Me, Myself & Steemit: An Introduction

in introduceyourself •  7 years ago 


Hello Steemit! I am a very new member here, having joined in December, and I have agonized over how to introduce myself to the Steemit Community. It's so hard, isn't it, talking to new people? What do you say? How do you say it? Is there really anyone out there who might give a rat fart in a high wind what I had to say, were I to say it? So many decisions, from what to wear in your photo to where the photo is taken, it's a wonder any of us can get through one of these without having a nervous breakdown. But, as so many have said before me, here we are and there's really no way to do it but to do it. goes.

I am a 43 year old professional singer/songwriter/guitarist who enjoys reading, writing, and I am in the process of getting my Bachelors Degree in Software Engineering. I'd like to think I'm a decent musician but if you want to form your own opinion, my musician's page on Facebook can be found here

I am happily married with 3 beautiful grown step-children and a young son who is the joy of our life. My wife ( who is soon to become a new Steemian herself) is an amazing artist and writer and I look forward to her sharing her talent and vision with you all.

I have done a few posts already and, if you can't tell, I'm pretty eclectic, ranging from cryptocurrencies to marijuana legalization, science fiction, conspiracy theories and more. In the coming days, weeks and months, I will be posting further articles dealing with my attempts to help a family member delve into the burgeoning crypto markets, more observations regarding the Justice Department's new War on Marijuana, short speculative fiction and a whole lot more.

Just to let all of you know, I am still learning the in's and out's of the markdown styling for this format. Any tips, tricks, links etc, that can help, please don't hesitate to post them. I look forward to your comments, suggestions and feedback so that I can become a better author, and generally be an asset to the Steemit Community.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope to hear from you, the community, soon.

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Welcome to Steemit!

Thank you for the welcome.

Welcome aboard and if I can give you one piece of advice is just post post and keep on posting most importantly read and comment as much as possible . I have just upvoated you as a welcome to the steemit community!

Thank you @richard-921. I have been scouring this site for inspiration and just seeing how things are done here. Thank you for the upvote.

Welcome To Steemit! I encourage you to take the time to search for other posts that interest you and upvote them. Also, start following authors that post good content and upvote them as well. Make some friends and you will be well on your way to earning some nice curation rewards and growing your following!

You are really going to like it here. This is a unique place where there is no competition. Instead, we all work to build success by helping each other out. The best way to grow is to build Steem Power and vote to reward other authors.

This is a great place to network with other people from all over the world. If you continually post great content you will grow a following in no time and start making some nice author rewards.

Best Of Luck!
Spencer Coffman
My Latest Article: Inbox Dollars Cash Rewards

I am hoping to "hone my chops" so to speak, here as a writer. Thank you for the warm welcome and I hope to be worthy of being considered a producer of quality content.

You're Welcome!
See My Latest Post

Can't wait to hear you sing lol, welcome to steemit and best of luck to you and to your family. =)

I'll see about posting a video or two in the coming days. Thank you for the welcome and i look forward to reading your own posts.

Welcome to steemit🙌

Thank you @simitravel

Welcome to Steemit @demonsthenes!

Thank you @magnifik From what I've seen so far, this an amazing community, much different from the rest of the social media monsters out there. Frankly, it's a breath of fresh air and I cannot wait to get involved here.

Welcome to the big time!

Thank you! I hope to be an asset here.

wellcome to steemit and my compliment for the choice of the name!

LoL..... Thank you! Glad you like it :)

Welcome @demonsthenes to steemit. Glad you got to introduce yourself. If you haven't already, take a minute also to check out DTube. Video content that utilizes the steem blockchain. Just another of the many options here on steemit. Again, welcome and I look forward to more of your content.

Thank you @captainbob I will absolutely check that out. I have been seeing the reference but hadn't had a chance to look into it.

Welcome to Steemit brother! Glad to see your against the DOJ, and the bullshit war on weed.

Absolutely It's my firm belief that it is time, past time really, for a national referendum on marijuana and it's federal legal status in the U.S. A national ballot to remove it from the FDA Schedule of Drugs and place it's production, distribution and sale under the jurisdiction of the states. I will be posting more on this later this week my friend. Thank you for the welcome.

Welcome to steemit .

Nice to see you found your way to Steemit! So, welcome aboard and enjoy your stay! Already waiting for your next story!

And for your information, we made a dedicated notification app, called Steemify, we as @blockbrothers build this app. Just download it for free and never miss out on any notification!

Download Steemify Here:

And while you're on it, me and my fellow blockbrothers are also a witness as @blockbrothers. If you want to support us we would appreciate your vote here.

Thank You @s3rg3 I was just sittting here thinking to myself about how one would get notifications and keep up with posts, replies, comments etc. Well, as they say, ask and ye shall receive. I've been kicking around an idea here for last couple of days for a short story. I'll try to knock it out tonight and post it early tomorrow I think. I gotta warn ya though, I'm a horror, Sci-Fi, Fantasy nut so it might get a little bent lol. I haven't given much thought to the witness voting but looks like I've got a reason to now. :)

Just letting you know, you guys just got my first witness vote. Thank you for the attention here.

Best way is to just jump in!
Welcome to the Steem World!
I have recently made an orientation video that will help you in your journey here - and will hopefully answer all the questions that took me months to figure out.

I wish you all the best here on Steem!

I will also use the tag : @originalworks for this post, this will summon a robot that, if you wrote this original article, will give you an additional upvote. :)

Thank you for the info @maneki-neko. Not exactly sure how to summon the bot though.

The bot will be here in a while, I have already summoned it just by using the tag @originalworks, you just sit back and relax now :)

LoL Thank you.

Welcome! Cool Jacket. What's your favorite style of music to play? To listen to?

I play rock, Classic and Alternative but really i like good music wherever I find it. If I want to really rock though, I pop in Flogging Molly and the Foo Fighters. How about you?

Not much musical talent personally outside of dancing, in which case I prefer ballet. In terms of music I listen to, I gravitate more towards electric and rock. Foo fighters are great, love me some everlong.