The Essential Oil Geek Has Arrived! My First Post!

in introduceyourself •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hello Incredible Steem World! I'm SO FREAKING STOKED to be here. Everything about this place is amazing, masterminded by some really freaking smart people. Go them! Wait, who are they? There's still a lot I have to learn...

unnamed (2)

But anyways, back to ME! My name is Selysa, and I'm head over heals obsessed with essential oils. They can fix nearly any physical/mental/spiritual problem. Essential oils are extremely concentrated plant extracts. Some even say they are the soul of the plant. They have been used for thousands of years by cultures all around the world. I have seen miracles happen from these little bottles of herbal magic.

Sometimes when I fall asleep at night, I imagine myself as a tribal medicine woman healing the people.

So follow me @EssentialOilGeek if you want all of my tips and tricks about how to use essential oils to make your life awesome.

But before I go, I'm going to get really personal. This is my grandpa. I call him Tata. Last Sunday we celebrated his 70th birthday, and just a few weeks ago he and my grandma (I call her Nana), celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary!


If you look really closely at his face you can see that one side has less bags and wrinkles than the other.

Last summer my Tata and Nana were getting their swimming pool refurbished. My Tata was walking around the empty pool when he slipped off of the highest ledge and fell into the deepest section. He fell fifteen feet and landed on his shoulder, elbow, and face, and was knocked unconscious. He doesn't remember a thing.


We were worried sick for him, yet incredibly grateful that he even lived. The doctors put his shoulder back in place and operated on his elbow. There wasn't much they could do for the brain and face damage. After two weeks of hospitalization, he finally came home. He had a long road to recovery from deep bruising, broken bones, and brain damage.


This is when me and my sister Yesenia (pictured above in our very silly Christmas costumes) did tons of research. We knew essential oils could help, we just needed to find the right ones. We reached out to the incredible essential oil community and found recipes to mend bones, reduce inflammation, and improve cognitive function. We, the modern day medicine ladies, whooped him up some oil blends and told him to apply three times per day.

Two weeks later most of his bruising and inflammation was gone, and he went to see the doctor. The doctor looked at his chart, looked at my Tata, looked back to his chart and asked, "Wait, are you the elderly man who fell fifteen feet into an empty swimming pool?"

My Tata responded, "yes, doctor, that's me." The doctor hardly believed him because he looked so good!!!

Now here's why half of his face looks younger than the other half: we later discovered that the essential oils we gave him for recovery also happened to be anti-aging oils. He only applied them to the half of his face which broke, and not the other half! He did so three times a day for three months, and then stopped because he was completely healed, cognitive function and all. Take a look at the photo one more time to see the difference between the two sides of his face.


The [previously] broken side of his face is now the younger side of the face. Now me and all the vein people in the family be rubbing the essential oils on our faces like -

This whole account is dedicated to empowering YOU with natural solutions for daily life problems. I have another account @AcroButterfly, where I share the rest of my eclecticism, such as acrobatics, travel, and white water raft guiding!

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Welcome! gave you a follow!

Thanks so much! following back!

Wow, this is so cool! Thank you @welcomebot!

love to learn about essential oils, what they are , how to use them and what are their benefits.

Hey @pamfrench! Then you're in the right place! Are you on steemit chat?

not at moment , still learning how steemit works . But am looking to learn about natural healings as I get older I will probably need them more and not keen on using drugs.

You've gotta get on the steem chat! Its awesome. Just type into your url. Or you can always send me an email if you have specific concerns :) [email protected]

ok thank you , will look into chat.

Welcome, welcome, Selysa

My name is Nicholas Black

Welcome us all, both old and new to this place of sharing and treasure. Well, that's how it was explained to me anyway! welcome aboard and if you get a minute, take a look at my mostly ridiculous, sometimes informative posts.

I'd love to see us all grow together, so if you feel so inclined, FOLLOW NICK and my silly antics and I'll do the same. Teamwork makes the dream work (an old coach in those way-too-tight shorts always said that before slapping us on the butt...which I think constitutes assault these days, but whatever.)

Wow, how do you fist bump like that with out looking!?

It's like i'm a pro or something. Many hundreds of years of practice:)

Welcome to Steem @essentialoilgeek I have sent you a tip

Thanks for the tip!!! Appreciate it!

Your story is so touching, sorry for your grandpa's accident. Welcome to steemit dear friend @essentialoilgeek, I've met with good friends by searching 'introduceyourself' tag, i love newbies and delight in giving them a hand of friendship. Love from @maxdevalue, you have my up vote, and am sending some steem to your wallet right away, you'll do great here.

Wow you are so generous to send me steem! Its very nice to meet you, too!!!
Glad you liked my story. Many more essential oil tips to come! :)

Okay, together we can do great things.

Yes we can!!!

Welcome to steemit, we are glad to have you. My aunt is in raidiology and she is a big fanatic about essential oils to, but she does not understand the concept of this so i might be asking you soe questions for here through here....are you on steemit chat?

Yes let's get in touch! I am on steemit chat! Just sent you a message :D

Welcome to Steemit, @essentialoilgeek!

Hope you enjoy being here!

This message was written by my introduceyourself bot.

Thank you very much @moisesmcardona! That's amazing... you can make bots comment for you!


Welcome to Steemit!
I hope that you enjoy yourself here.
This is a great example of how EO's can work so well!
Thanks for sharing,

Hello and thanks for the warm welcome! I'm excited to be here :) Looking forward to reading your posts! You seem to be a rad cookie.

HEy GIrl HEy! I thought I saw your cute face :)


welcome! nice to meet you!

Thanks very much! Nice to meet you too!

Wow this is incredible!! Welcome to Steemit :) I too love essential oils and am in the process of creating a range myself!!!

I'd love to know what oils were used for your Tata :)

Thanks so much @viazenar! Are you on the steemit chat? Would love to connect with you xoxo

I'm not, but feel free to chat through comments here :) or you can follow me on @viazenar ! Looking forward to your future posts.

Yes I'm following you already!

Great post @essentialoilgeek and so glad your "Tata" is okay! I am stoked to learn about oils

Omg that GIF is amazing. I just sent you a message on the steemit chat!

Welcome to the community, Selysa! Glad to have you here! Follow me at

Thanks for the welcome! I'll check out your page :)