Hello Everyone!

in introduceyourself •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hello everyone, my name is Guy, and I'm a long time blogger.

Aside from having blogged for many years, I take care of about 20 cats (2 of them indoor-outdoor cats, the rest live on our front yard). Have a small sample of some of them eating:


I live in Israel, in a small community with much green in the background, I work in QA/Technical Support while working on my long overdue Philosophy Masters degree. I am a voracious book reader, player of games of all sorts, anime-watcher, and more.

You can see several of my blogs here:

Geekorner-Geekulture, which had been out of duty for the past year and a half due to a long-term illness but is projected to return to activity this very week, dealing mostly in anime and geeky media and community critique. The focus is on high effort high level analysis. Quality over quantity.

Guy's Game Space, where I post insights on games. I've actually been lax in updating it with reviews/insights on games that I posted elsewhere, so it's mostly a repository for game design projects I've worked on, as a member of the Indie RPG/Story Game community. Table-top roleplaying games that focus on the creation of a narrative.

CSI Games has nothing to do with CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, but is instead an acronym standing for "Competitive, Story, Interactive Games." A blog focusing on creating and promoting competitive RPGs. While this blog isn't currently updated, it's still one of the biggest sources investigating this topic, which I'm quite proud of.

Hello all!

Edit: Oh yeah, what do I intend to blog about? This and that. I might give samples (that are still full content) of material I'll be posting on my other blogs, such as the upcoming anime season preview which will get posted in full on my own blog will get the top 5 shows here, some political stuff I have nowhere else to post, shorter posts, musings, and such.

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Welcome, hope you enjoy it.

I hope so too :)
And thanks! And if I don't like it, I'll blame you, since you invited me :P

There is a void of anime blogs worth reading. I hope you will help to fill that void.

Hello Mr. Mad Scientisto.

I hope that blogs like mine will be able to carve out a niche of quality English-written anime content here, because yeah, I took a look at the anime tag, and aside from Naruto-related listicles, the highest voted content is poetry that doesn't really have anything to do with anime...

By the by, had a time to just glance at some of your posts for now, and I'd really recommend splitting up the paragraphs that take an entire page into 2-3 paragraphs. It's both more correct, and would ease readability and flow.

Yes, I should probably break paragraphs for readability rather than just when I am changing topic.

On another note, @thatanimesnob may not be the most likable fellow but he is an anime reviewer I would recommend to follow on steemit. @medicinemerchant is good too.

I used to moderate /r/anime. I know Snob very well indeed. Sadly, he is not a good reviewer for a variety of reasons. Even if I did like him as a person, I would strongly recommend not holding him up as an example of stuff to do. I used to spend far too much time showing how wrong his posts are so innocent third parties wouldn't be taken in.

Also, a single article is often a single idea, so I'm not saying "Just cut paragraphs arbitrarily!" but usually when you reach such long paragraphs it means you're already conveying multiple ideas in that space, or should trim down some fat anyway.

Most of the criticisms of snob I have seen were about his personality. I am not asking you for specific of examples if that's too troublesome but in general could you give some of the reasons why Snob is not a good reviewer, so that I may not repeat them?

Start here. The comment section, that is. The way you approach people's tastes, and why shows are made, and so on and so forth isn't just an interpersonal question, but has stuff to do with actual media analysis and parsing.

Continue here, for an example of someone deconstructing Snob's "criticism."

Note that it's hard to find many of the places we took his "criticisms" apart because he tended to delete posts where he got downvoted a bunch, or where he was just proven outright wrong.

He judges shows very superficially, describing Kyousougiga as a comedy show, for instance, when it's an allegorical fairy tale drama, and not at all a comedy. He thinks "reviewing" a show is just listing all the places where the plot doesn't make sense, or doesn't add up, to him. Someone who said Sakurasou doesn't make sense because any actual teenager in the place of the MC would've raped Shiina...

The list goes on and on. And how you behave to people who like something or try to have a conversation with you also matters. Even at the start, when Snob's posts were better, he'd still never agree with any correction, even objectively correct ones, made to his posts. And that's part of who he is and how he approaches everything, including media. Everything must have a plot this shape, with themes of this sort, etc. And even then, he sometimes flip-flopped on his opinion when he couldn't gainsay a show was good.

I just joined Steemit and I really enjoy writing about anime as it brings me great joy in my boring life. Currently, I'm not sure how I should proceed given how poor the content is under the anime tag. Some bloggers like you two make the effort to put the time and effort in your posts, but a lot of them seem to be just interested in making a quick buck. Hopefully that attitude changes soon. Steemit is a great platform for writers and artists alike, and it would be a shame if new passionate authors are discouraged from the get go.

I'll keep an eye out for your content, show us what you've got!

As for the state of the tag, it's horrendous. This is what subreddits have moderators, and why not just allowing the easiest to consume content is a good thing.

What do I think can be done about it? Show by example. Make good content, and it'd hopefully attract other like-minded individuals. So long as there's no quality content, no quality content will be made.

And hopefully some other changes to the monetization structure are also in the works that might help with content that generates a lasting impression or that takes longer to consume fully.

Good luck, and welcome!

Welcome to the mess! I am a bit of a community leader of steemians in Israel, so it is my pleasure and honor to invite you to my little Facebook group for local steemians. Great place to meet some fellow bloggers. Some of them are actually good. :P

I also admin the whatsapp and a telegram, but I prefer the Facebook group, personally. Plan to have a Discord server up soon, too.

Also, any friend of @poet is a friend of mine. Have a big fat upvote and resteem (share) to give your into a bit more visibility. <3

Thanks! We've actually met and you got excited when Itai told you I blog, and when you said you blog for money I raised an eyebrow, heh.

Feel free to have Itai send me the link to the FB group, though I'd rather be on Discord as I don't really use FB for much other than a single free to play game.

And I do hope the fellow Israeli bloggers are good. I wouldn't want them to ask me for my opinion and having to be frank and saying it's not good ;-)

See? Should have listened to me then! :P

I'll ask Itai to ask connect us on hangouts till I set up that discord server for the Israelis. And he'll add you to the group.

I am much like you - I say it like it is. And offer tips for improvement. So feel free to ask me anything you want about steemit. You get extra attention, as a friend of my beloved.

Well, it's not that I didn't listen, but no more details were provided :P

Also, half the fun in new systems is figuring them out, though I've created an anime bloggers' contingent on a newsboiler site and have way too much karma on reddit, so I suspect I'll manage. But yes, I'll definitely come to you when I have questions on the trick of the trade, and yes, I'll accept all tips and advice.

And then I'll game the system and rule the world!

First of all NO GAMING THE SYSTEM. We're all here for quality content. We don't "game" the system, we make use of it. Why rule the world? Sounds like a lot of work. I prefer to just rule the bits I create in it.

"Game the system" has somewhat of a less bad connotation in the more gamey circles me and @poet frequent I guess. It's more, "I'll poke the system, and see how it pokes back."

And yeah, one of the reasons I stopped participating as much on reddit and the newsboiler sites is exactly because I wanted more discussion/community and less mercantile manipulation of the systems.

I sometimes bemoan on Twitter that I am sad I no longer have place for long-form quality discussion of anime. We'll see if this site will deliver. I'll have time tomorrow to ply its depth for fellow anime lovers.

Look in the anime tag trending posts. Good place to start.

A big welcome to you @geekorner , Am glad to have you here on steemit. Wow, when I read you were a life blogger, I could not wait to read your stuff. Hope the cats don't scratch. 😀😀. I can't wait to see all the lovely stuffs you'll be writing on here. You welcome.

I just resteemed, followed and upvoted your post also,so that more people will see this post and support it too.

Please I need a favor. am in a design competition now, here is my design

and I'll really need your help. All you need do is to go to this link


And then check the comment section for the logo above, and then upvote the logo. My user name is @lucyc.

If you are good at designing logos, you can join the contest also. Thanks so much for your help.

Hello Lucy!

One of the cat scratches, waiting in the wings as I pour them kibble, too. So I shoo her away before feeding them. The rest don't really do so, just rarely, and often by accident.

And thanks! You can check some of my prior content on one of the linked sites as well :)

Welcome to Steemit, Guy. Wow! Now that is a lot of cats that you have got there. That was a great information about what you used to blog and will blog here. Keep it up. Have fun Steeming.

Thanks! Here's to hoping Steeming goes well.

I might at some point make a series of post introducing the cat horde members, heh.

You are welcome. You will do fine and you will love this community as much as I do. Sure, do let me know if you start the series, I would love to read it.

Will do :)

Man that's a lot of cats, do they ever argue?

Some do, most don't.

You see the cat looking straight at the camera, grey and white, center frame? She used to smack all the other cats about, especially after we neutered her. She still sometimes leaps at them or swats them, but it's gotten better and she calms down after an instant.

Some of the uncastrated males do fight, but we try to castrate the regulars. But yeah, not a lot of fighting going on, thankfully.

Meows :)

Hi,friend. Welcome to Steemit. It's great to have you here. I wish you good luck as you blog in our community. @greatness96

Thanks George :)

Hello to another new comer. That is a lot of four legged friends to take care of!

Hello debism, and I see you too are a cat lover!

And yeah, we tried to only feed the regulars, and shoo away all the rest, but after a while, we just couldn't keep up with it, tand the numbers have been growing...

Get rid of the cats and put dogs instead and it will be a perfect Introduceyourself post.

I am this close to flagging that comment!!!

LOL, it was a joke, if it wasn't obvious.

Cats are serious business! :P

Thanks, but I actually don't like dogs... :o

Never heard of anyone who doesn't like dogs. well, there's a first time for everything.
GL here :)

Well, I'm fine with dog photos, and dogs far away, but I've got a phobia of dogs since I've been 5... and thanks :)

I'm not sure if it's a chicken or egg kind of situation, but dogs don't like me, so I don't like dogs.

I will gladly read your blog about games) cuz I like it too

Love the cat deal..

Petting them on sunny days is a real source of pleasure and comfort, I gotta say. Though some try to kill you now and then by running between your feet as you try to walk out of the door :o