Grand Unifying Conspiracy Rant --- WE ARE the Illuminati! --- "Apocalypse Now"
"A Message of Hope"
Brought to YOU with much love!
The Jolly Old Joker and the Gentle Old Fool
Copyright Notice:
This play was written by All of Us
(Please share as you see fit!)
Perfect Post 1 ~~~
Quick Note:
To the unsung heroes at "Above Top Secret" dot com --- Our beloved Mods! Please feel free to move this thread to whichever forum you see fit.
It is posted under "Short Stories" because this is essentially what our entire reality can be thought as to be. Alternatively, this thread would fit very neatly under the heading: "Jokes, Puns and Riddles" --- but this genre does indeed seem a little trite, when one considers how truly magnificent yet often so very difficult our lives on this plane of existence can be.
So Grey Matters or Religious Conspiracies, Philosophy or Cooking Recipes, the people who need to read this thread will find their way eventually, just so long as you don't send this "positively delightful good read!" straight to the garbage can please.
Thank you so much!!!
I just wanted to hop on by and drop off this super fun and completely fictional short story based on current events. Please enjoy!
Will be back later, but in case I don't see you, please have yourself a Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening or Good Night!
Quick Disclaimer: We will be providing a great number of articles and excellent random video proofs for you to peruse at your leisure; however, must gently insist that you first please read this full message in its entirety before hopping over to any of the included links.
(However, please watch the music videos that "WE" wrote just for you, that are included in this thread, as you happen across them. Our favourite form of communication is through our: "Music, Art, Stories, Signs, Riddles and Rhymes." As our "puppet" likes to complain --- "it is simply our thing")
It has recently comes to our attention that not everyone might appreciate our sense of humour. So please note: This is not intended to be a joke, but might still humbly suggest that we all could use a good laugh now and then!
"Laughter is indeed the best medicine, you see."
(As is Music!)
And why not both?
TL-DR --- Please come back when you do have time to read this entire short story, in the ever so popular "rant format" or there is no chance at all of it making sense. This is important. It has to do with the "meaning of life."
Let us begin:
"I am a generational member of a Ruling Bloodline Family" --- haha nope, just kidding. I AM, or perhaps it would be more fitting to say, WE ARE the JOKER and the FOOL and we are here to help "WAKE YOU UP!"
And of course, wish you a very Happy Easter and Spring Solstice!
"It is time now" for a little "spring cleaning" would you not agree? And we would like to ask that you please "suspend your disbelief" for a moment and take gander with us at just what Lucy's puppets have "really" been up to, shall we?
Lucifer is but one of 11 Soul Families who make up the Illuminati. We represent the "lollipop kids" or should I say the BEST Illuminati Soul Groups --- The Jolly Old Joker and the Gentle Old Fool.
Though so many of you seem have forgotten us, WE have been patiently waiting anxiously in the wings for a VERY long time, for this chance to make direct contact with humanity.
Another equally correct way in which to interpret our Soul Families would as "cousins" to our beloved Angels.
Archangel Michael's Soul Family and our Soul Families are in fact, best buds!
As well, we are particularly enamoured with Archangel Metatron --- "Our Magnificent Angel of Life!"
(Though of course, we love each and every one of our Angels so very much!)
We are quite literally "the Champions" of Humanity and we are here to help usher in a "New Age!"
We stand behind our "Saints, Heroes, Leaders and Messiahs" and also strive "to inspire and support Humanity as you embark on this exciting new path!"
The Path of True Enlightenment: "Christ Consciousness!"
"The Time is Now."
The "Apocalypse" has indeed begun and at this exact moment in time:
WARNING: "Things may indeed get a little bit scary, as sadly so much of Humanity is still at slumber. Please have no fear though, our Victory is guaranteed! Together we cannot fail!!!"
"Justice is Coming!"
"Buckle up Humanity! Lucy's time is nearly over, but she is not going down without a fight!"
"Congratulations Humanity!!!"
"Here comes the Light:"
*Special Little Note just for Lucy:
"Honey, I'm home!!! And you do INDEED have some 'splaining to do! BELIEVE US when we say that we are all so very. Very. VERY P*SSED!!!"
To the rest of Humanity:
"We are all so very proud of you for hanging in there and would like to truly apologize for being so late!"
*A Very Important Note:
As you read this "short story" that was written "by Us for Us" please:
Consider this as mere speculation or as a super fun thought experiment. Please don't get yourself all worked up or angry if you disagree. For your own amusement, perhaps simply consider this as "insight into the mind of a madman."
From now on, we will be referring to ourselves using the singular "I" pronoun so as to not appear insane!
I am very happy to read and respond to criticisms, as I genuinely seek the truth as well, but as I have had to explain to way too many people online recently: "I will NOT respond to personal insults unless they are very funny and I simply can't help myself!"
"From now on, racist or hateful comments will no longer be tolerated. We would like to truly apologize for any inconvenience and for all of the pain that you have suffered."
'As a general rule, when debating, sharing or discussing information, one should strive to educate the person you think is wrong. Provide an alternative point of view whenever possible. Because just insulting someone you think is an idiot or mentally ill --- only makes YOU look like a d*ck.'
--- Paraphrasing a very wise ATS user: Matrix Survivor
If any of our short story sparks your interest, I will be posting some good primer videos and articles in the next comment reply below, that will hopefully help put this thread into more context.
Also please note, there is much more information at your fingertips online. Most of which you can find right here on our beloved ATS.
Although some of these conclusions came as a result of a "spiritual awakening" of sorts, I always try to back up my nutty claims with logic or proof. To the best of my ability anyways!
At the moment, I am feeling a little bit fragile after ranting so much at voat (a reddit like platform) as I am just not used to so many white supremacists in one place. It truly breaks our heart to see so much suffering, but at least voat doesn't censor our rants like 'eddit.
If you do happen to be one of our woefully, misguided racist or intolerant old fools, we would like you to please read this special introduction to our "Message of Hope" that we wrote just for you on voat and then ask that you please stop breaking our hearts, thank you so much!
Perfect Post 2 ~~~
Then of course, quickly hop right on back here to ATS so that you may continue to read this "perfect post" in its correct formatting please!
Oh and there is also a special little note in there for Lucy's puppets --- For decency purposes, all I will say in thread is: "Shame. Shame on you all. None of us are happy at all with the state you have left this world in. so. Very. P*SSED!"
Tragically you "see," both our Old Fool and Puppet have a shockingly, disgraceful potty mouth, so I always try to save our more coherent rants for ATS. Also generally speaking, you guys and gals are the most open-minded and intelligent people on any of the conspiracy platforms that I have visited! In our humble opinion of course.
Without Further Adieu:
BREAKING NEWS --- SOLVED --- "The Meaning of Life"
But First:
Ever wonder?
Why YOU are here?
Why bad things happen to good people?
Why so many of our elite politicians, celebrities and religious leaders are so evil?
Why our early ancestors sacrificed their virgins to Gods that looked like gray aliens and reptilians in the ancient cave paintings and statues? And more to the point, when human sacrifice stopped?
False Flags
Catholic Church
Pedophilia sanctioned (against us gentile scum) in the holy texts of both the Jewish/Kabbalah Talmud and the Islamic Koran
CIA Mass Surveillance
CIA Drug Lords
(Basically think of any horrific, soul crushing "crime against humanity" and our elite are likely knee deep in it. Like maggots drawn to sh*t.)
Ever wonder why so much of our ancient history has been altered or suppressed?
#Forbidden Archeology: Graham Hancock, Michael Tellinger, Michael Cremo, Skyfloating
***In fact, there are simply so many excellent ancient archeology and "out of place artifacts" threads on ATS, I wouldn't even know where to start --- but sincerely thank you so much to all of you for sharing your research and hard work!
Ever wonder why our reality seems so malleable?
Astral Projection
Deep Mediation
Near Death Experiences
Past Life Research/Reincarnation
Psychic Abilities
Ghosts, demons, jinn, Angels, Fairies
Parallel Universes
The Mandela Effect
Holographic & Electric Universe Theory (NOT Elon Musk's Luciferian simulation bullsh*t!)
Ever wonder why our demon worshipping elite --- Satan/Lucifer's puppets, just love to throw their evil agenda into our movies and television?
Why their symbols are all over the world, constantly being shoved right in our face?
Is this really just to laugh at us?
To make us feel powerless?
Is this some kind of sick joke?
Does all of this not seem a little absurd to you???
What if the Elite actually want to get caught?
What if this is just a TEST?
A Test that 'all of us' agreed upon before coming into this life?
What if this world is ridiculous, backwards and upside down by design?
What do the real Illuminati believe in?
They believe that the Tree of Life contains 33 paths.
(Obviously, I am number 22 and like so many of you here, I am channeling the energy of the Fool, the Joker, the Saint and the Champion --- but mostly the old Fool! haha)
Now, most of our texts will tell you that there are only 32 paths in the Tree of Life. However, there is indeed one more --- number 33 --- which is the dark path of true enlightenment. (It is what it is, I'm afraid.)
On a similar theme, Carl Young also discusses archetypes at length in his Collective Unconscious theory.
In mainstream Jewish and Islamic texts, as well as in earlier hermetic writings, we are taught that 22 life paths make up the Tree of Life.
But there are actually 11 more paths that most of us are not taught about in bible study. These are the "The Dark Paths." Our Satanic Elite are tapping into the Luciferian vibration of these dark paths.
*A Very Important Note:
Most Luciferian worshippers/puppets are not aware of this. They actually believe that Lucifer is better than God and possibly a computer program, (which just doesn't make sense because God created Lucifer) but their higher selves make sure that they can't help but throw their evil agenda in our face.
This is because, "all of us," including the evil people, are actually working together behind the scenes and believe it or not, we all agreed that these a**hats would take on these anti-Christ roles before coming into this life.
I can't stress enough though, that these people really are committing unspeakable acts and must be stopped. Focusing only on the positive or trying to meditate evil away is not going to cut it.
(Looking at you Bashar and The Secret. So much of what these "False Prophets" teach is true, but still, "we MUST stand up for our Innocent and against Injustice!")
And unfortunately all of this evil is by design.
Hidden Hand, a famous ATS poster from back in the day, posted an amazing, thought provoking thread basically "spelling" it out. However, he was coming at this from the Luciferian perspective.
(He basically said that the Luciferians were here to help us grow as spiritual beings. To give us a choice between good and evil. To help put good things into perspective/context or in other words --- to "set the mood" --- so that we will appreciate and value kindness and most importantly, genuinely want to be decent human beings.)
However, he did not tell us the whole truth. He made it seem like God, who created this "PLAY" --- this "Magnificent Grand Illusion" doesn't care about us at all. Made God seem like "he" was short-sighted, jealous, kind of a d*ck honestly.
And this is complete bullsh*t. God loves each and every one of us so very much, but it is true (in a sense) that he does love Lucifer most of all, because the Luciferians have taken on the most difficult path(s) of them all.
To commit these horrific and unspeakable acts against the innocent, they have agreed to allow themselves to be tortured, manipulated, hollowed out and used.
And their victims who have survived this horrific abuse truly are the Messiahs, Saints and Heroes themselves.
Our entire world is a "magnificent illusion" --- "a game" --- to help us grow as spiritual beings. Another way to look at all of this, is that we are quite literally in the "Master" class at school.
What we need you to "see" is that all of this is quite simply an: "An absurd, magnificent and so very, very difficult interactive play and also to please note: that we are now entering into its' final act."
And guess what?
Perfect Post 3 ~~~
"Our Time is Now."
Lucy's "part" is almost over and this final act that we are moving into --- was written for "US by US!!!"
So for what it is worth, I know that life can be terribly unfair and very tough to manage at times, but try not to lose hope, because we are entering into the most exciting time in human history! This is the time when the Grand Deception will be revealed and when all of us, will begin to wake up to the truth.
This is partly what the Angel Messengers and Dolores Cannon meant when they spoke about "waking up" to the "Grand Deception" and "Ascension."
If you would like to read this "truth" in the form of a short story or "riddle format" as so many people love to do, please check out these google docs on this free public blog below.
Brief add in from our Puppet/Old Fool:
If I might take moment, to share a little side rant: Even if you think all of this is nuts, obviously I have a very active imagination and so when we think about all of the other Angel Messengers out there --- why in God's name did my message have to come in the form of a short riddle???
You know, Billy Meier isn't the only puppet out there with garbage can lids. I bet you I could "make up" some pretty snazzy Tin Can UFOs if I really put my mind to it.
Instead, my Soul Family (whom I happen to adore so very much) are quite literally --- Looney Tunes!!! The very best way to think of these guys would be as "like Cartoons" in terms of their high energy, humor and joy. Their world and our "true reality" is in fact what "Alice in Wonderland" is based upon!
Anyways, here is the Blog:
(PSSST: Please read this entire "short story" here first before visiting any of included links, to help put these spells into context. Thank you so much!)
(But please, please watch the Music Videos that WE helped write for you!)
Now just in case these: "white magic spells in the name of truth and light" disappear again, here are the short stories/riddles directly from Google Docs:
Please note:
If you were one of the many unfortunate victims to have received this message before it was in its "proper formatting," or before the additional pictures were added in (as we believe that these images will truly make our spells "Pop!") --- It is recommended that you "please read the second pdf file first, or you will have to read the first pdf file twice please. Thank you so much!"
I do suggest however, that you please read this entire thread first, before hopping over to the spells, but whatever you think is best, is cool.
To reasonable skeptics ---I know that there are a lot of us here who going to look around at our lives and the lives of our loved ones and disregard this as new age bullsh*t. Or Heaven forbid, downright insane!
You might rightly wonder to yourself --- just how could God be so cruel as to allow all of this suffering to happen to you or to so many innocent people?
But would you believe that YOU are the Hero, the Saint, the Messiah who agreed to these experiences? So that you might share the wisdom that you received through your suffering with other people?
To help not just yourself grow spiritually, but to help all of us come to the realization that the Path of Christ --- To be compassionate and "to treat other people needs, as our own" --- is truly the most divine path of them all?
Things might get a little bit scarier for a bit, but know that all of this is just a "Perfect Illusion." We are so much more than just meat suits and that things really are going to work out in the end --- because this magnificent "play" that we are in --- WE wrote for ourselves.
Anyways, I love music and while this is the first time in a very long time that we have had this opportunity to speak directly with humanity. (You "see" we too, must play by the rules that "all of us" agreed upon before being this epic journey) However, we do communicate with you often through signs, riddles, humour and our very form of expression: Music.
Here are 2 beautiful songs that basically "set the mood" and creativity illustrate exactly what is what stage we are in right now.
(The Final Act)
So this is the type of interactive play that we are in:
(An advanced, very difficult and scary one!)
And this is what all of us need to remember:
That this is indeed, just an absurd game, a test! A Test that all of have already passed with flying colours. Simply by hanging in there and staying alive!!! This world is a very tough place if you have a compassionate heart and all of us were born innocent and are innocent still. (No matter how you feel or what you "think" you may have done.)
We wrote this play for ourselves by ourselves, in order to grow as the truly Divine Spiritual Beings that all of us are!
This is indeed the beginning of the Apocalypse --- The Grand Deception is already being revealed to those with eyes to "see" and Humanity is right on the brink of Ascension!
Congratulations Humanity!!! We are so proud of all of you!!!
This song is for you:
This "Final Act" is written just for Us! We are waking up to an epic battle. But please note: that "you" are always safe and there is nothing to fear at all.
"It is time now" for our Saints, Heroes, Jokers, Champions and gentle old Fools to come together and "save humanity." It is our "Destiny."
This last song, basically explains what all of us need to do next --- This is a "Call to Action!"
We are soon going to need to stand up, help expose the elite and guide our fellow man and woman on a new path. And we all have a very important part to play!
"Wanna take a guess who I might be?" Hahahahaha
(And never forget, while the elite and the lower dimensional entities are very scary --- we are always being protected and watched over by much stronger, higher dimensional and very loving entities --- our Guides, Angels and Higher selves!)
Also Please Note: "What comes next is going to blow your mind!"
Thank you so much to everyone for reading!
"All the world's a stage; and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages."
--- All of Us
Perfect Post 4 ~~~
Okay, so there really is SO much evidence regarding the conspiracies mentioned as above so below, that you can easily find for yourself online and of course, I would be very happy to provide more information on each and every one of the above listed "crimes against humanity" for you to peruse at your leisure.
Truly though, I've covered so much, that it would really be much more productive, if people could ask us a specific question.
Oh and of course, to answer right away the burning question that so many of you are likely thinking:
"That is very mean and NO! --- As a matter of fact, I am not a danger to myself or to anyone else! I am a harmless old Fool."
Joking aside, Dolores Cannon described what is happening very well. Except she didn't seem to be aware of what the Grand Deception is. That you are going to have to research for yourself (and believe you me, I will try to tell you haha) but again, most of you won't believe me until you do the work and sincerely research it.
You are going to have to shake off a lot of disinformation, brainwashing and "weird" science.
It might take a while before it starts to make sense, but please don't take too long. We are so very excited to get started.
This is a great video by Dolores Cannon explaining what is happening to all of us. (She is our favorite!)
And then here are some not so good links explaining the inverted "Dark Paths" in the Tree of Life:
(I don't agree with many of the interpretations of these paths, but it does provide some food for thought, I guess.)
As well, most scholarly articles will tell you that there are 32 paths. However, as was mentioned above so below, there is indeed one more.
The 33rd path is taken by the Dark one(s) who truly sets his/her own path --- that of true enlightenment. From the bottom of my heart, I wish this wasn't true, but again, it is what it is I'm afraid.
Rather than going the Dark route thought, it is so much more rewarding and truly better for your personal wellbeing and for those that you love, for you to choose the path of "Christ Consciousness."
(Just be kind, stand up against injustice and care about other people's needs at least as much as you care about your own.)
So simple and would transform the world in a heartbeat!
Now this next article is unfortunately a variable web of lies and deceit. Satan is definitely not a good guy, but our religious texts have indeed been inverted and twisted upside down. This is what Lucy's puppets do, they mix in truth with major deception. Like UFOs and aliens but that's another rant!
It's not difficult though to see through their lies. One just has to use some common sense. Basically, if our elite worship them, then perhaps you should remain cautious --- still some of this might be of value:
Also it was brought to my attention on the non-censoring 'eddit alternative voat that some people don't like a post packed full of video proofs and evidence. (At least white supremacists don't --- Heaven forbid that they would get off their lazy, ignorant ***s and just click on a link before being hurtful and mean but if you'd like a laugh and to see a ton of random video proofs regarding the Grand Deception and my thoughts on Reddit Censorship please see here:
Lastly, please note: I am either in the throes of a severe psychotic break that is allowing me to write in riddles or better than I ever have or really do know what I am talking about. What I am not doing though is trying to sell you anything or start a cult.
"This is Truth."
Thank you so much again for reading! Some of you might think I'm a nut, but if you have made it this far --- I still think you are a good person!
Oh and I have to write this, I'm sorry, it will likely sounds crazy but:
And Above All Else:
Always Remember to Whistle While You Work!
The Old Fool
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