Always introduce yourself when meeting new people, heres mine

in introduceyourself •  2 years ago  (edited)


So as my username implies I am a freelance designer & developer or ‘code monkey’ as I endearingly refer to it, based out of the UK. Though I work on many platforms and bespoke builds I commonly use WordPress as a platform of choice for my clients. I believe that as a popular open-source CMS it offers an excellent introduction to active website development and management and teaches valuable transferable skills to its users. I often hear my clients tell me that they never updated their old site due to a lack of knowledge and support and found themselves tied into proprietary products which initially looked like a good deal but once committed becomes expensive to stay and more expensive to leave unless your prepared to just start over.

In my spare time I am also coaching a friend through his transition into web development and with his permission, I plan to share some of his learning experiences and his FAQ’s here in an attempt potentially help others who are going through the same process.

I am a crypto virgin, and if it wasn’t for my friend @rexthetech I doubt I would ever know more than the reported high and lows of the well known crypto coin prices and the occasional wrap around piece from the BBC. However, I like to think I am a tech guy so with a little push I was convinced to get involved being led to believe I don’t need much more than an opinion and a voice to dip my toe in the water. So here I am ready to get my feet wet, learn new skills and offer my own experiences to others in return.

In my downtime, I am an long time gamer who is painfully aware that now i am past 30 my reactions aren’t what they used to be and that unfortunately, experience holds little over the next generation who seemingly already have superhuman response time compared to mine.

Finally, I am also on the hunt for a new addition, of the four legged kind, to my family. I am planning to adopt a rescue dog as soon as I can find the right one, but I am sure I could write a book on the trials and tribulations of that particular task. So lookout for an article or two in due course.

For now though at least here in the UK it's a short working week with seemingly everyone preparing for a long celebration of Queen Lizzies Platinum Jubilee. So I too will raise a glass (or two) over the next few days in celebration and recognition of her amazing life in service of her Subjects, Country and Commonwealth.


Monkey image from unsplash, Queens Jubilee Emblem from Wikipedia

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Glad you made it to Steem mate!

You are welcome

Hello there friend. I'd like to be in contact with you. Do you happen to have telegram or discord id? Regards.