A new challenger approaches!

in introduceyourself •  7 years ago 

maxresdefault.jpgGreetings fellow dwellers of the dark, remote place some like to call the "interwebz"! In a strange place people online refer to as "real life", I'm known as Carlos Nicolás. I'll refrain from disclosing any further, as I'm scared I'll be tracked down and brutally murdered in the near future! Just kidding. On my first post, I will stick to what I've come to understand is the custom around these parts: An introduction.

I'm a 25 year old medical student from Caracas, the capital city of a fairly small, impoverished country, Venezuela. Caracas is known for being one of the world's most dangerous cities, which is why - in order to survive - I need to sleep with one of my eyes peeled, so please excuse my paranoia. My life's passion has always been one, science. Whether its physics, chemistry, mathematics, and of course - as you may have assumed - any of the biological sciences, it will be of my utmost interest.

Friends, I don't have very many, but the few I do, are completely irreplaceable by all means. As I'm writing this, my cousin, who is like a brother to me, is preparing to depart to Chile, as means to escape the socio-political-economical crisis taking place in my country. Good bye's are a common occurrence, and this has left me with even less friends, at least in physical form. In fact, 23 hours from the moment I'm writing this, when his plane takes flight, I'll be crying like a baby. I think that this is partly why I've decided to undertake a new journey, writing on Steemit. I hope it will help fill the void that has been left within me.

Movies, probably my most loved hobby. A pastime with roots set deep within my persona. As a child, every Friday night was Movie night in my household. I've never studied cinematography nor scriptwriting, but years of watching several films a week, have given me a sense of critique, even if just primal. Sadly, college does not allow me to keep up with this lifestyle anymore, now sticking to maybe 1 or 2 movies each week. All of this said, in the future, perhaps I'll share with you some of the most interesting masterpieces I've seen.

Videogames, I used to play lots of them. I recall back in the day, my dad had a computer he used most nights to play titles such as Wolfenstein, Quake, DOOM, Prince of Persia, Descent. I used to watch him, despite those games being a little too violent for my tender age at the time. My first console was Nintendo64, I was 6, and I remember it as the most magical experience, debuting with Banjo Kazooie. Later on I played my first Zelda title: Ocarina of Time, which set alit a passion for fantasy games. Currently, I'm into collectible card games (CCG).

Fitness, not every medical student is a fitness enthusiast, in fact, most aren't. While I haven't practiced any sports since high-school (except powerlifting), I've always aimed to have a healthy body, at least within my economical limitations. This has left me with lots of additional information about healthy lifestyles that I could also share with everyone!

In the future I'd like to discuss with you about several topics, whatever I find worth sharing in the fields of science, health, fitness, logic, movies and series, cooking and more! Its going to be whacky, I know, but I hope you stick around!

I really hope you have enjoyed my introduction, it has been a refreshing experience, writing for the first time. Before I go, I'd like to thank my friend Maria Fernanda, without whom, I'd have never found out about this website.

  • Carlos
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