I finally decided to introduce myself.

in introduceyourself •  8 years ago 


I never thought that an introduction to steemit was either wanted or necessary. I think I got so used to the impersonal and mass dynamic that the internet has become that I never thought of myself as, well, myself anymore online.
But I read a fine post today and it made a lot of sense.
A lot of the posts I've read on steemit so far have been from people just as new and confused as I myself am. I realised I was not alone and not a faceless number on the tinterwebz of things.

So here we are and this is I.
I spent most of my adult youth as a British soldier until I got injured and left to the misery of civvy street back in Britain.
I eventually walked out on my failed marriage and ended up in the mountains of West Virginia with my best friend and soul mate Jan.
I convinced her, we would have more fun living on a little boat and sailing for tropical islands. She fell for it hook line and sinker, so we acquired an old, beat up Westerly Centaur (Hence my name) called Mystic, and began our life as pirates. I had posted on here about our trip on Mystic but I lost all the passwords for that account. It was entertaining though if you ever find it.
We lived on Mystic for two and a bit years working our way south down the east coast of the states until the bad news arrived.
My mother was dying and I was return home to care for her.
This sadly ended with my mother dying and the boat journey finished. I had no way to get back to the States (Long story and immigration there sucks).
Jan joined me briefly in England and with nowhere to live, we ended up in a caravan in the Derbyshire dales next to a most excellent pub.

And now? Now we took the advice of a strange woman we met in that pub. She said "Bugger the prices 'ere old loves. you wants to get yerselves to Portugal. Always sunny there and the beer is a lot bloody cheaper."
My ears twitched and by the end of the evening we were poring over ways and means to make a trip to sunny Portugal.
Worked out cheaper to rent this little apartment than to park our caravan and the crazy, drunken woman was right. Life is a lot less of a race and more of a leisurely stroll here. It has to be. The Portuguese rush for nobody.
We live just outside a tiny fishing village on the Algarve.
If you are still awake, thank you for reading this far. Do feel free to leave a comment. Or not. Now I know, it matters not.

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Hello! You lived interesting adventures! This is life - the good and the bad.

Lots of adventures and all on a shoestring. Best way to make an adventure I guess. It was a lot of bad that cuased the good so I might blog that some day.
Thanks for commenting

Good idea, do that! :)

I loved the Algarve region. I lived there for a while in the hills of a tiny town not on the map called Pedralva about 8 km from Vila do Bispo. There was a problem in the states and I wanted to escape from my life so I just flew to Spain and contacted some hippies I met in Copenhagen some years before and they were all living on a farm there. Why did I ever go back to the States? I have no idea, but Algarve is a magical place filled with magic people and peace and plenty of hippies with goats. Thanks for the story mate! If you ever meet the folks from the Punk Farm (Casa do Burro), tell them a stranger from the internet says hi!

Hiya chickenbone, you were not too far from Sagres then?
We are way east just outside Tavira. Not as touristy over this side. Mainly fishing villages.
Yup I would say we are escaping too. The world is not a place I'm too keen on any more lol

No, not very far at all. I used to walk down the 20k to get to the beaches at Sagres or in the other direction toward Carrapateira. Of course I always had my thumb out and Portuguese people are really generous about picking up hitchhikers! Sometimes though I would just walk and meet people in the local digs. I wish I was there now hahah. But Tavira, I never got so far east, and only got as far as Faro hitching north through Spain after my time in the corner.

Your introduction post made you at least one extra follower! :-)
Welcome to Steemit! I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do.

Thanks for the welcome Bart. You got yourself a follower too my friend.

In your text you showed a certain stoicism, I always admired that of the british
Welcome To Steemit!

thanks lol

Wow centaumystic that is one adventurous life you have had. I have to follow you to see more of your future posts from laid back Portugal.

Wow! Your life choices require some balls. Living on a boat for two years and traveling from island to island must have been a great adventure! Longest time I spent sailing was two days)) followed!

We took what we could load on the truck in WV and stashed it on the boat. Just a little 26 foot Westerly Centaur with a dodgy outboard engine. We never got to the Bahamas as planned. I got pulled back to UK to look after my mum before she passed away.
My uncle is putting together his catamaran for me over in Florida at the moment. If he gets it finished and my more sensible half lets me go, I hope to sail it back to Portugal. i'm not getting any younger but i'm not growing up either lol.
We shall see.

I wish you luck on your journey!