Software As A Service (SAAS) Deployment Firm structuring the acquisition and $USD 3.5 Million financing of Lubar Technologies, Inc. N. America exclusive IP licensing rights to deploy, monetize and commercialize their online Video Conferencing Gambling(TM) System IP assets entitled “gambling game system and method for remotely located players” to land based casinos in N. America.

TapSlide was subsequently reserved for Green Gold Enterprises S.A., a

company with gold mining concessions in Columbia with whom I had been providing consulting services for several years and drafted Mineral Property Acquisition & US OTC Markets Public Listing Proposal for them to raise capital.



Having reviewed hundreds of iron ore (“fe ore”) and gold mining projects and other commodities in N.& S. America and Mexico and translating dozens of reports in both Spanish and Portuguese, I was fluent enough with National Instrument NI - 43-101 and Joint Ore Reserves Committee Code (JORC Code) compliant technical reports to evaluate and conduct due diligence on gold projects for acquisition or Joint Venture ("JV") with AMGI.

I had also received dozens of Letters Of Intent (“LOI”) from Chinese brokers

seeking to buy tanker loads

of fe ore in as the Chinese economy was peaking in 2013 after a 30-growth period and the price of the ore was increasing rapidly and with a rapidly increasing shortage of supply.

Early 2013 with my

associate Juan Luis A. Juarez eyes and boots on the ground and I now armed with numerous LOI’s specifically for Mexico fe ore, we conducted due diligence and evaluated dozens of Mexico suppliers/offers and determined for numerous reasons that all Mexico fe ore was Cartel backed or owned which was later confirmed when Mexico authorities shut down all the ports confiscating over 700,000 metric tons (“mt”) of fe ore and subsequently destroying Mexico’s iron industry.

Abandoning our search for Mexico fe ore, I continued the quest for the ore in

as Juan now was eyes and boots on the ground in Bolivia @ the El Mutún mine

with a reported 40 Billion tons of 50% fe being the largest fe ore deposit in the world plus 10 Billion tons of manganese. El Mutún was the only fe ore play around.

August 2013 working with my client Yangtze Railroad Materials for several years to secure an fe ore supply, I informed them of El Mutún and Juan on the ground and our communications with Captain Oscar Director of Empresa Mutún Siderúrgica del Mutún (ESM) a state owned partner operating El Mutún and the Mining Minister Mario Virreira announcement that 50% of the El Mutún project was available, Yangtze promptly provided me with a $USD 50 Million LOI for delivery to WARRANTY EUROGROUP S.A. the brokers for ESM. Fe Ore was in high demand.

October 2013 packaging the Yangtze LOI along with a Team of mining professionals I had assembled including Chinese and India financing, equipment supplier, logistics company and a number of other resources, I prepared and submitted a Letter of Proposal to Edgar Torrez Mosqueira @ that time Ambassador of the Plurinational State of Bolivia proposing to be the lead consultant along with the governments of Bolivia and

to exploit and commercialize the El Mutún fe ore mine and build a limited infra-structure amongst other items to the benefit of the indigenous community.

June 30, 2015 Alchemy Mining Group Inc. a Nevada Jr. gold mining For Profit - Benefit Corporation was incorporated.

February 2016, in my continuing quest for fe ore, I had Teamed up and contracted with DIAMANTE – MINERAÇÃO, COMERCIALIZAÇÃO, REPRESENTAÇÃO E CONSULTORIA EM DESENVOLVIMENTO MINERAL LTDA, a Brazil

legal firm and authorized mandate for numerous fe ore and gold projects.

March 2016 we were jointly offering for sale two Turn Key fe ore properties, manufacturing/production facilities and fixed assets;

MINERINVEST MINERAÇÃO LTDA Belo Vale Project for $USD 155,250,000 and $USD 51,814,000 respectively.

May 2016 through DIAMANTE introduction to A. P. Oxidos International, LLC, Alvaro de O. Prado the President was now AMGI legal international fe ore broker having executed my 1st published ICC (International Chamber Of Commerce) Occasional Intermediary Contract Pub. 619 protecting both parties under International Law.


August 2016 after extensive due diligence and negotiations DIAMANTE and I further collaborated for AMGI 1st gold mining project acquisition GEOMINAS MINERAÇÃOES LTDA Earn-In Option Agreement and US OTC Markets Public listing.

March 15th, 2017 after 6 months of extensive due diligence saw AMGI execute a 50/50 Exclusive Joint Venture Agreement with ASOCIACION COMUNITARIA MINERA SAN JUAN, a duly incorporated

gold mining company with Granted Mining Rights
from COOPERATIVA DE PRODUCCIÓN MINERA AURÍFERA BELLA RICA legal title holder to two gold mining concessions in Bella Rica mining district western Azuay province, Ecuador.

September 22nd, 2017 saw the incorporation of the 50/50 joint venture gold mining company Alquimia y Explotación Minera San Juan Alquiexmi S.A. (Ecuador) with the legally assigned Granted Mining Rights and AMGI having a 50% controlling board and equity interest pursuant to our Exclusive Joint Venture Agreement.

June 28th, 2017 - AMGI became a US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) current reporting private company filer with SEC acceptance of the company Regulation Crowdfunding (Reg CF) USD$1.0 Million Form C Offering which I never pursued as I had recently heard about Bitcoin, Altcoins, blockchain, DLT and related language for the 1st time which I paid attention as the number of projects being funded and the total dollar value of ICO funding was dwarfing

equity Crowdfunding.


November 2017 by now I was very familiar with the Satoshi Nakamoto persona

and related cryptolanguage and five months later saw the completion of my 1st draft White Paper (W.P.) titled “The World’s First Cryptocurrency Gold Bullion Blockchain Futures Contract" - Alchemy Liquid Gold Coin©.

March 2018 saw the release of our Alchemy Liquid Gold Coin© digital currency, AlchemyLGCoin© utility token

created on the Waves – (DEX) open blockchain platform for Crowdfunding. Alchemy Liquid Gold Coin© final draft W.P. is published.

Alchemy Liquid Gold Coin© - A Cryptocurrency Blockchain Smart Futures Contract AlchemyLGCoin© Utility Token ICO TSE.


Support our Mandate to implement and execute “Green, Sustainable and Profitable” cyanide and mercury free gold ore processing

and safe LASER drilling

#greengoldmining community initiatives within the Global Mining Standards beginning with our Ecuador underground joint venture gold mine to encourage responsible development of Artisanal Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) operations with a clear commitment for present and future generations.

1999 Latin America a total of 641,875 ASM operators was estimated across 17 countries and in 2014, 1,442,700 ASM operators in 19 countries (ILO, 1999; Artisanal and Small-scale Mining Knowledge Sharing Archive, 2017).

annual gold production is 200 tonnes (6.4 Million oz) with mercury (Hg) or cyanide emitting an estimated 200 tonnes of mercury annually.

After the ore is crushed and sifted it is combined with mercury which bonds with the gold to form a dense amalgam or "cake" which Miners then heat this cake to distill

— or simply burn

— or )

to reduce the mercury

leaving behind a gold nugget

Mercury in this form is so toxic that the amalgamation process is dangerous not just for those processing the gold, but for everyone in the vicinity.

Chronic exposure to mercury is known to lead to neurological disorders that include blurred vision, tremors, malaise, memory loss, and intellectual impairment.

Tailings containing a mix of lead, mercury, manganese, and various cyanides are eventually flushed into the river system poisoning the water and killing all aquatic life in the area.

Support our Mandate to implement and execute “Green, Sustainable and Profitable” cyanide and mercury free gold ore processing and safe LASER drilling #greengoldmining community initiatives within the *Global Mining Standards* beginning with our Ecuador underground joint venture gold mine to encourage responsible development of Artisanal Small-scale Gold Mining operations.

Own one of our 2,000 unique one-ounce (95% min. purity) Limited Edition

for your time consideration.

Alchemy Mining Group, Inc.
Bruce A. Cosgrove, M.Sc., Pres./CFO
Founder- Alchemy Liquid Gold Coin©

Our early participant token pre-sale event is on now with 100% token bonus. We are raising 938.00 ETH ($USD375,000) calculated @ $400 USD = 1 ETH or select cryptocurrency equivalents listed and trading on the Waves-(DEX) blockchain platform.

To Participate you will require a Waves Lite Client Wallet

Instructions to participate:

ETH: 0x0a7C095B430742D96C723aFd5daE1Ef0F6ee3408
BTC: 3BXNxbMX63P9CM36L4Fi9UTa9Uw35gNsKz

#introduceyourself #greengoldmining #alchemylgcoin #bansingleuseplastic #bestrawfree #altcoin #TheOceanCleanup

AlchemyLGCoin© Utility Token is listed, traded and operates on Waves-(DEX) open blockchain platform for Crowdfunding

Join our #greengoldmining Community Initiatives Follow - Like



Sound Track: Partners In Rhyme
Editing Software: Filmora

Still images reproduced in this dissertation are reproduced pursuant to Fair Use Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976 or property of the author and not subject to any royalty payments.

This Document is Copyright and Proprietary
Copyright© 2018 by: Bruce A. Cosgrove M.Sc.
All Rights Reserved

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