Hello there steemers! This is my introduction blog, I'm a Youtuber who have found my way to Steemit :)

in introduceyourself •  7 years ago  (edited)

Something really nice happened a few weeks ago, one of my music mixes got into the "related videos" on a very popular YouTube video, with over 1 million in views.
I got a nice energy boost from that! things are starting to go well for me on YouTube.

So maybe it's a good time for me to try to blog a little bit about how it is to run a YouTube channel, hopefully you will find it interesting :)

My YouTube channel is about 2.5 years old, with around 500,000 views and 2.6 million minutes in watch time, I'm focused on showing the world the best music that video games got to offer, old as new games.
Most of the videos I upload are music mixes that I make, with music from video games.

I started my YouTube journey pretty much out of nowhere, I just got a crazy idea to make a music mix, for my own use, but after I made my first music mix I thought, why not share it also :D

My start on YouTube was pretty slow, it's really hard to get views! I will talk more about that in detail later.

I have always enjoyed music, from a young age, growed up with 80's music and Nintendo 8 bit music (my first gaming consol), I started playing video games from the age of 4, like a maniac ^^ So old school 8 bit music like the the firt Mega Man, Castlevania and all the other ones are deeply rooted in me.

Here are those example soundtracks, if you remember them, or maybe just interested.

I'm not sure why, but I really enjoy all types of music, maybe that's why I like music from games so much, it feels like the video game composers are more free to do whatever they enjoy, or just want to experiment, compared to more mainstream music.

And with the still growing gaming market, music is starting to be a big thing in games, the gaming market have already surpassed and are now bigger than the movie industry, and many top music producers have also started to shift from making movie music to music for games.

And that's where I want to be a part of all this, the music in games is soo good, but a lot of people just don't know it yet!
So my goal is to help more people to find it out :)

Let's jump into my YouTube action, or let's say, "lack of action" as it was for me at the start.
It's really really hard to get views for a new channel! the funny thing is that my second video I made on my YouTube channel is now one of my very best videos, in number of views.
But the first 6 months that video got only 1800 views, after a long time, it started to gain more and more momentum, and now 2 years later while I'm writing this, that same video now have 55,997 views, and still going strong!

(here is the video I'm talking about, and below is the views over time for that video)

baldurs gate views graf klar 2.png

That is telling us that even if you make a video that is very good, it still takes a lot of time before you see the fruit of your work, when you are starting a new channel, for the majority of people.
And I still got lucky that I got those 1800 views at the start, most new channels struggle to get even the first 100 views in total, many videos can have 0 views or 2 views, after months of work on the channel.
It all depends on your viewtime for your very first views, if people check out your first videos from bad keyword combinations, even if your video is good, people will stop watching it fast, and you can lose months or a year of starting momentum, YouTube will rank your channel to shit :( if you are unlucky.

And that is telling a big thing, for everyone else here who have been, or are thinking about trying out YouTube.

Besides all the things that can go wrong, It's really really fun! haha. I have never had a better time than I have now, even when some of the videos that I put in over 100 hours of work into end up as one of my worst videos, and I feel stupid. It all makes up for it that my channel is overall going good, and I get to do something that I really enjoy! Both working with the music, and the sharing and feedback part, I also enjoy jumping down into the YouTube Analytics, to find better strategies or just soak in data, to think about.

I have recently started to share my videos on other platforms also, and of course here on Steemit! :)
and Steemit is also the only place that I will do this blogging on. The people here are great! and it does not hurt that steemit generate income also :D

Everything I earn goes into getting more time to do my music content. I really want to make a living of this one day, that would allow me to do what I love, non stop!

Let's end this blog with something uplifting, where my "energy boost" is comming from.
One of my videos have recently got into the "related videos" place on one very popular video with over 1 million views on YouTube. It's the first time for me that my video is attached to a big video like that, it's a big deal for me, that have pretty much made my entire channel to double in dayly views, indirectly.

Here is the popular video I'm talking about.

And as you can see here, my music mix is there high up in the related videos, it have been there for over two weeks now : )

related videos witcher 3 suite klar.jpg

Here is my Witcher 3 music mix that I'm talking about, if you are interested to check it out :D

As you can see here below, my Witcher 3 video have been gaining a lot of views because of this, and also my entire channel have been riding along with it. YouTube have also pushed my other videos at the same time, so my channel growth have got a expensional magnification because of this!

(This video)

witcher 3 total views klar.png

(My YouTube channel)

min kanal total views klar.png

I hope some of you have found this interesting, I'm not sure if I have been talking too much about views growth instead of other things like my mixing, video game music, or anything else. Views is not the only thing I care about, but that is one important part, it's the ground to everything for me, and higher views will hopefully allow me to do what I really like to do in my life : )

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Very interesting, welcome to steemit and for sure if you did great on Youtube you will do the same thing here. =)

@purepinay Thank you so much for the positive comment! :))

Means a lot to hear from someone who are already doing really great here! I think we all should be happy that we are here, I think steemit will continue to grow for a long time, It's a good place to be =)

You're welcome, it's my pleasure :)

welcome from another newbie ;)

Thank you @lopezdacruz

Congrats on the "related video"! That's awesome!

Thank you so much geke! :D

sometimes when I get a big upswing in views, it's only for the short time, but this one seem to stick around, I'm super happy about it : ) I'ts a new milestone for me to have a related video on a big hit like this one.

Much love from bit brigade, homie!

Thank you for the love! :)

Feel free to leave a comment, they are all appreciated! '(^⌣^)'

Thanks for passing by my page, i will check out your youtube page

Glad to hear that! I hope you will find something to your liking :)

Welcome to steemit. Do you think a Dtube channel is in the future for you? Just curious. Love the witcher mix

Thank you! @rusty.saw

Happy to hear that you love my witcher mix :)

It's only one thing that are stopping me from using dtube, I'm using others music when I'm doing my mixes, and if for some reason a gaming company or producer don't want me to have my video up, I can't remove it from dtube. if they can fix that, I will be happy to put my videos on dtube!

I think the future for me is to use as many places as possible, my goal is to show good gaming music to the world :D

That makes sense. Optimally it would work just like YouTube without the commercials. I’m sure we will get there.

I'm going to check it out soon :D

Thank you @dantekuro I'm happy to hear that! : )

Welcome to steamit

Great story man, and I'm glad things are starting to go well for you! Oh and thanks for the follow!

Baldours Gate....one of best games I ever played!

@cryptacto Baldurs Gate is the best!! I played Baldurs Gate 2 a lot with one of my friend many years a go, I think it's the greatest gaming time I have had.

Thank you for the kind words! :)

If you liked it, you have got to play Planescape Torment as well. It, with Fallout 2 and Baldurs Gate 2, are in my top 10 games of all time. When Black Isle got shut down, part of my heart got shut down with it...

Good recomendation! Planescape Torment is a really good game! and with great music too, just as Baldur's Gate.

It sucks that Black Isle got shut down, I enjoyed many games from them too : ), maybe I can try to repair your heart a little bit with a recommendation on a new game that is stepping up the game to be close to baldurs gate. Have you checked out Pillars of Eternity ? I enjoyed that game a lot!

Thanks for the comment @badbasic

PoE was good, but still it somehow lacked that little thing that made Planescape and BG some of the best ever. Or perhaps I was just an impressionable teenager back then, and games just seemed to have more meaning... Who can say, new RPGs just seem to be lacking that atmosphere.

It's so hard to compared stuffs that you enjoyed when you where young :) not really sure what's best, if the games like baldur's gate was better or the nostalgia :D

But I think the games like Planescape and BG are masterpeices, and better than the games now, thats my personal take on it, I guess I have to replay the old games to really know.

I'm stopping by! Congratulations! Well Deserved my Friend! Two thumbs up! I am beyond happy for you! Please keep in touch! Positive Energy! Great Karma! Blessed 2018! :)

Thank you so much! @extraterrestrial

I hope 2018 will be blessed for you too! :)

Very impressed , welcome to steemit i have given you an upvote and a follow hope you can swing by my page and view some of my posts I am fairly new to steemit myself , stay in touch would love to see more from you xx dee

Thanks a lot @deeviras

I will defently check out your page, and probably put in a few upvotes too :)
I hope you will like it here!

In that case you have a friend forever lol , I will also swing by and upvote for you too ! stay in touch :)

congratulations for that achievement of visits, it is not easy but with effort you achieved it. I liked your publication a lot, since we will know you a little more. I think you do a great job, your mix of The Witcher 3 is incredible, dragon age also has an incredible soundtrack, add it to your list my friend :).

Thank you @henryn2020 , I really appreciate your comment! :))

I love the music from dragon age, and the game too, but the music is just super!! I have actually already put in my list of future mixes, will be made in the future, I can garantee! :D

Also, I see that you have shared this post, and a few more earlier. Thank you so much!!

Good Post. Me too a newbie.

Wow! It's impressive how you have grown! Sometimes it takes a lot of time, but patience and persistence bring rewards.

Thank you! @eddiespino

Yep, that is how it is with many things, not just on Youtube, gotta belive in yourself and keep on moving forward, and if you struggle a bit before you get any rewards, the rewards will feel better :)

I'm gonna jump to your page and give you a few upvotes, thanks for the positive comment :D

Thank you @gamemusic! Keep up the good work!

Nice take on it bro still paying the game some justice

Wow I love the music of Baldur's Gate and Witcher.
Ah not just the music 😅 these two are the best games I've ever played

Very interesting, I didn't know there is so much around game music. Looking forward for more of your posts.

All the best. :)

Excellent! Love the life you live, live the life you love ;) Thousands of successes!

Thank you so much! @charlotte-trocel

"Love the life you live, live the life you love" wise words! :)

Good work, congrats!

congrats!! i wish you success @gamemusic

thanks for follow :) I wish you the best with your all plans, you rock! hugs 🤘🏼

Thank you so much for discovering your potential.
Am amaze by you. I'm also a new member to steemit community and i also need your support to grow because i wanna grow like you, thank you again and again.

Thanks a lot! @varrow

I'm gonna check out your page, and give a few upvotes to help you out a little bit :) I hope enjoy steemit!

There's a tune from the old Commodore 64 games that I always loved, but I can't find it online. It's not on any of the Ocean song mixes on YouTube, so it must have been one of the other popular companies. I'll keep an ear out in case you have it.

I love the music from Commodore 64! I have been thinking about making a music mix or a "best of" from the Commodore 64 games . I will probably do it, just a matter of time :)

I hope you find your favorite tune, and maybe I will use it too, if it's great and also fit well.

Thanks for the comment @penston :D

will be subscribing your channel :)

Happy to hear that, thank you! @laxmikadariya :)

Just found you because you followed me :D But sounds really interesting! Espacially the Charts of views :) I also love to hear game music and also epic movie sound tracks :)

I'm happy to hear that you like the charts, It's hard to know what people like to see and know, I sure like charts too hehe, so it's great that I'm not alone about that :D

It's quite a few here on steemit that likes game music, I was not sure about that when I started here :)

Good taste! : D and movie soundtracks is great too, it's actually no different to the music for many games these days, as many composers make music for both games and movies.

Thanks for the comment! @hugoxdd

hey there I found you too because you're following me. did youhear/read my stuff? would you like to resteemit it on your blog?

Hello Game Music Hallberg. I just found you by chance, as you follow me, now I follow you too. For years I love Epicmusic and my favorite is the launch trailer of Mass Effect 3. Through this I found Two Steps From Hell - Protectors of the Earth and since then I'm a big fan of TSFH. From most of these epic videogame songs, I get goose bumps. I'm really looking forward to reading from you and I'm curious what you bring us for songs. It's nice to have you here :)

Thank you so much for the sweet comment! @knusperkeks

I really like Two Steps From Hell also! and Protectors of the Earth is one of the best tracks from them.
I'm bringing a pretty mixed bag of songs on my channel, not sure that you will like everything but hopefully some games with epic music :)

Maybe one of these two mixes are something that you will like that I have been making.

Thank you for following :)

I've already listened to two on YouTube and think it's really good, the RimWorld and Child of Light Mix. Unfortunately, I have not had much more time yet, but that will come ;)

I'm happy you liked them! :D

RimWorld got a surprisingly great soundtrack for being a small indie game as it is. :)

I have always enjoyed music, from a young age, growed up with 80's music and Nintendo 8 bit music (my first gaming consol), I started playing video games from the age of 4, like a maniac ^^ So old school 8 bit music like the the firt Mega Man, Castlevania and all the other ones are deeply rooted in me.

I'm not sure why, but I really enjoy all types of music, maybe that's why I like music from games so much, it feels like the video game composers are more free to do whatever they enjoy, or just want to experiment, compared to more mainstream music.

Views is not the only thing I care about, but that is one important part, it's the ground to everything for me, and higher views will hopefully allow me to do what I really like to do in my life : )

Those are the interesting lines for me, reason being that it's a thing of pleasure, imagine when you are doing what gives you joy and still benefit much more than the joy itself. If I should say everything in short I'll just conclude that you are blessed, and for that I say a big Congratulations....... @gamemusic

Thank you so much for the very nice comment!! @johnmarkcic

I feel blessed that I have found something that I really enjoy doing, the only question is if I can keep doing what I'm doing, I sure hope so! :)

congratulations !, a million views its big, I'm starting a YouTube channel and I'm far from that number, I use soundcloud a long time but youtube is much better to promote, and well now steemit! haha

Thank you so much! @redhillrec

Good luck with your YouTube channel, if you know you content is good, just keep on making it, it's so hard at the beginning, just don't let your mood swing too much from it :)

Soundcloud is a good place, I'm also using it, I can recommend BitChute also! It won't take any extra time for you, if you sign up a account there, your youtube videos will automaticly get posted on your BitChute channel. It's a very new site, with new video sharing technology.

I just read this and i went to the website to open an account, Thanks for the Info!!
Following you!

Many congratulations keep moving forward!

Thank a lot! @jiwan21

Trying my best to do so : )


I agree! Gaming music is soooooo underrated! post more please! thanks! :)

Woww awesome thanks for sharing Grateful job

Hello, my dear Steemian.
It is a pleasure for me to be in Steemit. But It is much more pleasure to have you as my friend. I have been looking at in your Blog and I find all of your posts very much interesting.
I hope I get to know so more from you as you from me that we could have a strong friendship.
I am pretty new in Steemit, but I like to write and I have already posted a few things and I will keep posting as much as I can. I have posted a few things that you can see in my Blog whenever you wish.
I would like that you could do it in order to give me your opinion about them. There you will find my Biography, my photos, pictures of my place of birth and some other things.

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Welcome to Steemit.....

1.41% @pushup from @gamemusic

Super cool

good job bro..

Welcome. I wish you every success.

I like the witcher three. Nice music for the ear.

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Great post :)

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thanks for visiting and following.....upvoted! Yankee- Statman

Hey @gamemusic, congratulations on your 1 million views, that's FANTASTIC! I'm also gonna check you out on Youtube. Thanks for upvoting my posts, I've been having problems with my picture links, and I wasn't getting any votes or comments, so you're upvotes meant a lot. Thank you. Peace.

Hab mal reingehört. Bin dabei!

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Buenas, un gran saludo a gamemusic, Estaría muy agradecido con ustedes si pudiera contar con su voto en mi publicación se que le gustará, es una buena interpretación de una comiquita muy famosa, muchas gracias de antemano. Feliz noche. https://steemit.com/openmic/@jmcp20/steemit-openmic-week-67-cover-the-flintstone

Hi, really interesting read for me, since I´m publishing a lot of material on YT myself. The thing I do may differ from what you´re into, I´m kind of old school, really ancient, but i try to learn from everywhere. Best of luck, and big success to you.

Bro Thats awesome-will follow you

Hello there, @gamemusic very glad for you are one of Steemit big family, welcome, and want to see more your posts about gaming. Thanks for good job.

I am not sure but this blockchain site might be of interest to you and your music mixing. I love your mixes too.


Great introduction to yourself, how you began, and where you want to go with your personal interests/channel! Hope it continues to take off for you where ever you go! - Lost

thanks for the follow will work on upvoting all your content

This is wicked cool!!!!!! I play a couple of online games, mainly League of Legends, I'm not any good but I really enjoy it. This post inspired me to kind of show my play I guess. I downloaded a software streamers use. I'm still pretty conscious and insecure about it tho.

I really admire how you used Youtube as a platform, I don't think I'd have any guts. Thanks for sharing all the awesome things about you, See you around! Ciao xx


This is great! I get a high from video game music too. I'm really into chiptune. The nostalgia is real :D. Great post. I'll be sure to check out your videos. Thanks for the follow btw. Highly appreciated!


Wow! I'll suscribe to your YouTube channel, greetings from Venezuela, and Keep going!

super interesante maravilloso todo lo que puedes hacer

Great nice work

Oh man this is so good! Thank you! Followed!!

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Nice post @gamemusic

Nice post, follow back #vincentb @ take a look at my latest post when you get a chance, really appreciate the support :)

nice post

Holy Crap, love your work. Never really thought about game music before. I did here an interview once with a composer, who fell into the realm of creating game music a thousand years ago when games were just appearing on the landscape. He was standing on a corner with a sandwich board advertising and because of the t-shirt he was wearing was offered a job at the studio and because he was a musician offered to do the music for a game. Wish I could remember his name but he is quite famous in this industry. An amazing story.

Lovely video...that was awesome

Welcome friend! :) Nice pacman avatar! :D

love this post plesae upvote me

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Keep on STEEMING guys!!!


It’s good that you have a specific theme for your channel.

Welcome to Steemit!!!! I am glad I found you on my list. I am a 80's kid as well. I was planning on doing some youtube videos on Dad's parody and possibly gaming (PUBG-as it is popular right now) and I learned not long ago how harsh youtube can be for new content makers....nonetheless some of my favorite music also comes from video games. Maybe you can compose music that will appear in my future video game!

Hi, @gamemusic! I found you because you followed me. Nice to find someone that likes game music here on Steemit. I love game music too, mainly instrumentals. The games I like include Pokemon (still love the Gameboy music), Kirby (my first one was Kirby's Adventure for the NES), Mega Man (and all its subseries), and the Persona series (currently hooked on Persona 5).

Quite an inspiring story about your Youtube channel! I have a (very very very small) channel and know how hard it is to get views, though unlike yours, my channel isn't a priority for me, and I release something new (usually a game music cover) only once in a while. Since my visual impairment makes it hard for me to create videos, I was thinking of using an audio hosting site so that I can just upload the audio files without worrying about making videos. So, I'm considering to use DSound, but I have a similar concern as you (if I make a game music arrangement, even though the performance is mine, the music isn't), and I'm not sure if I should use DSound for that. Have you come to a decision about this issue?

Hi dude! I'm newbie too, but anyway welcome! xD. By the way, What a surprise!, I'm an old school 8 bit music fan... well fan, fan not, but I like so much game's soundtracks. I really like the old Ninja Gaiden 2. Did You playe it? It's AMAZING and its theme is too. Another one theme that I like is Robocop for NES, Batman for NES too. My Childhood was based very much in videogames, so I have very good feelings about that.
Well Cya buddy! I wish success on your YouTube Channel!

This post was very interesting to read, it seemed to me that I'm talking to you, not just reading. It's been just four months since I've started to run my youtube channel, as you said, getting to be noticed is a hard and tricky thing for beginners, but I'm enjoying what I do and don't care much about the amount of subscribers ) although it would be nice to help more people to learn the Russian language )
Thank you for genuine sharing! Enjoyed it a lot!
