Terms of the gradual opening of the Colombian-Venezuelan border

in introduceyourself •  9 years ago 

The governments of Venezuela and Colombia agreed Thursday to gradually reopening of the common border, after five strategic approach to consolidate the area as a peace zone areas.
The presidents of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro and Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, agreed Thursday to open the common, controlled and gradual benefits of the two peoples in an orderly border.
At a meeting in Puerto Ordaz, Bolivar state (Venezuela's southeast), the leaders heard reports of their respective delegations, who have worked in the normalization of the border.
The Colombian head of state said it will be a temporary and orderly opening, which will begin to allow passage to the settlers. "It will issue a document border facilitation for residents of the border have the facilities, but also to control who enters and who exits".


  • Establishment of a Binational Center for the fight against international crime
  • Colombian-Venezuelan border open on Saturday August 13
  • Be issued document called Border Facilitation
  • Five-point traffic is enabled: San Antonio and Boca del Grita (Tachira), Paraguachón (Zulia), Puente Paez (Apure) and Puerto Ayacucho (Amazonas).
  • Timetable for the days of pedestrian crossing:
    0500 - 20H00 in Colombia
    06H00 - 21H00 in Venezuela

  • Fight against smuggling
  • Ongoing exchange of customs information


  • The two ministers will meet to area gradually opening the way for cars and trucks, setting the type of controls to be implemented to avoid problems, including electronic control mechanisms.


  • Combating counterfeiting and smuggling of drugs through a binational technical committee health and sanitation


  • A meeting on 23 August between ministers of the portfolio will be carried out to assess the gas supply from Venezuela to Colombia
  • On August 17, Colombia will make a specific offer to Venezuela for the installation of gas stations in the country to supply PDVSA at a lower price than is offered in Colombia in order to progressively reduce smuggling extraction Venezuelan gasoline
  • Opening of a road between Arauca and Norte de Santander


  • President Santos reported that on September 1 the football teams of Venezuela and Colombia will face in the stadium Barranquilla

In context
For almost a year ago that the Venezuelan government decided to close the border with Colombia, there have been several crimes that have been neutralized in these areas that have been hit by the mafias smuggling gasoline extraction and paramilitarism.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro closed the Colombia-Venezuela border after the paramilitary attack suffered by soldiers of the Bolivarian National Armed Force (fanbase) in the town of San Antonio del Táchira on 19 August 2015. Venezuela has denounced the presence of paramilitary groups far-right on its territory, moved from Colombia for political and economic ends.

The fact: The land border between the two countries has more than 2,000 kilometers
The recovery of tranquility and building a border of peace with Colombia is the bet that Venezuela did at the time and has remained until today.

The opening of the border between the two countries takes place in the context of the eventual signing of the peace agreement between the Government of Colombia and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - People's Army (FARC-EP), a fact that contributes to the opening new conditions.

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