Waddup Steemers! - My journey into day trading Cryptocurrencies - 0 experience

in introduceyourself •  7 years ago 

My name is Levic, I am 32 years old. I live in Colombia with my fiance. I was born in Belgium.
I got introduced to steemit by watching @dollarvigilante his youtube stream about Steemit. Gotta say i LOVE the idea of Steemit!!

How i got into Cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies especially bitcoins got my interest a long time ago. But the first bitcoins i bought were at the start of 2017 when it was was close to the all time high. I was one of those FOMO guys then. Now almost 6 months later i got even more interested into this exciting new technology that is blockchain because of a coin called “GAME” that a friend told me about. While doing some research around “GAME” it got me very excited about the cryptocurrencies in general. It just BLEW my mind how much potential i saw in this technology. I had to know more i had to know everything about cryptocurrencies and the blockchain.

That is how i found videos about daytrading and poloniex which got me more interested until the point i decided i want to learn everything there is to learn about daytrading so now i contacted a mentor/coach who is a very good crypto daytrader and we will start somewhere this week.

I want to share my story about my journey as a new un experienced cryptocurrency daytrader and share all my struggles and thoughts while i am in the process in mastering Day trading and cryptocurrencies in general. I hope i can inspire people by sharing with my story(Well that is if i succeed OF COURSE!!!) if not i hope to give you guys a good read every now and then.

My background and why i think i have an advantage

I was a poker professional for more than 8 years . Online and live but at some point i just felt it was time for something else i just did not like it anymore. (it is because of poker friends i got into the cryptoworld). I believe poker and day trading cryptos is very similar, in poker you can have days where you are losing money even a losing month if you really have a bad month. When you play tournaments it can take months before you get a big win sometimes. The cryptoworld is a crazy volatile world sometimes with crazy swings where you might lose a big % sometimes. Because of my poker background i believe i can easily handle those bad moments that i might face in this journey!


Why Day trading?

  • We all want the freedom to work and travel whenever we want don't we?
  • Cryptocurrencies is just starting. The potential is HUGE it would be a shame to miss out on it and regret not doing anything with this exciting technology 10-15 years later.
  • I want to challenge myself and see how good i can get.
  • Financial freedom of course and to weapon myself and my family for the upcoming financial crisis
  • Make money for my family i do plan to put 10% aside from my profits for my future children and for the children of my brothers. When they get 18 or 21 years old (and if they are not total disasters at that ago Of Course!:)) If i would be able to make 1 mil+ which is my minimum goal the potential is much bigger i think. Just a small % of that money will help them to either travel, start a business or for whatever dream they might have once they are adults.
    Also to pay my wedding that will happen in a couple of months! :)


My budget right now at this very moment is $26 959,36 i myself invested 19 000 dollars a part of that 19k went to my mentor that i will help me in my journey.

I will try to update my story as much as possible. I hope you guys liked the introduction if you want to follow my story hit me up with a follow and if you have any questions i will be happy to answer them.

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