Why Does Jeff Always Say Things Like This To My Dad?

in introduceyourself •  7 years ago 

The story is based on true events and provides carefully researched information, with suggestions about ways you could fund educational expenses. The story is intended to provide background information. It does not substitute for sound financial advice. Use the story to ask the right questions to which you find your own right answers.

Some names and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals.

I am too young to give advice and this is only for educational/fictional purposes. You should always ask your financial advisor, doctor, priest or whomever you hope is smarter than you and have your best interest at heart. Beware of the salesman who gets paid to tell you his fictional scenarios and projections. (Ever wondered why your investments only grow by 2-14% if at all, while the investment company’s shareholders get 30% + in dividends?)

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance between the characters in the story and any persons, living or dead, is a miracle.

Welcome, E-Steem-ed One!
Now with all the legal stuff out of the way... I can extend a very warm welcome to you.
Thank you for joining me. You don’t need me to tell you that everything just gets more expensive, now do you? How will you afford your kids’ education? In the story, I might have some ideas for you.

Anyway, have you ever met someone and the moment you met him, you really trusted him right away, without even knowing why? Anyways, while you think about that let me tell you the story.

When you feel a great deal of trust for someone, you find your mind opening in a way that gets you really curious. Speaking to you as someone who loves to learn. I just wanted you to learn that in this I'm going to cover four different topics, every one of which, I think you will find interesting and worthwhile for your own reasons.
The story about...

  1. Discovering what you can do to ensure your kids are provided for financially to have a great education.
  2. www.Steemit.com
  3. Bitcoin
  4. Rule #1 of investing - “first invest in yourself before you invest in anything else”

Now isn't it interesting how you can find your own reasons to get really excited about that? But as that's happening, I think you will agree that is the process of opening your mind to something really amazing.

My name is Becky, I am 2.5 years old, and I'm glad you could join me now. As you're reading you'll learn some of the secrets rich (or poor) Dads use all the time. You'll also learn some pitfalls and how to avoid them.

As you tag along with me let me let me tell you the story. As an introduction let me give you some background.

My father got this email the other day about this great concept. At first, dad thought it is just one of those “if you pass this message along so and so will give 5 c for each click”. You know, those fake chain letters that can’t actually be tracked and falsely claim to pay you for sending it out? Some claim that for every click on their link A VERY Big Company will give money to so and so, you know those? Yea, he thought this email was one of those.
Well let’s just say my Dad is cautious, but he doesn’t just shoot things down without investigating.

I am glad he did because his findings were astonishing.

Anyway, here is a snippet from that letter that got dad’s attention:

Steemit 02.jpgThis guy Jeff, who you see in the picture, told Dad in his newsletters about things that sounded too good to be true but every time my dad investigated he made money following this guy’s advice. See the $15 967.63 bottom left next to Jeff’s photo? That is what Jeff earned on his post. Amazing, isn’t it?

Anyway, the other day, while checking out this steemit.com thing that Jeff told us about, Dad saw some of those other negative people putting Jeff down for something Jeff supposedly said. All lies. Anyway, the one guy, Telos, was venting about a strawman he built, things Jeff never said. Dad knows because he follows Jeff’s newsletter.
Anyway, here is what telos imagined:
Steemit 03.jpg
Anyway, a while back one of Jeff’s tips was to buy bitcoin and Dad immediately started making plans and by the time it was trading for about R17 000 (South African Rand, ZAR), the price at the time of this writing is R27 660 so for every bitcoin dad could have bought he could make almost double the money back. (Not that Dad had a bunch of money laying (standing or sitting) around, but the little he could he did...$15 is not that much but now it is worth almost $30) Imagine how much dad could have made when bitcoin was only $3 when Jeff started talking about it. Sadly dad was not a subscriber back then... $3 is about R40 so how do you calculate the growth from R40 to R27 660? Too much for my small brain, but it is enough, isn’t it? ;-)

So Dad could have made more if he acted when Jeff told him the first time... Actually let me say he could have made more if he could have had bought sooner. He did act, he started learning about this new thing called bitcoin. So he did what he could and now Dad can recover from the break-in he had earlier, where they stole almost everything. Just before the immigration out of South Africa for our safety, dad took a knock and the long process is very draining emotionally and on one’s pocket. So I think Jeff’s newsletter came just in time.
Sorry about the following seemingly negative part, I just include this as background. So that you can understand where Dad comes from.

Click here to see the racial tension on twitter in English: https://www.suidlanders.co.za/wat-hulle-se

As you can see on twitter there are racists from both races and sure there are also peaceful people on both sides. People who do not want to fight. People with no ill will against other races or religions.

Therefore, I suggest they judge those ones that committed crimes against others, and don’t turn it into one race against the other. If a man kills a man of a different race it is murder and the other way around and they shouldn't do that. All lives matter, don’t they?

Guilty people should be punished, but don’t hurt innocent people that have nothing to do with the events in question. Just punish the guilty ones. For example, if a man kills another man (or woman) FROM ANY RACE, punish him, but don’t go kill his whole family, or his whole race, like in this case. You might agree that is too severe and the punishment doesn’t fit the crime.

Anyway, here is an article from a USA news source about the genocide of the minority in South Africa:
https://www.infowars.com/civil-defense-expert-white-genocide-imminent-in-south-africa Steemit 04.jpg

Dad is a peaceful guy and he has friends of almost every race and religion. I just don’t know why some people want to kill others that are not like them? So what do you have to do when you don’t want to fight? What do you have to do to live in peace? You have to emigrate, don’t you? And if you ever tried to emigrate you would know that it is very expensive.
So for us every 0.00000001 BTC (Bitcoin) and every click on that up arrow next to the post count.

Anyway, you are probably wondering “What does all that have to do with your kids’ education fund?” So let me tell you the story.
In his newsletter that I showed you first, Jeff showed his subscribers like Dad, how you can really earn money by sharing something of value with other people on Steemit.com.

So for every “like” you get on your post you get some money. So here is what Dad did for me.
He opened a steemit.com account for me and all the funds that it generates he can reinvest and let it grow as part of my education fund. I think that is brilliant, but I might be biased, because he is my Dad and I love him.

Anyway, Dad values peace, truth, creative, critical & analytical thinking and education. I hope you can learn from what he is doing for us and that it would help you pay for your kids education.

So if you could please now click on that up arrow (almost like facebook’s like button) we could help Dad with the education fund. It is not necessary that you now click on that up arrow, you can do it when you are ready.

I think I might not get as much money as Jeff did, because he has an amazing team helping him and I only have Dad, but at least we start somewhere. We all start somewhere, don’t we? Jeff probably also started small and grew to where he is today? Maybe he started alone. Maybe he had a friend or two? I don’t know. All I know is that if he didn’t start, a lot of people would have been worse off. Imagine all the expenses Dad had but no Jeff, he still would have had to pay, with only his labour to pay for it. But because of Jeff, Dad got a few “lucky breaks” from his newsletter.

Thank you so much for reading and for now clicking the up arrow.

I also want to give special thanks to Jeff (The Dollar Vigilante) for telling Dad about this, because Dad might have heard about steemit when it was too late. When it already became public knowledge and less of an opportunity. So thank you Jeff for keeping up the good news even if there are negative people saying nasty things about you, that are not even true. Thank you that Dad had an early start in a great opportunity.

PS: when you now click on the arrow you might not see the $ amount increase. That is because it works in fractions, not sure how much. I think it is for every 10 clicks we get a cent or so. Here we are; busy with the first rule of investing: “first invest in yourself before you invest in anything else.” Dad and I invest time in learning how steemit works, how about you?

PPS: If you also want to thank Jeff, you can give him an up click (like) here: https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@dollarvigilante/the-dollar-vigilante-is-now-on-steemit

© 2017

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