200 followers and another update on my thoughts about steemit.steemCreated with Sketch.

in introduceyourself •  8 years ago 

I was debating if I should do another one of these "I got to so many followers" posts, and.. I decided that I would clearly as evidenced by the fact that some of you are reading this right now. But the reason I guess, simply is.. The #introduceyourself tag is pretty powerful and I see other people doing similar and one of the purposes of social media is to reach as many people as you can, so.. I might as well do what I can do.

In fact.. Yesterday I even paid $1 to promote one of my posts.. And I paid $2 on Facebook to promote a similar one I posted over there... I've never done that before, I've always been a kind of reserved keep to myself person, though I believe that in order to give your artwork more spirit and life, you have to share it more and get it out there more.. So.. That's what I'm doing.. I want to give my artwork more spirit and life. :)

While I do plan to keep doing this tag every so many followers, I am being sparing with it compared to some others I've seen I think, and the next time I use it will probably be at 500 followers and then 1000.. I don't want to abuse the tag, though I do want to grow here on steemit and get my artwork out there more! And as far as I know it's not against the rules if you use it sparingly and respectably like that?

Anyways.. If you're curious about my thoughts on steemit so far, the rest of this post will mostly be directed towards that.

I guess I should start by saying, I finally just recently got to the point where I've realized just how amazing steemit is that I've made it as my #1 priority posting site, Facebook falls to #2.. It took me around 2 months I think.. Of posting here to finally realize I was spending too much time on Facebook, and I used to still post over there first and then here.. Now I post here first, and if I have time or if it's important enough, then it goes to Facebook second. :)

Well.. Outside of small Twitterlike rants and remarks.. Facebook to me is kind of like the new Twitter. Lol.. It's mostly just for small lil things and keeping in touch with friends and family. It's a shame cause I get pretty good numbers over there, for a small time person anyways.. Yet.. Facebook is losing me, cause steemit both offers less censorship and an opportunity to make money in a more fair and logical sense.

It seems like a really great place for smaller artists especially. I love how people are getting rewarded for their drawings and songs and photography in such a tangible way. It's one of the coolest new technologies I've seen for sure. I'm really excited about it.

So.. I've been 100% powering up for a while now and steemit is now my #1 most prioritized social media to use. Sometimes I'd like to quit Facebook completely, lol.. Though.. It still serves some purpose as the largest platform to get info out to in general and as I mentioned above, friends and family and such.

Well done steemit.. You helped actually change my life a bit, I was sinking too much time into Facebook, and now that I'm using it less, and steemit more.. I can already notice my life improving in some ways, it's like the trance Facebook had on me has been broken, haha..

The community is great, I've only had like 2-3 people who I ended up getting annoyed with, and it never devolved into them trolling my page and acting like psychos like in other places. I've had to deal with some pretty bad people in my time of speaking out, lol.. So far steemit is super awesome and tolerant in a way I can really appreciate. The community alone ended up being a compelling reason enough after I discovered how respectable it is here, though the other things I mentioned above, overwhelmingly even more add massive value to this platform. There really is a special kind of idea and gathering of people here. I hope to see it grow much much more.

That's another reason for me shifting over here as well, it's one that draws many of the people here, the monetary aspect.. I was notified recently, and I dunno if this is true or not.. But I believe the guy, he seems like a solid source of info.
My account was worth around $250 at the time and he told me that if steemit's value goes to even 1% of bitcoins current value that my account would be worth over $6000 which kinda floored me.. If that is true, it makes me even more want to spend more time here and sharing my artwork and content here.. Cause it's almost like investing in something that could really pay off quite a bit, and even if there was no monetary aspect and it was just a great community, that'd be reason enough.. Though.. As I mentioned above, it's just like overwhelmingly obvious to me now.. This is where I want to spend most of my social media time.

By the way. I've also brought over quite a few people from Facebook, every time I've had a post that's worth $10 or more, I go on Facebook and post about it and try to bring more people over.. I also made a Vlog episode on the subject that I haven't released yet, so I'm definitely doing a bit to try to bring more awareness to the subject. A couple of the people I brought over also did quite well, or even better than me when I started!
I just got to 200 and someone I recently invited is not too far behind me! And she's got quite a few paying posts.. She's on fire!

Oh also.. For anyone who read this far and who may not be a mutual follow yet. I'm up for mutual follows, if you follow me I'll follow you back, leaving a comment below to let me know is the fastest most effective way, though from time to time I go through my list and just follow anyone back who follows me anyways.. So.. Either way, leave a comment and I'll follow back relatively quick or just do it and eventually I'll find you and follow you back.

So now that I've said all of that and expressed those thoughts, I'd also like to take this opportunity to promote some of the recent artwork that I've shared on here. .
It's a short film me and my father worked on about the area I live, it's basically a bunch of really nice photography of nature scenes mixed in with what I consider to be some good music. It's pretty short too, only 21 minutes. And there's also some other interesting videos on my channel too if you look around.
Anyways.. I think I've typed up quite a bit for now! Thanks for your time!
Link to the video I mentioned will be below!

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Great post, lovely video :) I have a fundraiser on my page, simple deal just throw up a song that means something to you, say why...if it makes any money it's going to be given to some users going through a hard time. Check it out when you get a chance :)

Thanks dreemit! I appreciate it. And, yeah sure.. I certainly will check out your fundraiser thing in a lil bit. Just got to my computer.

Well, as a result of you stopping by my blog, here I am, following you now... ;) Congratulations on your progress here so far!

I've never been one for "tit for tat" follow for follow; but fellow anarchists have at least a few things in common! So, if you find anything in my catalog (linked to GIF below) that interests you, please do follow me and keep in touch? ;)😄😇😄


Thanks for the follow and for the encouragement. :) The follow for follow thing I admit is a lil weird, though.. That's how I'm going about this so far.. Trying to do mutual follow and I've got to this point pretty quick. However.. I would agree that the follows I want are because people like my content, not because I followed them in exchange. The best subscribers are those who just like your stuff and what you offer.

BTW I was already following you. :) Keep up the good work! ._.

Hey, Thanks for interacting! And really, I'm not at all intending to be critical about "spy v spy" - i.e. "follow for follow," because everybody needs their own strategy for building readership, spreading their "brand," etc. I was just expressing my own personal intention to have actual readers who truly benefit from my writing and who engage with me in discussions and raise questions. I'm sure I could/would be doing better in the "statistics" if I were more intentional about "playing the games." But marketing has never been my thing... :0

Anyhow, thank you for your encouragement!

Unlike on YouTube, I think many of the people who use this site actually want to interact with others, so if you do a bunch of mutual follows.. You might end up with a bunch of people who actually check out your stuff. So far, I feel like I've met some good friends and people who interact with my stuff. But I do agree, to each their strategy.. I'm trying this one right now, and may try different in the future!
And sure thing, no worries. Glad to offer it!

You know, I think you're right; I think people coming here are probably tired of the "same old same old" and are looking for something different...

Let's give it to them! :) ;)

Another great post!

Thanks for another great comment. :)

it never devolved into them trolling my page and acting like psychos like in other places

There are real consequences to that kind of behavior here. Risking your FB account is no biggie, but no one wants to risk a Steemit account.

Ah.. Hmm.. Good to know.

I mean I think that's the reason why there's less trolling

Thanks for the clarification. I tend to agree with you. For the most part. Usually people on here seem to want to value their accounts more, however I wouldn't be surprised if some people made accounts just to mess with people. Though.. I haven't seen that here much at all really..

Love this post. I am very new to the site so I'm soaking up all the info I can get. Following you now!

Word! Thanks. ;] I followed you back as well.

Btw.. Good luck on here!

Great post, follow back for sure!

Thanks! I followed you back. ;]

Hey!! gracias por el follow a mi.

You're welcome. ;]

Glad to see you rocking it here man! :D

Glad to see you glad. ;D Thanks for the encouragement and for introducing me to steemit in the first place! Much love. ;]

I am wondering if people should re-introduce themselves every month

That's an interesting idea.. I dunno about every month, but.. Perhaps more often if they desire to.

specially since no one digs deep in your posts history

I have had people go somewhat deep, but that's pretty rare and a pretty good point.. Maybe they can work on that in the future more and make that easier to do.