Hi Steemit! - Introducing @electrodrome

in introduceyourself •  7 years ago 

Hello everybody.

I am quite new to Steemit. Today you can read my first post after registering and waiting for a few days to confirm the account. I would like to briefly introduce myself to the community. I'm Andreas Potthoff, a software developer, server administrator, internet junkie and freelance journalist from Germany.


I'm still one of the 8-bit veterans, and in the early '80s had run a mailbox BBS (BulletinBoard System) on a C-64, where like-minded C-64 freaks had gathered. At that time, the C-64 was my favorite among the home computers and programmed it in BASIC and assembler, whereby it was also about copy protection and trainer for games :-)

Here is a list of computers I already had in the early '80s: Apple II Europlus (6502), Commodore VIC-20 (6502), Commodore C-64 (6510), Sinclair ZX Spectrum (Z80A), IBM PC XT (8088 / 80286), Commodore C128D (8502 / Z80A), Commodore Amiga 500 (68000), an Atari was not there.

In the 90s, I was connected to the Internet and created websites and administrated web servers, which I still do today.

Since my father (electrical engineer) had opened the world of electrical engineering and electronics, I also experimented with microcontrollers early on. Even today, I like to use microcontrollers and single-board computers for projects. So I am a small all-rounder who knows hardware and software.

Then, a few years ago, I came across cryptocurrencies and invested in some coins and I also do mining.

This is a small cross section of my background. Now I would like to publish articles about electronics, computers, technology and science in this community. I have noticed that there is also a big German community. Therefore, I will try to post my articles bilingually (German / English) and hope to reach a large group of people.


Hallo Zusammen.

Ich bin ziemlich neu bei Steemit. Heute könnt ihr meinen ersten Beitrag lesen, nachdem ich mich registriert und ein paar Tage auf die Bestätigung des Kontos gewartet habe. Hiermit möchte ich mich kurz der Community vorstellen. Ich bin Andreas Potthoff, ein Softwareentwickler, Server Administrator, Internet Junkie und freier Journalist aus Deutschland.

Ich gehöre noch zu den 8-bit Veteranen und hatte in den frühen 80er Jahren eine Mailbox - BBS (BulletinBoard System) auf einem C-64 betrieben, wo sich gleichgesinnte C-64 Freaks versammelt hatten. Der C-64 war für mich damals mein Favorit unter den Homecomputern und habe diesen in BASIC und Assembler programmiert, wobei es auch um Kopierschutz und Trainer für Spiele ging :-)

Hier eine Liste von Computern die ich bereits in den frühen 80er Jahren hatte: Apple II Europlus (6502), Commodore VIC-20 (6502), Commodore C-64 (6510), Sinclair ZX Spectrum (Z80A), IBM PC XT (8088/80286), Commodore C128D (8502/Z80A), Commodore Amiga 500 (68000), ein Atari war nicht dabei.

In den 90er Jahren bin dann mit dem Internet verbunden worden und habe Internetseiten erstellt und Webserver administriert, was ich auch heute noch mache.

Da mir mein Vater (Elektroingenieur) die Welt der Elektrotechnik und Eletronik eröffnet hatte, habe ich auch schon früh mit Mikrocontrollern experimentiert. Auch heute noch benutze ich gerne Mikrocontroller und Einplatinencomputer für Projekte. Ich bin also ein kleiner Allrounder der sich mit Hardware und Software auskennt.

Dann bin ich vor eingen Jahren auf Kryptowährungen gestoßen und habe in einige Münzen investiert und betreibe auch Mining.

Das ist ein kleiner Querschnitt aus meinem Hintergrund. Nun würde ich gerne in dieser Community Beiträge über Elektronik, Computer, Technik und Wissenschaft veröffentlichen. Ich habe festgestellt, dass es auch eine große deutsche Community gibt. Deshalb werde ich versuchen meine Artikel zweisprachig (Deutsch / Englisch) zu posten und hoffe damit eine große Gruppe von Personen zu erreichen.

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Welcome Andreas

Thank you.

I'm @edosweet. I'm here to welcome you specially to this platform. I'm really glad you are here and hope to see you become a great steemian. Good luck to you! IMG_20180130_094825

Many Thanks

Na ich hoffe wir lesen dann hier demnächst mehr über die elektronik Projekte :)

Welcome to Steemit :)

Thx! I'm glad to be here at last.

It's so beautiful to have you here on steemit. I took time to come welcome you and I know you will love it here. Welcome to our family. @greatness96

Nice to belong to the family...

Hello! Welcome to steemit and enjoy! I like your post, thats why i will watch your posts.... follow me if you want and read also mine!

Many Thanks

Welcome to Steemit @electrodrome!

I wish you much success and hope you find Steemit to be as rewarding and informative as I have.

Looks like you love Crpto too! Lots of detailed analysis on my blog along with some predictions

Here are some links you might find useful.
Your stats on SteemNow
Your stats on SteemWorld
Your stats on SteemD
How to use Minnow Booster
How does Steemit actually work?

Let me know if I can help.
Many blessings! @bycoleman

Useful links. THX!

I use them daily.
The links on Minnow booster and the bid bots can make a big difference for you to get noticed.

Many blessings!

HI Andreas, great introduction. Feel free to check my blog out and we can give each other a follow if you'd like @dan21050 .....Welcome to steemit!

Many Thanks

You got SNEKKED!
Because I love your post!!

You got snekked is my curation project!
I aim to find good content and share a happy moment and some visibility. Your post got my upvote and I will share a link to your post in my Monday post!

Welcome to the Steemit platform!
I hope you will have a marvelous, slithering time here on the platform!
Have a look at @minnowsupport ! This is a community for newer members on the platform. You can also find them on Discord chat!
link: https://discord.gg/UDwKuUN
You can also join the you got Snekked project on discord! Here is the link to join us: https://discord.gg/nMEwmTx

Best wishes

Thank you very much!

Hello electrodrome, welcome to the great community of Steemit, I hope you have a great time here ...


Thank you.